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Today is the one year anniversary of having my band to sleeve revision. What a year! I am at the lowest weight I've been at since... well... jr. high maybe? I feel great, and I'm not braggin' but I think I look pretty great too. I've stayed at the same weight now since Christmas and I'm happy with it. I still need to work out more and build some muscle, but as far as weight loss goes and this is the FIRST TIME in my life I have ever said this, but I'm not looking to lose any more weight! I am happy, and more importantly, I am healthy and pretty proud of myself :)

I do love my sleeve. It allows me greater flexibility then I had with my band as far as foods I can eat, I am satisfied on very little food, I have a lot of energy and unless I'm trying to eat a bit too much, I just don't think about my sleeve very much... it is just my little shrimp stomach, it is a fabulous tool, but I'm not worrying about adjustments, if I'm too tight or too loose, or what i should order because I'm in a restaurant and don't want to get embarrassed if something gets stuck - which I did have trouble with during the last year with my band. I did love my band for a long time, but the last year, it didn't seem to love me back!

If you are hesitating about a weight loss surgery, or if you have a band and you are feeling stuck or frustrated, please know there are options! I'm here to help you any way I can.

I wish I had a picture to post, I should have taken one on Sunday because I was looking pretty slammin' in my sundress and sandals... I will try to take one later this week when it warms up again, right now i'm bundled up (the one thing about losing weight... I do get cold easier... that's OK - i'm up for that trade off!)

Call me or email me if you have questions or want information on surgery!

1-866-376-7849 ext. 81 or lori@obesitycontrolcenter.com

did I mention that I love my sleeve?? :)

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I am having surgery the 20th of December I have been following all your posts, Congrats on the fabulous work you have accomplished. I cant wait to meet you hopefully. I couldn't decide between the Sleeve and the Plication, but decided with the Plication, it seemed the right fit for me. Thank you for continuing to share your story. I wish there were more. Melanie

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