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Another fill

I got my 4th fill today. I dont feel real tight, in fact I dont really feel anything abnormal. I thought I would feel tighter than this. I am able to drink normally. I am kinda hungry. I hope that doesnt mean I am not tight enough. I dont want to be real tight anyway. I am on liquids tonight and soft food tomorrow so I will see how that feels, maybe I will notice that I am tighter tomorrow. She took it all out just to make sure everything was ok. That was a weird feeling. I could feel my stomach



Second fill

Wow this second fill got me. I got .55 of a fill and though that was next to nothing but I sure can feel it. I can not eat the way I was. Sometimes I feel things go down and it is painful. I really need to work on the chewing issue and not eating so fast. People at work say I am losing but the scale is not reflecting this. I am concerned that my stomach is not shrinking. I really am not sure I am losing. Maybe my scale is wrong. I dont know. I may have to get on my eliptical machine and really g



I got my first fill

I am not sure it helped much but I got my first fill. Hubby and I went to Washington to get it. At first it was tight, but it seems to have leveled out. I think I may need another one. This time I think we will do it closer. We spent $750.00 to get us both done there. It will cost us about $400.00 next time. I think we will use the dr that comes down to Portland. Hopefully the 2nd fill will last a bit longer. I ate a hamburger tonight, I am not sure I should have been able to eat the whole thing



I'm on solids now

So now I am eating, hubby and I eat pretty much whatever we want. But in way smaller portions. It is kinda nice, it has really saved us so much money and time. My son is a bit confused but he will figure it out. I have had this terrible bug so I haven't been eating much, but I have been drinking alot of water and juice. My son got the bug too. We both need to get back on track. I think he is better today. I am hoping that it is going away, I hate to be sick. The first payment for the loan came



12 days until solids

So far we are doing well, I think anyhow. I nibbled on a piece of chocolate. It melted in my mouth. Not sure that counted. I sucked on a carrot but did not eat it. Just wanted to dressing off of it. It has been milkshakes, gartorade, slimfast, soup and liquid vitamins. I am not sure that is enough. I need to find more protein for my diet. Hubby too said that he feels tired but he states that his back doesnt hurt anymore and when I thought about it, either does mine. That is pretty good. My stoma



I made it

Well we are back and the real work begins. I guess the only problem I am having so far is taking my medication. I crushed them up but when I tried to take it, I threw up, it is horrible. I dont know what I am going to do about that, I have to take my medication, it is so important. Today, I am going to try to take it whole, one pill at a time and see what happens. There has got to be a way. Otherwise, I think I am ok. I little hungry. But I like to have juice. I will go buy more today. I just ha




Today I am packing and getting things ready to go. :-h I got my benefiber, my gas x and my pill crusher so I can take my meds. I bought my husband and I matching suit cases that have wheels on them so we wont have to pick them up, except to put them above us on the plane. I dont plan on checking any luggage, this is all we plan to take. I think a couple changes of clothes should do it. He has to take his seapac machine, I hope they dont make him check his bag because he is taking that. Maybe he



13 days left

Well time is getting close. 13 days and we will be leaving to go down to OCC. I am very nervous about leaving my child. I worry about him. I am trying to get things in order at home, it is very stressful. I am not sure how much weight I have lost, if anything at all. This next week will be the breaking point. I wont be able to eat much of anything. I feel very tired most of the time. I dont feel like I am getting enough water. I have to work on that. I look forward to getting this done so I can



Not that girl next store

He saw me, just a glance. He joked with me, He said dirty little things. I hear what he's saying. But right now I dont feel real good about myself. These extra pounds have affected my self esteem. Little pains that my body tells me daily, make it hard to jump out of this seat and tell him who I really am. I miss the old me. The one who ran up and down these halls. The one who played music for him and danced in front of him and showed him my passionate side. How truely lonely I get inside. How ho



I hate this time of month

I know all women go through this but for me it is horrible. I get into a mode where I am confused about everything. Am I making the right choices? Where is my life going? Am I doing the right things? Am I going to get into trouble somewhere? It is horrible. I am even doubting the surgery. Maybe it is fear. I know I am going to do it, I know this is temp, it is only a week or 10 days out of the month that I am crazy. But I feel so uncomfortable. Today at work was terrible. We had a shooting in th



6 and half week count down

Ok yes, I am crazy. I am going to count ever freaking minute. I am excited, worried, scarred. Every emotion that is possible. My husband is freaking out. He is on this job and it has to get done by Tuesday and he is worried they are going to lay him off. I keep telling him just do what you can do and it will be alright. I am going to concentrate my efforts on trying to pay off some bills, since I will soon have a loan to pay for ( I hate loans. I am scarred of something going wrong afterwards



Working on background

I put on a new background but I dont know if it worked. Have to wait to see if it is accepted. It was a butterfly. I liked it. Well the count down has started about 7 weeks and we should be on a plane. Hubby asked me today if this is a for sure thing. Is anything ever for sure? I told him, we have put alot of money on this, it better be. I think he is scarred. I am too but, I am more scarred of dieing because I have fatty liver. I almost look forward to the pre-op diet, just to see how much I ca



Still working through loans

Ok so one bank called me and approved about $5300.00, that is not enough obviously so I am a bit worried. The loan processor told me not to worry that the next bank will call me next week or maybe the week after. Meanwhile, I got two other banks working on a possible approval. One is here in town and they have a good reputation. I was hoping for one full loan but it looks like it may be two. I am a little nervous. hubby is getting nervous. He still has not asked for the time off, he said that i



Moving along the process.

Ok, so the loan paperwork is in. So far they have given me an ok but all the paperwork has to go to the bank for final approval. Appears they have called Dr. O to verify that I did set a date for the surgery. I talked to my boss, she thinks I am insane but approved the time off. The loan person said to wait to buy my airline tickets until he calls me on Monday. I have the money put away for that. I also have the money stashed for the rest of the payment. I need a total of $1700.00 to complete th



Starting the process

I got on here thinking I would just check to see more about the Lap Band. Having checked it out in Oregon, I was not impressed on what you have to go through to even be considered for the surgery. Once I got to this site, I was amazed /biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /><' /> . People are so positive. Maybe all the bad stuff is deleted. Who knows, all I know it has changed my whole view about having the surgery out of state. My family and friends are not happy about my consid



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