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Posts posted by stormy

  1. since I was off only one day for the surgery, that would not have been necessary. Are you talking about SSI or short term disability? I know you wouldnt be eligible for SSI but state disabiltiy, short term, if you have it through your work like I do, you would need to be off a whole month before it would kick in. At least that is the policy under our short term disability. If you have it, I would check the policy of yours but I was back to work on Monday after having my surgery on Friday. It was not necessary to be off long.

  2. I saw nothing wrong with my post. I think people need to be aware of how much it can hurt to get something stuck. Yes, I admitted that I did not chew it enough. Bad habits are hard to change. I have lived my life always in a hurry, thinking that I need to eat fast. Mostly because I have one hour for lunch and it took me 15 minutes to get home and 15 minutes to get back, so I rushed. There is no reason to not let the newbies know that this can happen. I wrote it for support and for people to know this is serious business. I had never had anything stuck like this. I have worked hard to not have that happen and it was any eye opening experience. I thought that is what this site is for, to share our experience and to ask questions.

    Lisalaw, I wil answer you questions

    What was the point of a blow by blow? To share how the experience affected me.

    Have you not been stuck before? No, not like this ever!

    why would you eat something that would put you in this position? Why would I eat? Is that what you asked? I did not eat anything unusual.

    You say that you know I have had issues in the past with not having enough of a fill and have struggled with getting on the right track. I'm not sure you even know me. Yes I am concerned about my fill but I have kept on track very well. I exercise and eat exactly the way I was told to do. I did however have this experience by not chewing correctly. I wonder why you would take this approach and ask me why I would post my experience on here, making experienced people shake their head why would they do that? I consider myself to be what you call experienced, since I have had my band now over a year and as far a newbies, they are here to learn and get the facts, just as I was. I wanted to know all the facts. Not the pretty stuff.

  3. I knew I chewed, at least I thought I did. Then suddenly a weight on my chest. The feeling of wanting to vomit. Burping, foaming, spit coming out the sides of my mouth. Oh my God this is horrible. I could swear I chewed it enough. I got out a cup. Maybe I would burp it out. No, gagging, burping, foaming. Now I feel like I am going into anxiety attach. Oh my stomach just made a noise. I think diarreria is coming because I am freaking out. More weight on chest. I cant take it. I stuck my finger down my throat. A big lump of something came out. Still the weight on my chest. Still the burping with the foam. Now a hiccup and a burp. Oh my, I dont feel well. Now the sweating, very nervous. I stuck my finger down my throat again, Another lump of something comes out. ohhh, yuck. Still the weight on my chest but not so bad now. But still feel like I am going to poo my pants. Now I have the chills. The pain is going down. Dont feel well at all. Tired. I think I will lay down. May have to throw up again. I dont want this to happen ever again. This is horrible!!! Still burping with foam. I think I am better now. UG- Watch out, let this be a warning to everyone. HORRIBLE!!!

  4. So when hubby and I want to get the band checked over, how do we do it. Do we just call OCC? Do they reserve the room for you like they did before? And then you just get the airline tickets? I found tickets for about $250.00 per person, so I am going to save up so we can go back. Anyone know how this all works? Has anyone gone back to get checked out? How much was the room cost? I am not sure about weather but if we go down, I am hoping we can go on a Friday and come back Saturday night, maybe Sunday and hopefully weather would be good. Maybe go in November or something. Anyone got any thoughts?

  5. It has been on year today that hubby and I got banded. We are celebrating tonight with a small bowl of chilli and our favorite drink, sobe's haha. It has been a hard road. Both of us feel like we should have come further than what we are but at least we have some loss. I was hoping to be at least 50 pounds down. I was almost there. I think we are both due for a fill. I have been nervous about getting one because there are times I feel very tight, like in the mornings. Plus I had to get a small unfill because I could not get my phelgm to go down. I dont like that feeling.

    I had to take my pole down because we are putting in new floors so I couldnt even dance for the last week and it is driving me crazy. I need my exercise. I can't wait to get it back up. I think I will get on my wii to get some skiing done or maybe some bowling.

    Anyhow, I wanted to check in and say it has been a good year. I dont regret doing this. I just wish I would have lost more weight then this. Maybe this year will be better. I did go to lunch with the girls at work and they commented about the fact that I dont eat much, as they stuffed their faces. I kinda liked that. I have been very impressed with how the band has held up so far. I have been worried about slippage and band errosion but so far, I feel good. I think I will save up to get it check under the xray again, I just need that reassurance. Anyway, have a good weekend everyone!!


  6. My husband had the surgery with me on Sept 19th of last year. He is very happy he did it. I can ask him to respond to you if you would like. I need to create him a log on. He doesnt get on these type of things. But he has lost 65 pounds and looks great. Men do better than woman from what I understand. He is losing much faster than me.

  7. I got two loans actually. One is through Citizens Finance and the other is through Bay Finance. There is 6 months no interest. My time with that is up, so here comes the interest charges. UG! But it is worth it to me for my health. My goal is to get them refinanced to get them fee lower, so far I have not been able to do that because I owe so much on other debt. Banks are very tight right now. If they begin to losen up, I should be able to. There are many finance companies and if you could do the no interest and get it paid off, then it is a much better deal.

  8. I am right there with you. I have no restriction. I have gained about 4 pounds back. So far this week I am holding steady the same weight but I can eat whatever I want. I bet if I had to measure it, it is about 3 cups of food. Maybe 3. I have had 3 fills, so it makes no sense that I can eat this much. I am not happy about it. I know that I have lost because my rings are loose but I am not sure exactly what is going on. In the morning I seem tight because I have phelm that seems to get stuck and I can't eat much at breakfast. But by afternoon, that is where I get the 3 cups of food in. I may need a fill, I am very nervous about it. I am afraid of going back into that old pattern. I know it dont seem like it but I bet you are eating less. I know that I am. Maybe we should just check into getting another fill. Have you had flouro on all your fills? I wish there was somewhere close that I could do that, I wonder what it looks like in there?

  9. I had a breast reduction in 1997. I was a FFF, they were very big and the dr said very hard. Which made them even more heavy. I was only about 170 then so you could tell they were too big. The surgery went well. I hated the drain tubes, when they pulled them out, I thought I would die. It took me about 2 months to heal. I am a slow healer. I had mine done at kaiser and I have a lot of scares. I should have had someone else do it. I hope to have the scares removed. I am very light skinned so you can see where it was done. I have gained weight so now I am a DD but when I first had it done, they looked real nice, they were purkey. I hope to get a breast lift once I lose all the weight. I dont regret getting it done. It was a good decision. I just wish they were looking better.

    Did you get your band taken out? I thought I read that you did.

  10. OMG is right!!! The things that people will do. There is no way somebody is touching my brain. I can't believe someone could do that. Are they crazy? I dont think the band is that extreme, at least it can be taken out. You mess with someones head and that is it! TOAST! What did Oprah think about this? I feel bad that people feel like they need to go to that extreme. There are so many other things to try first. That is why I tried this. People need to really be careful. I am glad I didnt see that, I would be calling in or something - YUCK!!

  11. I can't help it. The pole just stares at me. I am frustrated that I am not losing anymore. May need a fill, but at least I can still have fun. Now I am just getting crazy with it. I signed up for a tester class to see if I will like new company that came into town. If I like them, I will do classes there. They are called Primal Beginnings. They take larger women. Maybe I will fit in better there. Who knows. You wont believe it, the co-worker who wanted to get me in trouble wants to go with me, HA!

    We will see if she has the nerve to do it.

    I cant stand it, I have to swing on my pole, HA!

    Did I show you my son. He is so cute.

  12. I wish I would have known about his daughter, we could have had a much different conversation as my son was diagnosed at the same age. It is wonderful that he donates to the childrens hospital. I am glad his child is doing well. My son is doing good also. I look forward to talking to him next time I go down. I had my surgery on Sept 19th of last year and so far have lost almost 46 pounds. It goes up and down. He was right that it is not an easy road. I got under 200 and have gained back almost 6 pounds. I think I need another fill. Getting in control of why we eat is the hard part. My mind tells me I am hungry but my stomach really is not. I think the weird part is I can hear my bottom stomach growl but yet i am not hungry uptop. Probebly does not make sense but I need to figure out why it does that. The whole experience down there was a good one and each day is a learning experience as well. I am glad I got it done. I welcome you aboard this new adventure. It really was a good decision at least for me. My husband got banded the same day and me. He looks great as well.

  13. It is a platinum stages pole. Very good quality. Never have any fear of it breaking. Holds up to 300 pounds. My husband even got in it. Both my neice and I got on at same time and she has to be at least 200 and I am over 200, it was crazy. I have pole right in the living room. I am sure some day my husband is going to want me to take it down, it is a multi piece so very easy to remove. I need a bigger house so I can have a room just for it. HA!

    Your son and you are both adorable. Your really good at the pole. I have one too and I am scared I am going to tear a beam down outta my roof with my plumpness lol! Its scarey lol! What type of pole is yours?

    I must say your making me want my pole back up again! Ill have to do that cause its sooo much fun and I can see how much fun your having with your little man! He is so super cute! Keep it up!

  14. I hate exercise but I found something that I love to do. You have to find something you love. Walking. Riding your bike. I got weird and found pole dancing, it is a blast and hard work. What about Zumba, have you tried that, it is very fun too.

    Hi everyone,

    Im here for some support and advice.

    I guess its hard and we are in the same boat.

    I cant excercise im too lazy and have no motivation as is the story of my life, what do you do to motivate yourself?

    Also frigging chocolate and icecream.... how do i stop? I dont eat big meals thats GREAT but then i eat the rubbish that goes down so well and yum.

    I dont eat bread much at all, cant get it down, same with my vegetarian chicken fillets. I have the band but im not doing it well. Jusrt need some enlightenment and positivity cause i know how to do it but i feel i just cant?

    Oh and im soo lethargic...


  15. Ok so after popular demand, I have changed my name on youtube, so my coworkers dont stalk me and turn me in for bad bahavior. My son and I made a video. He is so cute. I thought I would share. This time I was more comfortable. I sure wish I could get this weight off. UG! But I will continue to work out. It is got to come off somehow. Thanks everyone for your support. I think it may be time for another fill.



  16. Ok I have come from being the person who liked her mud slides and whiskey to not having basically anything at all. I know, it is full of calories but I would like to have a nice wine maybe once a month or something. I got some sparkling wine and then relized it was carbonated. Oh bad idea. I did not feel well. Forget that. I attempted to have my whiskey sour and got loaded off one drink. That is not what I want either. I dont like being drunk. I just want something that taste good, that gives you that relaxed feeling, not intoxicated! After working 40-60 hours a week, I think one time a month would be ok. I just really have no desire for real alcohol anymore. It is amazing that this band can do that. But it did. Do any of you drink wine? Is there a brand or type that you enjoy? What kind of food do you serve after you have your glass. Since you can't drink with meals anymore, is there a meal that really matches the type of wine that you like? I heard there is a good salmon recipe that goes good with a nice white wine. Any ideas? I have also been told there are some wines that are low in calories?

  17. Well Sept 19th it will be one year since getting my band. My husband has lost a lot. He still has a way to go but, he looks pretty good. I however feel different but the scale is not showing alot of change. I got under 200 and now I am back to 205. I am not happy. I dont know what happened. I did get a small unfill, maybe that was the end of what I felt so good about. But this stomach is still poking out and I feel like I am not succeeding the way I should be. I am bloated tonight so the scale is moving and I can't even believe what is says. Maybe after TOM comes it will be different. But I question what I am doing wrong. Currently I am eating pretty much what I want. All in small amounts. I am pretty tight in the morning. I tried to eat a scrambled egg and it got stuck after about the 3rd bite, not enough to start foaming but it was a bit uncomfortable. So I didnt finish. I can't eat certain cereals, like my favorite frosted mini wheats. Mostly in the morning all I have is a glass of milk or sometimes a small mocha. Then I will have a snack at about 10:30 and then for lunch I can eat. Usually have a salad and maybe a piece of boneless chicken. For dinner, I may cook a small steak or maybe a rib with a salad. I have been exercising on the pole, even did sit ups the other day, which made my port ache. But it is ok now.

    I think maybe I should consider getting another fill.I am just not sure. I really am only tight in the morning. My concern about getting another fill is going through what I went through last time, where I could not swallow my phelgm. I sure dont want to get like that again.

    So as it stands right now, I am at 41 pounds loss. I guess I am a little disappointed. I know everyone is different, but I have seen people on here say that after a year they lost 75 to 80 pounds. I wonder what I have been doing that is wrong. Maybe it is because I am still eating mostly the things I did before (well except fast food, I gave that up) but everything now is in smaller amounts. I dont know, I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Any advise would be helpful. Thanks

  18. She came to me today. She called some dr down in Las Vegas who told her it was $20,000 to get the band. I told her more about Dr Ortiz. She is very afraid. She states her blood suger is at 400. She is getting very depressed and told me that she is having bad thoughts. She is tired of being sick. I told her to contact mymedicalloans.com and apply. The worse they can do it turn her down. I would even be willing to go to the TJ with her. She wants this so bad. I feel so awful for her. I am trying to really convey that she needs to be serious about this. She can not expect a miracle. There is no guarentee that this will solve her problems. I hope I am expressing the seriousness of this decision for her. Her diabetes is bad. She says her foot has a sore on it that will not heal. I have no idea if Dr Ortiz will take her with an open sore or not. I would hate to see her get denied because of it. It is so sad. She came to my desk crying. I hope I am giving her the correct advise. I dont want her to make a mistake. All I know is that this has worked for me so far. It is almost a year. I have not lost all the weight I want. I have not been perfect. I fear my band slipping all the time. But I still dont feel like this was a mistake. I just want to guide her the right way.

  19. How exciting. I would love to do that, and $4000 is not bad. Did that include the stay? How long did it take you to recover? I have scares from my breast reduction, I wonder if they can do anything about those they are thick on the side, I hate them. When I wear a bikini, you can see them really bad. I would love for someone to do some real repair work and make these girls stick right out! HA!. I think to make sure they dont look to small, I better go for the tummy tuck first. Anyone here had a tummy tuck down as cosmed?

    Stormy, Just had a breast lift at Cosmed three weeks ago and it was 4000. They give a 250 discount for those who used DR ortiz. He was great! i LOVE THE GIRLS! I will be going back for the LBL in may after school gets out and I have the summer to heal. The breast Lift was the easiest surgery I have ever done. I would suggest Cosmed to anyone (they were wonderful)
  20. They do, but I had put one on before and did not cover myself and someone at work saw it and threatened to report me, so I am trying to be careful by covering myself completely. Maybe I will find some type of workout outfit. From what I understand they consider it unprofessional behavior, something stupid like that. I am a social worker and I have been told that my behavior off the job is just as important as on the job. So in other wards, I can't have any fun. HA! The sad part is pole dancing has a bad rap. I am not the type that would be seen in a strip bar or something. This is all about flexability and exersise. The weight loss has been great. I think it is sad that there are people out there that just dont see it that way. I may go into youtube and create a new account, since somehow they were able to find me. Not sure what I can do about that. You guys are the only ones I share this with, besides my close friends and my husband. Shame on them for being on youtube anyway, hope it wasnt during work time. HA!

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