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Carb cycling oh my!



So I have dropped off the face of the earth or so it seems. The rules at work have changed a bit and that is where I was doing some reading. Ya know over lunch or on a break. Sure do miss everyone. Staying caught up is harder now, seems I skim more now than ever. At least I read your posts. :D

I have been carb cycling bug time. Seems junk has come in to my diet and boy it sure shows on the scale. I am holding the same on the scale. Or doing the 2 step. Garin 2 loose 2 gain 2 loose 2. Oh well, I am so grateful I have the band, as I am sure I would be heading onwards and upwards. That is not what I want for sure. So I have been working on my food choices.

Activity has been severly limited. Fell down the stairs in the middle of the night and twisted my ankle really good I am afraid. Oh boy. It's been over a week now and I have a lot of bruising and swelling. The older I get the harder I fall. I watch my kiddo take diggers and boy let me tell ya he is better at it then me.

My sons daycare transition has been a bit of an adjustment. Seems I have a biter on my hands. Daniel has been suspended 3 times!!!! They have a biting policy. 4 in one week and you are out for 24hrs!!! So needless to say I have taken some vacation time. He is getting better but it is a challenge for him.

I am going in for another fill on Aug 14th, which is this Friday. I am hoping this is the adjustment I need to hit my sweet spot. This will be my 3rd fill!


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