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Posts posted by stormy

  1. Here are some links to do that Stormy. Not sure what Michelle uses but these are decent ones:




    I haven't used any of these specific programs, but I looked for free ones that looked fairly simple. Good luck! ;)

    Thanks I tried the picasa one but it does look like it will let me save. Not sure what the deal is with that one.

  2. I am almost 6 weeks post op and scheduled for my first fill in one week.

    But I am dealing with a personal crisis and food has always been my drug of choice to take away the pain.

    My mom and stepfather were severely abusive to us when we were children. My mom even served time in prison and a mental hospital for what she did to her children. As adults they continued to find ways to emotional and mentally torture their children and I have spent many years suffering from the pain they have caused.

    Now, however, my mom has become severely disabled both mentally and physically and cannot care for herself and my stepfather is dying of a brain tumor. They have caused so much pain and abuse to immediate and extended family that NO ONE cares. I am the only one willing to set aside what they have done and forgive. I recognize that even though they committed terrible acts, they need help and somebody has to help them. They can no longer care for themselves. But everyone else in the family would rather see them ROT.

    I am left alone to care for two people who are basically mentally insane and also need physical assistance to bath and toilet and eat. Along with the fact that as I care for these two people I am constantly haunted by the horrible things that they did to me and my sisters. It's difficult to bath the person who physically, sexually and mentally abused you. While trying to show compassion for them, I am secretly hoping they would just die. Every time the phone rings or I go to their home, I am hoping that I will find them dead so this nightmare will be over. They are very poor and have no money for professional care nor money for funeral expenses.

    Everyday, I am self medicating with food just to get through this and I am afraid to stand on the scale for fear of what I will see. While I typically NEVER share this information with strangers, you guys are the only ones I have to talk to. My family just says, "call me when their dead."

    I am afraid this entire experience will destroy my band. The abuse I suffered is what caused my weight problems to begin with and here again, I am allowing my mother and stepfather to ruin my life again. How do I get a grip on this so I don't ruin my band and end up gaining back all the weight I have lost.

    I guess what I would ask you is, arent these people on social security? There are agencies that take care of people like this. Why do you feel like it has to be you? If it is making you sick, there is a limit to everything. I would have a very hard time even considering taking care of people who dod that to me. I would be checking into agencies who can help them and get the heck out of there. But that is just me.

  3. There is a cycle that bad relationships go through. Like with a guy who is awful to you, then he is nice to you, then awful again. They call it the cycle of abuse. Well I am in that at work. This woman. I try to be her friend. It will go for about a month where things are good and then she will turn on me and she is really mean. It seems like she is having a problem with me because I am feeling so good right now. I think her life is a mess, I have no idea. But it hurts me everytime. I dont know how to get out of this. If it was a guy I would be out of it easy cause I would just dump him. But you can't do that with people you work with. You have to see them everyday. You have to be professional. I guess I could quit being her friend. But then somehow she worms her way back in, just to hurt me again. This time I put my foot down and tried to defend myself, it was terrible. She made me cry. Then she made snotty remarks about how no one appreciates her. I was like give me a break, I should have said out loud "wasnt enough I bought you a purse in mexico" she didnt get me nothing for my birthday. I just want it to end. It made me want to come home and eat. I have 4 days left on liquids, there is no way she is going to mess me up. I just dont know what to do. How do I feel good about myself when this keeps happening to me. If I didnt have to work with her it would be easier but unfortunately I do. what a mess.

  4. First of all I want to say, it takes alot of gutts to get on here and fess up that you made a mistake. Believe me, I got chewed out for eating a piece of chocolate. But you and I know, how tough this is. When you told me about the pizza, I wasnt sure what to say. I knew it would be hard because your son was eating it there in front of you. I know you want this. I want it too. I know you need this. I need it too. This is the hardest thing that I have ever had to do, was to sit down and look at my relationship with food. I have actually cried. I felt like I had lost my best friend. What would I do when I am bored? What would I do when I am down? I could no longer turn to the thing that made me feel better. The Liquid phase made me really take a look at how I was abusing myself. Yes, I have slipped, but I dont feel that it put my band at risk. I think the slip had to do with my issues about me. I think that if you really want this. You have to look at why you wanted it and what is causing you to not take your risk seriously. I am concerned about you. If you want this, which I think you do, you need to stop what you are doing, step back and promise yourself that you are going to be strong. Each time you crave food, stop, listen. Is it your body talking or your head. Cause I found it was my head talking. The old habits were trying to creap up on me. That is why I got on here. To stop the insanity. We are here to support you. But you have to stop it NOW!! I mean it woman!!! I walked this road with you. Dont let it all go to waste. Seek help if you need to. The hardest thing I had to do was to call my friends and tell them I needed support. This is not an easy road we chose to walk but we did chose it and now we have to remain on it. If you can't do it for your health, you need to have it removed. It is not worth hurting yourself. Contact me if you need anything. I am here.


  5. Lisa, I will let you know what i book, it will be close to the mall. I won't be able to carpool down, I will have to make this a family thing, so I will probably come on a wednesday and go back on a monday, but we can all ride to the restaurant together.

    Stormy, I am a bartender and I love hole in the wall places, my husband and I always try to find them when we travel. they are the best!! I get drunk quickly since i have been banded :lb12: but I still enjoy my cocktails, just not as many, or sometimes to many.

    Anyway lets keep everyone updated and keep this post bumped until everyone in the Northwest knows.

    you and my sister will get along great, she is a bartender turned owner. She is a hoot!

  6. Thanks for the info Stormy, Just don't want to drink and drive, My family lives downtown, North Portland and Troutdale. So I think I will grab a room by

    the mall, do some shopping and take advantage of no sales tax. This should be fun. Looking foward to meeting everyone.

    Oh ya I love no sales tax. There are alot of hotels next to Clackamas Town Center. That should be easy. From what I was told once you get the band, you have to watch how you drink. So I will have to be real careful, I dont want to get totally messed up on my face drunk. HA@! How embarrassing. But you guys are like family. Do dont tell anyone.HA! HA! My sisters restraurant is kind of a hole in the wall but she has good food and we will be all to ourselves. I think we will have fun. I think I may have her famous steak if I can chew it enough. She told me today if there is enough people she will bring in two cooks and extra wait staff to make sure we are taken care of. I love great service, even if she is my sister, I expect the best. :D

  7. That freaks me out. I can only pray that mine is right. All I can say is flouro should have showed that it was improperly placed. At least that is what I would assume. I am going to a clinic nearby when I get my fills so I am going to make sure mine looks ok. I guess all I can say is I am sorry that happened to you. There are a lot of people on here that have not had this happen so I am banking on this not happening to me in the future. I can only pray.

  8. It seems like you would have symptoms from the get go if the band slipped. I guess I am not understanding this. Is there no way to tell. I just got my band and it feels tight to me but I still can drink just fine. So I would think if it was placed wrong that a person would not be able to drink or eat when it came time to eat. It just doesnt make sense to me that a person would not know.

  9. Welcome to the group. I was banded on the 19th and have one week left of the liquid hell, I call it. HA! Your body is going to go through so many things. I still can't believe what this had done for me. I actually walked in to liz clauborne today, I have never had to gutts to do that. They actually had my size. In the little time since I got banded, I feel so good. Your journey is going to be so good and we are here to support you all the way. This group has helped me to stay on track and keep with the plan that Dr Ortiz told me to do. It has not been easy but with a little help from friends we can do it. Again, welcome to the group.

  10. I think she said OCC put it in. I am sorry that you had to go through this. I just got my band I am have found aftercare near where I live so I feel safe with it. If I end up getting pregnant, which I hope that I do not at this point. I plan to have it watched closely to make sure it does not move. The minute I start to have problems, I am back on a plane to get it checked out or even removed if that is what I need to do. If that is what the dr here says is necessary, you bet it would come out. Unfortantely, I have way more than 20 pounds to lose, so to me, it was worth the risk. I hope for you, your baby and you share a wonderful experience with the birth of your child and you can put all this behind you. I understand your being upset. But for some people, as I can say for myself, this is what I needed to do to take care of my health or with the weight gain, eventually I would be looking at diabetes and possible death. I understand my risk and I will have to live with that. Again, I am sorry you had such a bad experience and wish you and your baby the best of happiness in the future.


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