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Today I am packing and getting things ready to go. :-h I got my benefiber, my gas x and my pill crusher so I can take my meds. I bought my husband and I matching suit cases that have wheels on them so we wont have to pick them up, except to put them above us on the plane. I dont plan on checking any luggage, this is all we plan to take. I think a couple changes of clothes should do it. He has to take his seapac machine, I hope they dont make him check his bag because he is taking that. Maybe he can get that in his bag. All we have to do now is pack my sons bag and get the dogs ready to go in the kennell. It is nervewracking. :wacko: But It helps that we wont be gone long. I hope the recovery goes well. Tomorrow we are going to cover the pool and get the house cleaned so that will help to make things go well when we get home. We should have nothing to worry about, I hope. We leave on Thursday and I go back to work on Tuesday, so we will see how it goes. I'll be glad once this is over. These next few days I bet I am a wreck. It is kinda stressful but the days should go by fast. :blink:


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Hi stormy...you will do ust fine! My surgery date is on Oct 9 and I am so excited but nervous of the unknown. You will enjoy the hotel stay too, with the pools and the restaurants that caters to people who have these surgeries. My son, his wife, her sister, and my grandson all had the surgeries and they said the dr and staff were wonderful and the hotel stay was awesome. I am having the surgery on Thurs, and then I am back to work on that Sunday...so good luck to the both of us!

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Hi stormy...you will do ust fine! My surgery date is on Oct 9 and I am so excited but nervous of the unknown. You will enjoy the hotel stay too, with the pools and the restaurants that caters to people who have these surgeries. My son, his wife, her sister, and my grandson all had the surgeries and they said the dr and staff were wonderful and the hotel stay was awesome. I am having the surgery on Thurs, and then I am back to work on that Sunday...so good luck to the both of us!

You are going to have so much fun on your surgery trip. We had a great time!!

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