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Portland Area Get together

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For all those that came, thank you. For those who could not. We will see you next time. It was wonderful to see you all and I had a great time. It is so great to hear about everyones success. A total inspiration. I hope everyone had a good time. I was glad to put the faces with the names and to see how wonderful everyone was. I hope we can do it again. Unfortunately, I was not able to go out with the girls but I look forward to the post of how the rest of the evening went. (all those wild women out on the town) HA. We gotta hear how that went. My son even had a good time. Thanks for everyone dealing with that, I couldnt find childcare. Thanks again for coming to the restraurant. It was a great time. Thanks again to Julie for starting the whole thing. Hope to hear from you all soon.

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Stormy---It was great meeting you! I am relaxing in my hotel room this evening and will be going out with Pammie tonight to some Drag Queen Show, should be fun!!!!


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Hi guys, I had a great time as well, I am in my hotel room resting before my big night out with lisa, mindy and julie.. I feel very honered to have meet all of you. You are all wonderful beautiful people. LETS DO THIS AGAIN. FUN FUN FUN :P:P:P Stormy, please thank your sister for us, the food was very good. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

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Guest CaraMBA09
Hi guys, I had a great time as well, I am in my hotel room resting before my big night out with lisa, mindy and julie.. I feel very honered to have meet all of you. You are all wonderful beautiful people. LETS DO THIS AGAIN. FUN FUN FUN :P:P:P Stormy, please thank your sister for us, the food was very good. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

I had a wonderful time! I got to witness LisaL and YoYo pulling size 8's and 6's off the rack and putting them on like they were POURED on them at Macy's. You ladies are HOT, HOT, HOT....Nipple shields and all (dont ask). Such inspiration! LOL

I am so completely happy to say I have new "sister" friends to share my life with

Julie and Stormy - thank you so much for coordinating this. The food was very good and for a newbie bandster, easy to go down. Your son is a doll and you really should not worry so much, he is very sweet like his mother.

Julie - YOU are even nicer than what I expected...DONT let the turkeys at work get you down...it isnt Satan, it is a bunch of assholes you need to avoid my sister girl...

Mindy - for crying out loud girl..I missed you...hope YoYo got the capris to you.

Pammie - I have hope I can eat french fries and drink beer again...LOL

Donna...be safe driving home and stick with it, you can do it.

Gwenda - you were so nice to meet

and to the two gals who showed up who are not always on the blog. You were a treat to talk to! I hope you keep in touch.

I had a great time...a great train ride and cemented some great friendships, thank you!

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I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to all who attended and to those who wish they could have attended and couldn't!! For those of you who came a long distance a special thank you for taking the time away from your busy schedules, I hope it was worth it , I think it was.

This was a true banded bonding experience for sure. What a joy to meet all the people behind the words and faces I have become to know as family. Each one of you left a piece of your experiences with me that will only help me along the way. This experience cemented the fact that yes we all have so much in common and need to take the time to share it whenever possible.

I ended up not going out dancing, much to my surprise I took a nap and woke up late. Perhaps it was those 2 bloody mary's??? I hope you had a great time as I am sure you did but sorry I missed it.

So once again my banded friends I love you all and can't wait to meet more of you in person!!

Always here


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Pammie and I went out last evening and saw a show called Darcelle XV......it was a "drag queen" revue and it was a total hoot!!! We were seated in the very front row and were able to look up the "ladies" dresses........my only question is....."where do they put their package??????" This was my very first time at something like this and I want to go back and do it again, I laughed all evening. Thanks Pammie for the great experience and it was so nice to meet your hubby and brother, also you have to send me some of your pictures of the girls! Well, I am ready to check out of my hotel and go and do some shopping on the way home. I had such a nice, RELAXING, weekend....Thank you all and I can't wait to meet again.


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Wow that is so incredible. I am so happy that everyone had a good time. My husband cracked me up, he said that all the talk about boob jobs was very interesting. HA! I can't wait to get mine. HA. Love all you guys. Look forward to the next time we all meet. Thanks again for coming to my sister restraunt. So where are all the photos???? I can't wait to see them, just wish I was thinner in there. I am so inspired now that I have seen all the loss the people have, how wonderful! Hey Cara -Pirate girl, guess what I ate breakfast this morning and could only eat 1/2 of what I used too, thank goodness. Thanks for all the goodies, I will go to store and get more for sure!

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Awwright... we want to see pics ladies....

With one exception... I do NOT want to see pics of the show Don was describing. How could they hide their package?? Ewwww. I don't WANT to know any more. :D

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Awwright... we want to see pics ladies....

With one exception... I do NOT want to see pics of the show Don was describing. How could they hide their package?? Ewwww. I don't WANT to know any more. :D

Will you actually came up in conversation at the get together....we've missed you. Knew you'd have to comment on this one...

Glad to see you are still here.

And Yoyo took alot of pics, as were others. Look for them soon I hope

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I came up in your conversation??? I'm honored : )

I know.. it was in the "goofiest poster" discussion.... : )

It's great that all of you had a fantastic time :D

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I will post pictures as soon as I figure out how :huh:

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Portland was sooo much fun!

First a train ride with Cara, (did you know she use to model and has won contest for being beautiful and sexy) She’s beautiful, smart, fun – witty and honest with her feedback.

Then Linda picked us up at the train station in Portland. She’s sexy and beautiful, with a sparkle and sweetness that just shines from within her. She truly cares about everyone and watches out for all of us.

We then headed out to the luncheon; we met Stormy and her family. Her son is a beautiful blonde little boy who loves to have his picture taken. He was really good at the gathering. And Charlie is awesome, he has a sparkle in his eyes and a great smile, (I think he had fun by the looks of it). Stormy is very pretty and watches everything that happens to make sure we were all having a good time – Thank you so much Stormy!! You and your sister really made this a special event! Julie is sweet in real life as she is online, (but I think she has a little partier girl inside of her trying to get out) One of these days I’m going to help her with that….. Pammie….. What can you say about Pammie, when you look up fun in the dictionary there’s a picture of here right next to the definition. She’s a riot!! (Her brother and husband are cute, her brother is a jockey and you can tell he’s as much trouble as Pammie is)! Donna is sweet and caring, crissicles is beautiful and to all those I missed, thank you so much for your company it was soo much fun.

As for later in the night…. What happens in Portland stays in Portland. Though I will mention that we went to the mall, (bought some things at Fredericks of Hollywood). Met up with Mindy, who is awesome, sweet, smart and I’m telling you that girl has the best legs! We then went to a bar and hung out with the red hat ladies, they are friggen party animals!! (I do think that one lady with the rhinestone dress should buy the rhinestone nipple covers from Fredericks, it would go so well with her outfit) I thought we were bad!! We listen to the red hat lady song. Then Linda made up a lap band lady song. I think it went… We use to be fatty,,, fatty,,, fatty, then we got bandy,,, bandy,,, bandy,,, now we are sexy,,, sexy,,, sexy… Something like that – (Linda correct me if I’m wrong). We dance, drank just a little and had a great time hanging out!

Cara and Linda a special thanks goes to both of you girls from me, you are so special and thank you for taking such good care of me!

Can’t wait to do it again!

Thanks so much it was great meeting you all!

Luv ya!


(Oh and simply put, nipple shields are so you can go braless, but you don't have headlights.....) What will they think of next!!

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Guest CaraMBA09

I talked to Lisa yesterday and we are going to plan a get together back in Portland in December to go to a nice dinner and hit Darcelles as a group.

We will stay at a hotel downtown to stay close to everything.

Spouses and significant others are welcome!

I will begin to coordinate after Thanksgiving and post.

GREAT pics Pammie! It was a great day

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it figures.. she put in the "package" shot just for Don...

the pics of the bandsters look awesome!! Please identify a few in the group photo. I picked out about half of the group.

I liked the smiles, too... except there were one or two subtle grins, that leads me to believe something DID happen in Portland that stayed in Portland......

Awesome pics!


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I am so jealous! Looks like you all had such a great time!

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Oh my, that shirt I wore made me look pregnant. HA! I can't wait to get this weight off so I can look as great as you ladies did. Your my heros!!! Only time will tell. So there is another get together coming?

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