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A roll call... of sorts?

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Just to get to know one another a little better... I thought this might be fun. Just cut, paste and type away!

1. Name:

2. Location:

3. Age:

4. Band Date:

5. Married:

6. Children of the human or furry kind:

7. Hobby(ies):

8. Work:

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded:

10. Interesting factoid:

Feel free to not answer a question(s) if you're not comfortable.

Me, Kristy :D

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1. Name: KRISTY

2. Location: NEW MEXICO

3. Age: 33

4. Band Date: 12.03.08

5. Married: NOPE

6. Children of the human or furry kind: NO HUMAN KIDDOS, BUT I HAVE A SIX MONTH OLD YORKIE NAME BAYLEY.



9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: I CAN LOSE WEIGHT, BUT I STRUGGLE TO KEEP IT OFF. AND, FINANCIALLY I WAS FINALLY ABLE TO DO IT.

10. Interesting factoid: I EAT MY CEREAL WITH A FORK.

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1. Name: Cindy

2. Location: Woodland Hills, CA (Los Angeles)

3. Age: 37

4. Band Date: 11/20/08

5. Married: yep

6. Children of the human or furry kind: furry, 2 boys, Salem and Snowball

7. Hobby(ies): Reading, movies

8. Work: Director of Women's and Children's Services (RN)

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: Too many years of gaining the weight back. Want to start a family, but be healthy before any pregnancies...I'm not getting any younger!!

10. Interesting factoid: I'm a damn good poker player!

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1. Name: Kristin

2. Location: Rancho Cucamonga, CA

3. Age: 32

4. Band Date: 1/8/09

5. Married: No

6. Children of the human or furry kind: 1 daughter who is 11, and one furry daughter who is 3 named Sophie. I also have a turtle and 2 guinea pigs..lol

7. Hobby(ies): Going to the movies, camping, playing Wii, being online, texting and Disneyland.

8. Work: I work as a vendor at Home Depot, however, there are layoffs every month, so I may be gone soon.

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: When I saw my cousin and how thin and happy she was. Also, I can lose weight, but I always gain it back plus more.

10. Interesting factoid: Not sure if this interesting, but I coach my daughters soccer team. I cannot wait to be thin and be able to run along and play soccer WITH the girls, rather then just be on the sideline.

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1. Name: Denise

2. Location: British Columbia

3. Age: 48

4. Band Date: April 10, 2008

5. Married: not anymore (ya hoo) Just got engaged on Christmas day to the most wonderful man in the world.

6. Children of the human or furry kind: Both. Girl 19, Boy 17, 2 cats, 1 dog, a hedgehog (not really furry), and who knows what else is hidden in my daughters room

7. Hobby(ies): gardening, computers, antiques, auction hunting

8. Work: Occupational Abilities Coordinator for major Corp

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: I couldn't stop gaining weight. It was coming on fast and furious. Nothing could make me lose it.

10. Interesting factoid: I have two of the greatest kids in the world and I basically raised them all on my own. Also, I electrocuted myself twice in a matter of minutes when I was 5 years old. I clearly remember doing it and why I did. I have permenant blisters on a couple of my fingers.

><' ><' ><'

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1. Name: Judi Mecham

2. Location: Kearny AZ

3. Age: 62

4. Band Date: 12/8/2008

5. Married: Yes

6. Children of the human or furry kind: 2 sibling cats - Dot and Dash

7. Hobby(ies): Decorative Painting, reading, gardening, computers

8. Work: Retired last July

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: tired of always being on a diet and never keeping it off!

10. Interesting factoid: Our retirement home was gutted and rebuild by us - took 2 years, but it is almost done and we are now living in our dream home.

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1. Name: Lisa

2. Location: Snoqualmie, WA

3. Age: 46

4. Band Date: 10/6/06

5. Married: 28 years (married my HS sweetheart)

6. Children of the human or furry kind: both, 3 boys 18 and over, 2 yorkies and one grandchild

7. Hobby(ies): Golf – now working out and dancing

8. Work: yep and love it!

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: heading towards 300 pounds, poor health and couldn’t walk up or down stairs without pain

10. Interesting factoid: I now love to exercise and feel bad if I don’t!!

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1. Name: Samantha

2. Location: Kirkland, Washington

3. Age: 26

4. Band Date: 1/9/09 - YAY SO Excited!

5. Married: 2 1/2 Years!

6. Children of the human or furry kind: One of the Human Kind and One of the Furry kind! Naomi, my little girl is 10 months old and Max, my golden retriever, just turned 3!

7. Hobby(ies): Photography, thrift store shopping, and crafting of any kind

8. Work: SAHM

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: So many factors but mostly the fact that my husband finally said yes!

10. Interesting factoid: I backpacked through Europe, pretty much on my own, for 3 months when I was 22. It was great, I lost 20 lbs and all I ate was pizza, pesto, chocolate and wine! But I walked everywhere though!

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. Name:Carla

2. Location:Southern California

3. Age:38

4. Band Date:12/05/08

5. Married:Yes

6. Children of the human or furry kind:a 28 months old son

7. Hobby(ies):movies, reading,

8. Work:Administrative Assistant

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded:tired of trying every single diet out there with some results but always gaining back more

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1. Name: Dawn

2. Location: San Diego County, CA

3. Age: 49

4. Band Date: 03-17-2008 St. Patrick's Day

5. Married: Yes

6. Children of the human or furry kind: 2 sons ages 11 and 9, 1 step son and 1 step daughter both adults

7. Hobby(ies): Reading, Quilting,

8. Work: Full-time Mom and Wife

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: Unable to lose weight AND keep it off.

10. Interesting factoid: My husband is banded too!

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1. Name:Dana Ball

2. Location:Dallas, Texas

3. Age:36

4. Band Date:10/10/08

5. Married:YES! He is awesome! (we were friends 12 yrs first)

6. Children of the human or furry kind:4 Furry ones! 2 Akitas & 2 Chi's!

7. Hobby(ies):I collect crosses, love to ride horses & like to help homeless animals find homes! (neuter or spay please)

8. Work:I work at home with the Stallone family!

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded:I was not going to let the scale hit 300. Also, my family has many health issues (heart disease & diabetes mainly) I was dreading the day my Dr. said, "Dana you are diabetic." Sick of losing and gaining it back plus 10! PLUS...my Dad offered to pay for it!

10. Interesting factoid: I have 2 brothers. So, I love ALL sports & I could probably out fish anyone! hehe

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1. Name:Blanca

2. Location: Georgia

3. Age:31

4. Band Date:2005

5. Married:yes 10yrs

6. Children of the human or furry kind:human form kids Samantha 9yrs and Ivan 14 mos

7. Hobby(ies): Cake decorating, scrapbooking(when I have time),Photography

8. Work: Absorption company

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: tired of being fat

10. Interesting factoid: Taxi and cheerleader for my daughters activities which is everyday of the week

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1. Name:Denise

2. Location: Cactus, Texas

3. Age:46

4. Band Date:6/10/2008

5. Married:yes 11yrs

6. Children of the human or furry kind: human form kids Lance 23 yrs and Anthony 14 yrs, furry kind My cat Paquita 2 yrs

7. Hobby(ies): Playing video games with my son

8. Work: Secretary

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: Health issues. And I want to live to see my grandkids grow.

10. Interesting factoid: I have 90+ employees that call me mom.

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1. Name: AMY


3. Age: 22

4. Band Date: 10/20/2008

5. Married: ALMOST!!! yay!

6. Children of the human or furry kind: 4 YR OLD LITTLE GIRL (HUMAN, ALTHOUGH SHE THINKS SHES A CAT)



9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: DIDNT WANT THE SCALE TO HIT 300 AND THE WEDDING DRESS I WANT ONLY GOES UP TO A SIZE 10


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Just to get to know one another a little better... I thought this might be fun. Just cut, paste and type away!

1. Name:SheRee

2. Location:Porterville CA

3. Age:41

4. Band Date:12/29/2008

5. Married:not any more but I'm loving my ex more than ever. He's going with me when i get banded

6. Children of the human or furry kind:# human Boy Rico 17, Girl Laine 14 going on 24, Boy 6 Furry Pomerainian Thunder

7. Hobby(ies):My kids' sports, activities, etc

8. Work:teach 3rd grade and luv it

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded:tired of being FAT

10. Interesting factoid:

Feel free to not answer a question(s) if you're not comfortable.

Me, Kristy :D

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1. Name: Sabrina

2. Location: Vancouver area, BC, Canada

3. Age: 37

4. Band Date: Dec 2/08

5. Married: yes

6. Children of the human or furry kind: daughter Sydney is 5 and son Drew is 3, cat named Slinky

7. Hobby(ies): shopoholic but I'm hoping to replace that with healthier stuff now. I used to like to ski when I was smaller

8. Work: radio announcer and freelance voice talent, producer

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: I want to be alive long enough to see my children marry and have their own kids

10. Interesting factoid: I've beena hand-model, haha

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1. Name: Ramona

2. Location: Bethlehem, Pa

3. Age: 29 (for the 20th time)

4. Band Date: March 24, 2008

5. Married: yes

6. Children of the human or furry kind: 4 step kids, 10 step grandkids and 9 cats

7. Hobby(ies): Reading, Photography, Animal activism

8. Work: Insurance Company - ugh!

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: I was tired of being a fat slob!

10. Interesting factoid: I can do any kind of home renovated, including plumbing, siding, flooring etc

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1. Name: Sandy

2. Location: Raleigh, NC

3. Age: 57

4. Band Date: May 23, 2008

5. Married: yes for 22 years

6. Children of the human kind: 4 kids, 3 grandkids

7. Hobby(ies): Playing Bingo, Playing on the Computer

8. Work: In computer field

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: I was hoping losing weight would help my arthritis

10. Interesting factoid: I was not banded at the OCC, but love this board.

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1. Name: David

2. Location:Okotoks, Alberta, Canada (suburb of Calgary)

3. Age: 45

4. Band Date: 15 Aug 08

5. Married: Yes, to Nicolek who is also banded

6. Children of the human or furry kind: 6 kids- 2 of mine, 2 of hers and 2 of ours lol, plus a yorkie

7. Hobby(ies): not much these days, used to golf and ski so after the weight is off, I expect to start again

8. Work:accountant

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded:Doc increased my meds in the spring as BP and Chlorestrol are thru the roof

10. Interesting factoid: Nicole was banded in feb and is reaching goal weight, my weight has not moved since October

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1. Name: Anne

2. Location: Enterprise, Oregon

3. Age: 55

4. Band Date: December 15, 2008

5. Married: Yes, 37yrs

6. Children of the human or furry kind: Human - 1 30yr son, 1 35yr daughter = 7 beautiful grandchildren! Furry - cat Gusse, dog Mimi (I didn't name her!)

7. Hobby(ies): Quilting, reading, & many more

8. Work: Deputy Clerk

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: gain, lose, gain, lose, gain, I want to end up on the lose. HEALTH BENEFITS!!!

10. Interesting factoid: ?

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1. Name: Kim

2. Location: Mississippi Gulf Coast

3. Age: 32

4. Band Date: 3-28-08

5. Married: yes

6. Children of the human or furry kind: Son, Brady,3 Daughter, Isabella,2 2 dogs, Chester and Daisy 1 cat, Jinx 2 turtles 1 tadpole that is never gonna turn into a frog...

7. Hobby(ies): computer, chasing new kids on the block, shopping

8. Work: Medicare Insurance Broker, weekend job at local video store

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: I saw pics of myself at my sons bday party last January and almost cried. I was in denial before then.

10. Interesting factoid: I can sing just like a chipmunk, I am scared of helicopters

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1. Name: Jude

2. Location: San Diego, CA

3. Age: 53, and proud of it!

4. Band Date: 10-8-08

5. Married: Yes (lived together for 10 years, and married for 10 yrs)...hmm, an omen with the #10?

6. Children of the human or furry kind: Humans...daughter, Patti, 20 and hubby, who can be such a kid at times! hehehe

7. Hobby(ies): Is there another page to this list? Um, I've so many...but I'll start with '10' items: camping, RVing, hunting, scrapbooking, photography, computer, cooking, quilting, crafts of ALL sorts, being a wise leader/motivator...and, oh that's '10'

8. Work: Government ~ that says it all, eh?

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: I don't SEE the thin person I am when I look in the mirror - where did she go? After seeing my grandson, Joey, and son, Mike, who've been banded in July/Aug and lost 50 and 40 lbs, respecticely, it was then I decided to sign up a week later knowing the band would work WITH me.

10. Interesting factoid: Oh the pressure to just pick ONE! How about tying a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue! Oh yeah...!

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1. Name: Louise

2. Location: British Columbia

3. Age: 32

4. Band Date:12-15-08

5. Married: No

6. Children of the human or furry kind: 2 cats, Shadow and Jasper

7. Hobby(ies): reading, reading and more reading

8. Work: Student

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: I was sick of low energy and realized it was a viable option for me with almost none of the risks of Gastric Bypass. My mom had a gastric bypass 20 years ago and it destroyed her health

10. Interesting factoid: In January I quit a great job for a great company to pursue a dream of going back to school. I'm hoping to get my PhD before I am 40

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1. Name: Starr Washington

2. Location: Pittsburgh Pa

3. Age:45

4. Band Date: December 2nd 2008

5. Married:yes

6. Children of the human or furry kind: 3 kids 27, 16, 14

7. Hobby(ies): bowling

8. Work:Information Security Officer

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: acceptability and affordability

10. Interesting factoid: None

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