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What am I doing wrong?

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I love to read all your success stories. They are powerful and motivating and honestly without them I would worse off. I just feel so frustrated. I was banded on July 2nd, 2008. At the time of surgery I weighted 233. I am now 221....four months post surgery and only down 12 lbs...so pathetic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have 3cc in my 4cc band. I do have restriction. I only eat about 1 cup of food or less. I know which food pass easily and stay away from those (mashed potatoes with gravy etc.) I started an exercise routine, which I had not been doing prior to the band. I started it in October. I journal my food intake, and follow the guidelines about what order to eat my food. I drink my water (difficult task for me as I am not a water drinker...but I do it anyway), and this last week increased my cardio exercise from 20 minutes four times a week to 40 minutes 5 times a week and started to include resistance training with weights (low weight with increased reps.). I am stinkin pissed that the fat is holding on. I eat less, exercise more, it seems so remedial....so what am I missing? I do not drink with my meals, this is a habit that was not hard for me to get into. Has anyone else gone through this? What is wrong with me? Please help. To make it easier here is what I am doing.

1) Journal my food intake daily.

2) Drink 48-60 ounces of water daily.

3) I'm too tight in the morning for breakfast so I have coffee. I eat lunch and dinner and rarely I'll have a snack if needed.

4) Mon-Friday exercise 40 min on the elliptical. Then I do three rounds around the weight circuit. 15 reps 3 times.

5) I am not drinking with my meals. I am not hungry in between meals either.

6) I do have restriction. I eat 1 cup or a little less depending on my meal at eat sitting.

Any ideas what is going on? I could really use all your help.



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Will you share a couple of days of your food journal? That will help give us some perspective.

Have you lost any clothing sizes? I've gone up and down the same few pounds for weeks now, but I've dropped a size and people who don't know I have the band are asking me if I've lost weight. Sometimes the scales don't give a true picture.

Are you getting plenty of fiber? Between 25 and 30g per day? (doesn't matter if you are "regular", you still need every one of those grams of fiber)

Is it possible there are some "hidden fat/calories" in what you are consuming every day? Are you having fruit juice, protein shakes, regular milk, sugar free pudding, cheese? How about condiments? Many people forget to count them. Ketchup, mayo, salad dressing, salsa, butter or margarine (they both have the same calories!) ? Fruit? Bananas are very high in sugar.

Sometimes those darn calories sneak in where we aren't looking for them!

From what you've said you're doing everything right. I know it's frustrating now, but hang in there. It is worth having the band and your changes will show sooner or later. Hopefully sooner!


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I am sorry you feel you are struggling, but you are doing everything right..however you may need more protein in your diet.

Have a protein shake and coffeee for breakfast. Salad with chicken, turkey or ham for lunch. 3 oz steak or porkchop with veggies and rice for dinner. You need to eat more and include as much protein as you can, that's will promote the weight loss.

Like Jena said, gives us a sample of you daily intake and we can help you tweek it!!

Good luck!!

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An answer to Jena question, here is todays food journal.

7am) 45 minutes on the elliptical.

9am) 20 fl. oz. water & Cup of coffee. I am really tight in the morning and its difficult to get anything down food wise.

1010) snickers mini (35 cal)

1230) leftover pot roast. I got some strange looks today. I brought in my measuring cup and served myself as appropriate. My friends were supportive, and got a good chuckle. With the left over pot roast I also had some carrots, celery, and onion.

1310) snicker mini (35cal). I don't like that I give in, but I am honest and I count it up.

1445) 20 fl. oz. water.

1545) The last cup of pot roast leftover.

Thanks Jena for helping me trouble shoot this. I just feel like I am spinning my wheels. Maybe my prospective is wrong, but I thought --no one scream at me for this now-- well it just seems like other are loosing the weight without working out 5 days a week. I know we are all different, I was just hoping NOT to be an exception to the rule.

Thanks, Dianna

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An answer to Jena question, here is todays food journal.

How frustrating when it feels like you are doing everything right!

Dianna, though I am a humble newbie, it looks like you don't have enough protein or fiber. One ounce of meat has 7 grams of protein, so assuming you are shooting for 60-70 grams of protein a day, you are missing that by a lot. If you could add in a protein shot or protein shake to your morning routine, it would help you hit target.

Also, the fiber would be coming from your veggies, but your portions are small, so you probably could use a boost. Benefiber powder comes pretty recommended, and might help your body flush things out (no pun intended.)

Good luck - I have my fingers crossed for you.

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Yes, Dap is right. I am noticing you are not having enough protein intake. Also, I don't have the same kind of meats twice a day. I mixed mine so I would have chicken for lunch and meat at dinner, and do vice versa the next day. Also, veggies are an important role for our rotor rooter problem and if you are not taking enough fiber, either do the Benefiber powder or the chewable tablet OR switch off with the new chewable Fiber Choice. This would help tremendously.

Instead of having two sweets the same...try nuts, or beef jerky. Also, interchange with one of those 100 calories snacks that are awesome.

Sometimes, changing your food menu may help you to 'kick' it in. Also, have a protein shake in the morning or mix a protein bullet in your water. If you can't do it all at once, then do half in the morning and half at afternoon.

Hope this helps alittle...I am sure more seasonal bandsters will add their suggestions too - G'luck!

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An answer to Jena question, here is todays food journal.

7am) 45 minutes on the elliptical.

9am) 20 fl. oz. water & Cup of coffee. I am really tight in the morning and its difficult to get anything down food wise.

1010) snickers mini (35 cal)

1230) leftover pot roast. I got some strange looks today. I brought in my measuring cup and served myself as appropriate. My friends were supportive, and got a good chuckle. With the left over pot roast I also had some carrots, celery, and onion.

1310) snicker mini (35cal). I don't like that I give in, but I am honest and I count it up.

1445) 20 fl. oz. water.

1545) The last cup of pot roast leftover.

Thanks Jena for helping me trouble shoot this. I just feel like I am spinning my wheels. Maybe my prospective is wrong, but I thought --no one scream at me for this now-- well it just seems like other are loosing the weight without working out 5 days a week. I know we are all different, I was just hoping NOT to be an exception to the rule.

Thanks, Dianna

Hi Dianna,

You need more food, plain and simple, you are not getting enough and your body will not let the pounds go until you do.

Breakfast-Endure or Slimfast shake/Coffee and water after one hour

Lunch-left over meat, veggies

Snack-bran bar, unsweetened pudding, apple slices...try to avoid refined sugars in your snickers...although they are only 35 calories..it's pure sugar which converts directly to fat.

Dinner-protein, veggies, rice or potato

Snack-fruit, nuts, cheese

Try this and see what happens..you are doing great with your exercise and water, but baby you need to eat more!!!

Good Luck!!!

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I took a nutrition class in preparation for my band, and the way I understand it is that you want to drop your caloric intake without sending your body into starvation mode (metabolism slows to a crawl in order for the body to preserve itself.)

You have to get enough protein because our bodies burn carbohydrates first, then proteins including your muscles, and finally fats. You need to give the body plenty of protein to enable it to burn the stored fats instead of your muscle tissue (which causes the dreaded metabolic drop.) Lost muscle mass means lower metabolism, and slower weight loss.

Protein keeps the body operating, it helps with cellular repair and growth (to help against sagging skin,) and bonus - it keeps us feeling fuller, longer.

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I took a nutrition class in preparation for my band, and the way I understand it is that you want to drop your caloric intake without sending your body into starvation mode (metabolism slows to a crawl in order for the body to preserve itself.)

You have to get enough protein because our bodies burn carbohydrates first, then proteins including your muscles, and finally fats. You need to give the body plenty of protein to enable it to burn the stored fats instead of your muscle tissue (which causes the dreaded metabolic drop.) Lost muscle mass means lower metabolism, and slower weight loss.

Protein keeps the body operating, it helps with cellular repair and growth (to help against sagging skin,) and bonus - it keeps us feeling fuller, longer.

EXCELLENT POST! Thanks for that!


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Its true about the protien..especially when you are doing cardio. You don't want to burn muscle you want to burn fat. Protien is needed for muscle gain and rebuilding. Try to eat anywhere between 1200-1500 calories a day. You may want to stay around the 1400 to 15oo range when working out. as someone said earlier your body will begin to think its starving and everything slows down. You may want to alow yourself a "cheat" day and that doesn't mean you should eat garbage all day but a high calorie day "tricks" your body. You also want to change up your exercise routine. Your body is amazing and it adjusts to a familiar routine. Every two weeks change up your cardio and weight routine. A journal that calculates your calories fat and protien may benefit you. I use an online journal and i plan my meals using it the day before. By looking at your daily log you definetely didn't have enough protien and the protien you had wasn't the best. Pot roast is fatty cut of meat. You want to try and eat leaner meat. I think you may want to try a protien shake for one of your meals i find it to be the easiest way to get the right amount of protien. There are many powdered protiens out there. I have a zero carb Isopure protien that i use at night so not to have extra carbs laying around unused that will turn to fat. I see you like choclate and this happens to be one of my biggest downfalls. I use Muscl Milk ligt Chocolate protien with a bananna and a tbls of peanut butter in the morning. This shake is about 400 calories while the other is about 300 calories. In each shake a put two spoons of benefiber. The chocolate one usually fills me most of the day until about 1. I hope this helps good Luck.

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Hi everyone,

I'm on day 15 after the surgery and very frustrated. The first week was great and I lost 10 lbs. On the second week I gained 0.2 lbs.

What am I doing wrong? Any suggestions?

I haven't started my protein shakes yet. I will start today.

Thank you.

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Your weight lose will slow down. remember your body has begun to think its not getting enough food therefore it will begin to store any calories it can. I would guess once you begin the shakes you'll be getting more calories and begin to see another couple of pounds come off. Don't be discouraged when was the last time you lost 10 pounds in two weeks? I lost 15 during my three weeks post op. I think thats average so your doing fine.

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Exactly what happened to me. Lost quite a bit week one and then nothing week 2. Don't worry, it will kick up again for week three and then once you go on solids it will stop again. Nice to look forward to huh! :D

Your weight lose will slow down. remember your body has begun to think its not getting enough food therefore it will begin to store any calories it can. I would guess once you begin the shakes you'll be getting more calories and begin to see another couple of pounds come off. Don't be discouraged when was the last time you lost 10 pounds in two weeks? I lost 15 during my three weeks post op. I think thats average so your doing fine.
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