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I am so grateful for all of you on this forum, I realize I am not alone, even though my husband has left town and we havent talked to each other in 10 days...I don't know where he is or when he is coming home...or if he is coming home. I know I made the right decision for myself and this is the hard part...getting through these next few weeks of eating with no fill, not losing any weight...I better start my period today, I am late! And I can't even GET pregnant...WTF??? I am usually a peaceful person but this is craziness... I never expected THESE complications...they were not part of my plan.

If I were me, the me I wanted to be, what would I do? Oh I know...get my ass to work and focus on my future!!! OK, bye bye.


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You're the best! Thanks for puting a smile on my face. As Doctor Van Helsing would say "We've all become God's madmen, all of us." (Bram Stoker's Dracula)

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I definately think Dr. ortiz is God's madman. He should watch Bram Stoker's Dracula ... quite fitting in my opinion & I mean that in the best possible way being that the movie is in my top 5. Of Course My Fair Lady comes to mind as well for him as he would make the perfect Professor Higgins. I am sure Rex Harrison is smiling down on him right now. :lol:

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Is he just afraid of you getting skinny an leaving him? I know my (now ex) broke up with me right before coming down to OCC. what's up with that? What's up with men? are they really that threatened?

all we want is some support from the people who are closest to us. But damn! don't apologize for doing this for yourself. Maybe you'll discover more about yourself and what you want from your life - I'm hoping to do the same.


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I definately think Dr. ortiz is God's madman. He should watch Bram Stoker's Dracula ... quite fitting in my opinion & I mean that in the best possible way being that the movie is in my top 5. Of Course My Fair Lady comes to mind as well for him as he would make the perfect Professor Higgins. I am sure Rex Harrison is smiling down on him right now. :lol:

MUST...RENT...DRACULA...so fricken irritated...I just need to go surfing...argghhhhh!!!!!

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