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Pre-op Blog

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So I finally got myself to the campus gym. Looking at all the bods 10 years younger than me was daunting, but then I remember that I was just like them and I say to them in my mind 'This is what you have to look forward to kids so keep sweating'. Maybe not being morbidly obese, but the struggle for sure. Of course, I'm not like others my age either (30) as my narcolepsy has given me a metabolism closer to 40yo. It's a big reason why I'm getting surgery. I'm not normal so why should my stomach be




So Nutrisystem was a bust. Too damn expensive for the product. Didn't lose much of anything either. Now school is in session and I'm realizing just how tired of battling my weight I am. Too much stress and worry to control my cravings. Brain power takes fat as fuel and I'm feeling the effects. Still hanging around the low 240s. Planning on GSP in Dec. I'm resolved on this issue. Mom is supportive and we're making a Christmas trip out of it. So I'll be close to the surgery site for a week after s



Day 1: Nutrisystem

Day 1 of pre-op reduction phase started with some general anxiety about what I should eat. I spent $280 on the Nutrisystem package but haven't touched it until today. After some argumentation in my head over pizza or a breakfast bar, the bar won. Before eating, I stepped on the scale and saw 242 staring back. I've never been this heavy in my life, so breakfast bar. I imagine that most weight strugglers wake up like this, bodies aching for calories before we even open our eyes. The first bit of



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