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Let me start by saying, I'm really loving my sleeve! I still rarely feel hunger, which is a big change for me. When I eat, I feel satisfied really fast! I am still working on getting in enough liquids during the day. I have increase my intake, but I'm not up to where I'd like to be, so I'm working on that.

I was reading something that had nothing to do with weight loss surgery today, but it reminded me of something that I already knew, but because my life with the band had become a struggle towards the end, I was always trying to figure out ways to "cheat it" because I couldn't get down enough "good food" - so I was eating easy to eat foods. What I was reminded of:

eat as little as you can to feel satisified, intead of seeing how much you can get away with eating.

Its a simple rule, easy to understand - very straight forward, yet so many weight loss surgery patients consistently push the boundaries of what they can eat.

eat as little as you can... stop even before you feel full. I learned the hard way tonight, trying to get in one last bite can result in pain and nausea and in some cases vomiting. I didn't get that far, but that chicken tasted so good, I thought... just one more bite. well... a bite too far isn't worth it! I ended up "sliming" and burping and thankfully didn't throw up (I HATE THROWING UP!) I haven't thrown up in years, and I plan to keep my run as long as possible (last time was the stomach flu).

even more then that, if I were to push my limits repeatedly, I could end up stretching my pouch... why would i want to risk that? nothing tastes THAT good!

I'm still figuring out how to be a model sleeve citizen... trial and error and hopefully learning a lot as I go along, and sharing as much of it with you as I can.

As always... any questions just email me: lori@obesitycontrolcenter.com or 1-866-376-7849 ext. 81


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