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9 months annv

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9 months down

5 sizes down

70 pounds down

So many positive things have happened in the last 9 months! Its been FUN, adventurous, and of course trying at times. I just want to say hello to all the people I met that day and hope all is well, and of course extend my hello to everyone else here on the board. My lapband has helped me come to some new realizations, hopes, dreams, and inspirations.

Here are some of MY learning Tips:

*do not weigh yourself daily or weekly- MONTHLY- should be more than enough, when in doubt go shopping for jeans. the loss isn't always on the scale, but in the inches

*accept the fact you have lost weight and now fit into slimmer clothes so THROW away, give away, just get rid of the old clothes

*join a walking/running/swimming/cycling/ANY support group, it's better knowing you have someone to call, talk to or expect before/afer your workout than no one at all

*when in doubt, order the cream SOUP and a water (just don't drink the water and the waiter/waitress will not have to refill)

*know that the lapband is your new best friend, and like any one or anything else that is important to you it needs TLC and lots of attention

*if portion size is your problem, like mine is/was, instead of testing yourself on how much you can eat of your 1/3 cup servings, test yourself how much you can NOT eat - if two or three spoonfuls of food is all you need to feel "full" then deal with it...tell yourself you are doing GREAT and throw the leftovers away or have your waiter/waitress take it away, you don't always have to eat your entire portion to feel good about yourself

*take your vitamins, work closely with your PCP, and stay hydrated (water is best, but propel and diet teas and sugar free juices work well also)

Best wishes to all for a successful 2009 in all aspects of your life!

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Thanks everyone!

Oh, andJazzyJude, and I love your recipes....and my family loved the chick cordon-blue everytime.

Ah so glad you enjoy them! I often wonder if I had over done posting too many...which is why I had stopped posting...didn't want you all to think I was hoarding that section. Thanks for trying them and glad the family enjoys them too!

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Ah so glad you enjoy them! I often wonder if I had over done posting too many...which is why I had stopped posting...didn't want you all to think I was hoarding that section. Thanks for trying them and glad the family enjoys them too!

:D NEVER TOO MANY Jude recipes! Bring em on! :D

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