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First Fill

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So hubby and I drove to Olympia Washington today to get our first fills. We got there in time and found the doors locked. We were both very concerned, since we drive about 2 hours to get there. We waited in the parking lot about 20 minutes and then we saw a dr pull up and found that they were throwing a party for one of their doctors. Thank goodness, they opened up.

They were very friendly, they explained everything well. I was kinda disappointed that we could not watch eachother get our fills. The room was very small so we had to go one at a time. I got 1.6 cc and hubby got 2.6 cc. I felt the tightness right away but when we got home it was gone. She said liquids for 48 hours. On the way home it was tight and I was worried that I would have to turn around because of how I felt. I am glad it settled down. Soup seems to be no problem. They want me to chop up my pills tonight, I am not sure I am going to do that, I hate it. They taste terrible. I dont think we are going to drive there for the next fill. I am going to check on that person who comes to Portland, I just dont have the time to drive there. I just wanted to see the band under flouro the first time to make sure it was ok and it was. Thank goodness. All and all it was a good experience, it didn't hurt at all, it just felt kinda weird.

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congrats to you and hubby on your first fill! I agree the first time we always like to see it under Fluro... after that it's like.. OH.. that's it?!?! OK.. well now I can go locally. :) Here's to some restriction but remember if it doesn't happen now it WILL happen. See you tomorrow.

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I wonder if by Monday I dont have any restriction, should I call them back and get another fill. They told me to call them if that happens but I really dont want to drive down there again. how long do you wait to get the second fill?

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