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Going back for a 2nd surgery to fix a puncture

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First of all - long time no see guys! I've been so bummed that I haven't been on this forum in forever, but I'm glad to be back. Big thanks to Allcdngrl and Luvmyboys for checking in on my during my hiatus - you guys are the best.

Basically, you guys may (or may not) remember that I had surgery May 15th at the OCC and it went amazingly well. On July 31st I went for my first fill here in the states and had a terrible, terrible, horrible experience with the fill doctor. He poked me 9 times and the torture session lasted just over an hour - he kept "slipping off" my port and stabbing me in the stomach muscles down deep. It hurt so badly that I was literally just shaking all over and couldn't control myself.

Well, to make a long story short, after 2 more visits to the Fill Center USA center in Austin TX where I had fills under flouroscopy, it became obvious that my band was not holding any fill and that I had a leak. Thus, I have had to schedule a surgery for November 24th (the Monday before Thanksgiving) to find out exactly what is wrong and how to fix it.

If it is just the port that has been damaged, it will be removed and replaced. If it is the actual tubing that has been damaged, the whole band will have to be removed, I will have to keep it out for 9 months, and then go back to have it replaced. Yeah...so I'm hoping for it to just be the port. (Rene said 99% of the time it is just the port, so we'll see...)

Anyway - that's what's going on with me. As you can imagine, I am beyond bummed about this. Has anyone else experienced this? If you can learn one thing from my experience it is this - go to a Fill Centers USA provider. IMHO, you are gambling with your band if you go to a doctor somewhere that does the fills. I honestly feel like my first fill doctor was a quack. He tried to tell me it was my fault that he was stabbing me because I had too much adipose tissue (which just means fat) under my skin. I'm like OF COURSE I have adipose tissue - who gets banded that doesn't!!

The point is, learn from me: be careful who you let do your fills!!

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Wow, you've been through so much! I was so sorry to read this post. I really hope it's just the port and it saves you nine months of grief. Nine times is about eight times too many. My doctor hits it first time every time -- well, I've only been twice so I'm fill lite but even so. Good luck and we're so glad you are back! Please let us know how it goes.


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Thanks on the update, I to have had a real bad expirience with my doctor poking me 4 times on the first fill and 2 time on this last one. So I think that Im going to go back to the OCC if I ever need another fill. It was a much better expirience when Dr. So did it at the OCC. Hope everything turns out for the best for you.

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Omg! I am going for a fill this Saturday! I wish I would have read this after.

I'm going to Dr H. Billy. He's supposed to be real good.

I'm so sorry that you had this happen to you. I hope & pray that it is just your

port, and not your band. I would hate to have to wait 9 months to get another one.

Good luck and let us know how you are.


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Ohhh that is really unfortunate! I am so sorry you had to go through that. Thinking happy thoughts that it is just the port! Keep us up to date!

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Boy oh boy Amber, do I remember your story...I was horrified by it, it was just before my first fill! I truely feel bad that you are going through this ordeal! I pray that you will need to have only your port replaced and will not have to go the long wait for another band and the 21 phase that goes with it.

I know that Dr Ortiz will take of you either way and I hope that the forum will offer you some comfort knowing that we care about you. Be brave girlfriend, do what needs to be done, becasue a working band is worth multiple times it's weight in gold.

hugs, Barb

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That is horrible. I am so sorry. I wonder why they make you leave it out for so long. That is awful. I am going to pray it is that port and nothing else.

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Guest CaraMBA09
First of all - long time no see guys! I've been so bummed that I haven't been on this forum in forever, but I'm glad to be back. Big thanks to Allcdngrl and Luvmyboys for checking in on my during my hiatus - you guys are the best.

Basically, you guys may (or may not) remember that I had surgery May 15th at the OCC and it went amazingly well. On July 31st I went for my first fill here in the states and had a terrible, terrible, horrible experience with the fill doctor. He poked me 9 times and the torture session lasted just over an hour - he kept "slipping off" my port and stabbing me in the stomach muscles down deep. It hurt so badly that I was literally just shaking all over and couldn't control myself.

Well, to make a long story short, after 2 more visits to the Fill Center USA center in Austin TX where I had fills under flouroscopy, it became obvious that my band was not holding any fill and that I had a leak. Thus, I have had to schedule a surgery for November 24th (the Monday before Thanksgiving) to find out exactly what is wrong and how to fix it.

If it is just the port that has been damaged, it will be removed and replaced. If it is the actual tubing that has been damaged, the whole band will have to be removed, I will have to keep it out for 9 months, and then go back to have it replaced. Yeah...so I'm hoping for it to just be the port. (Rene said 99% of the time it is just the port, so we'll see...)

Anyway - that's what's going on with me. As you can imagine, I am beyond bummed about this. Has anyone else experienced this? If you can learn one thing from my experience it is this - go to a Fill Centers USA provider. IMHO, you are gambling with your band if you go to a doctor somewhere that does the fills. I honestly feel like my first fill doctor was a quack. He tried to tell me it was my fault that he was stabbing me because I had too much adipose tissue (which just means fat) under my skin. I'm like OF COURSE I have adipose tissue - who gets banded that doesn't!!

The point is, learn from me: be careful who you let do your fills!!


I remember reading your story a few months ago and feeling very sick about it. I am so sorry you have to go through this, my gut instinct is the first doctor screwed something up or punctured something.

I will have my fingers crossed for you that it is something simple to fix...like the port or tubing! think positive!

oodles, C

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You really seem to have a good attitude about this! Don't know if I would be as good as you are being. Best of luck when you head back down to the OCC.

You should consider posting the name of the doctor that botched your first fill and his location so others are sure not to visit that quack!!

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Guys thanks so much for the support and positive thoughts and prayers. I just wanted to let everyone know that a few months back I did post the name and location of the doctor who put me through this experience. That information, along with my original story, can be found here: http://www.lapbandforum.com/index.php?showtopic=7808

If this information helps even one person avoid the same issues I'm having right now, I will be so glad.

Thanks again to you all, and will I be seeing any of you at the OCC on November 24th?

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Omg! I am going for a fill this Saturday! I wish I would have read this after.

I'm going to Dr H. Billy. He's supposed to be real good.

I'm so sorry that you had this happen to you. I hope & pray that it is just your

port, and not your band. I would hate to have to wait 9 months to get another one.

Good luck and let us know how you are.



I went to Dr. Billy's seminar when I was researching the band and was very impressed and would have had him do my surgery except for the cost, which at that time (back in May of this year) was around $18K. If it's the same doctor, he's in Thousand Oaks, CA right? Anyway, if it's the same doc how much does he charge for a fill with flouro and how does he react/feel about have a patient that had surgery in Mexico?



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Hellooooo Amber...

Welcome back!!! We truly missed you!!!!

What a mess!!! You have been through so much and you were the reason that I felt comfortable getting the band. You had done SO much research and you were so fun and happy and had so much knowledge about the band and the OCC that you made me feel so much better the day of our surgery. I was seriously SO scared and you made it all better for me. So, what I am really saying, is that THIS SUCKS FOR YOU!!!! You were so pumped and you just KNEW this band was going to work for you and you were going to start a whole new life with it.

Well, hopefully this will all be over soon and you can move forward with your band repair. So a little setback and you are on your way to a new you. Why did you have to be the small % that has a problem??? I am SO sorry and hope it all gets better soon. Do they just go in laproscopically and check to see if the port is damaged and then hurry and replace it??? Do you know what the cost is going to be? Sorry I am so nosey I am just curious what is going to happen to you. So, you are pretty dang sure that the quacky fill doc is the cause of all of this??? That is so lame!!! Have you spoken to them about the damage??? How frustrating!!!

Well, good luck and definitely keep us posted on your progress. Sorry again that this had to happen to you.

My husband and I talk about you all the time, how you made the surgery and experience so much fun and you and your mom are such nice people and very fun to get to know. Your mom is probably livid!!! She was so happy and supportive of you and had so much knowledge of the band as well.

Hang in there sweetie!!! We are all pulling for you!!!


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest CaraMBA09
OMG Amber! Welcome back to the forum!

I can't believe that stupid doctor! I hope he pays for all of this!

There's is no excuse for the way he treated you and your band.

Is there a plan to mail this damaged port/tubing to the doctor and ask that he pay for the replacement?

Hang in there girlie! Let us know what the outcome is!

Im crossing my fingers for you that it doesn't have to be removed. :(

Keep in touch!


Amber, let us know how you are doing. I think you had your surgery on wednesday and might still be at OCC.


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