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1/2 way home and chillaxing in the hotel



Well we are on our way back to the home we miss and love. I am looking forward to seeing our cats and sleeping in my very own bed!!! Nothing feels as good as a sleep number. I am spoiled. Plus we have been sleeping on a queen or double and have had an extra lump in our bed. The lump is named Daniel. He is completely off his normal routine and was a bit freaked out by all the travel and change of environment. He wanted no part of sleeping in his bed at grammy's house. So we had a "family" bed. I am really looking forward to a good rest.

I have been pretty stressed today. I've wanted to eat and my hubby has been very dissaproving. Hey, man...cut me some slack. I had a piece of fudge and he looked at my like I was breaking the rules. Dude, back off! LOL I am gonna eat another piece if you keep given me that look. Just kidding....kinda. Shit man.

So we are 1/2 way home and relaxing in the hotel room. I had a hard time getting a strong enough signal for Wi-Fi and it was if I had run out of crack or something. My dear hubby was like dang honey, it's gonna be okay. Ha! Yeah that's when you know you are acting like a cat stuck up in a tree. Ahhhh get me to the people who understand me.

Okay speaking of the people who understand me. Get this. The only person who said ANYTHING to me about loosing any weight was my mom. She said,

you sure are easier to move around now
I was standing in the hall way and she moved past me. Um, so was that a compliment.....uhh thanks, I think. She got me 3X cloths for Christmas. Um...I am not wearing 3X. Remember mom, you went to Mexico with me when I had WEIGHTLOSS SURGERY!? Oh well.

Other than that, my brother asked me can you eat that? So, you can't drink when you eat. Yep, that is what kind of feed back I got. I was so disssaaapppoooiinnntteeeeddd. Are you serious!? That is it.....not hey you are looking better even???? Gosh, good thing I did this for me. Guess I thought that loosing 45 lbs would make a difference. Darn near 50 lbs difference and not one nice compliment. Okay I am done sniveling about that.

I am going to spend vacation the next time doing things I want for our family. Rant over....


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This sounds just like what I experienced!! My aunt got me a size 3x for Christmas...and I've never been a 3x...and she gets me that size every Christmas!!

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This sounds just like what I experienced!! My aunt got me a size 3x for Christmas...and I've never been a 3x...and she gets me that size every Christmas!!

I believe they mean well.....but it sure does nothing for the feel good sensors! Ugh! I plan on taking the cloths back.

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