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emergency to OCC

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I had an emergency with my band that I thought would never happen to me. :o I got really sick with a bad cold and after my cold was over I noticed that I felt more and more restriction as the days went by. Finally on Thrusday I called the OCC because I could even keep water down. I was told to go in immidetly so I did. Dr.So waited for me until I arrived at 8 p.m. at night. He is wonderful!!! He removed all my liquid out of the band. My band is good, so now i'm on liquids for 7 days 2 weeks on solids then i can get my band restricted again. I was told that when ever I get sick i need to on liquids the whole time to avoid inflamation again. I can't wait to go back and get my band fill again. I just want to say thank you for the wonderful people at the OCC for all their love and concern. :rolleyes:


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Sorry this happened to you and I'm thrilled you're OK. Thanks for posting, its so important for people to know that when they feel that swelling to go on liquids. (And even if you do this you still might need an unfill).

I’ve even had to go on liquids during that time, and while I was under stress. You will get to the point were you can feel the swelling and know its time to give your band a break. I keep protein shakes in my car and at the office just in case. You never know.

Its hard when this happens, and right around Thanksgiving, sorry! But just think, you'll most likely drop a dress size!

Love the OCC!

Take care,


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Thanks for all your kind words. I feel better knowing that it is a common thing and now I know how to take better care of my band. I don't want anything to happen to the tool that finally gave me back my life. I can eat solids on Thanksgiving Day so I am totally greatful for that since it's my favorite holiday. HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO EVERYBODY!!!!!

P.S. it is very important to lisen to your body especially when it is telling you that something is wrong!!!!

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That is so scarry. I am sorry that happened to you. That kinda freaks me out. I get sick about three times a year and it is usually pretty bad. I got pheomonia 3 times last year, I thought I was dieing. I am scarred to think of this year if I get sick, that this would happen to me. I will definately make sure I listen to my body and if it tells me that I can't keep anything down, I am driving to my nearest dr that can do an unfill. I dont ever want to go through that. Thanks for letting us know what happened to you so we can keep advised on it. It is good information.

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I am glad you listened to your body as hard as it is sometimes. It's not worth taking a chance. Not that your body really gave you a choice when you couldn't even keep fluids down. Gald you are doing better, hang in there!

I too had an unfill recently. Part of me did not want it, because I was enjoying losing the weight, however, I knew it was not healthy. I could sometimes eat 1-2 bites but that was it. I could not drink cold liquids and would occ. vomit up chicken broth or mashed potatoes. I went for the unfill and now all is fine, but now it is time to go back for a fill.

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Tanya, I know what you mean about not wanting the unfill. I knew that they would do a complete unfill and I was on a good run with my weight loss and I did not want to gain any back, but I knew it was unhealthy and then it just got tighter until I couldn't even drink water. Now that scared me. But now I feel better. :D

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Hi Alexandra,

I am so sorry to hear that you got sick and needed medical attention. But I am glad that you are taking care of yourself.

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us all, we can watch out for too much restriction if we get sick.

You are a beautiful, sweet lady and I wish you would share your before and after pictures with the group, the transformation is amazing!!!! I was looking at our pictures from the OCC just yesterday and the changes are remarkable.

Hugs, your girlfriend, Barbara

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