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Day one Real Food Post Band



Ok, so here it is my first day of food...reality time...what worked before will not work now or at least some parts of it..brutal truth is I live alone, work long hours, and don't like to cook..so..well the Lean Cuisine for lunch was ok only ate half of it, but it upset the stomach..seems like frozen meals might be a thing of the past...so instead think of fast, healthy meals, for one...breakfast may be an issue if I don't come up with some various menu plans..in keeping with the OCC rules I will be eating my meals not drinking them..the whole purpose here was to be able to eat what I want..just less...so tonight I had one slice cut into two of a Margarita Pizza, which for me was great! No whole pizza, no bread, and I had a great time with friends and managed to drink lot's of water...now in the past I would have had beer, at least four regular slices of pizza, bread, and cheese sticks..so I'm pretty happy with my first day out...now if I could come up with quick,"real" meals for a single gal..


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