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Posts posted by stormy

  1. Who cares how old you are, it is not about how old you are, it is about how you feel. I can help you get a pole. Join me, it is a great work out!!! www.myspace.com/stormys007, on the left hand site, click on there and you can order a pole. I love mine! It was the best decision I ever made, I am having a blast!!!

    Wow, Stormy! Gratz on moving up to level two! I *totally* want a pole now! I'll be the only 50 year old grandma on the block who has one, but I think it would be awesome!

    Keep up the excellent work and keep us updated with the classes, please!


  2. I got level on down. When they start the next pole dancing level, they said I am ready. I am so excited.

    I still have about 50 extra pounds, but I can swing with the best of them. My last youtube video turned out ok, I think this one is better. I can't wait to sign up for class. I got a call into the instructor. Last I heard they wont start classes until Sept, so I am going to keep practicing.

    So far two people have come over here and only one noticed that the pole was even there. It was so funny. He asked me if we were having problems with our ceiling. I got this confused look on my face and when I relized what he was asking me, I started to crack up. He looked rather concerned when I told him what I was doing. People just dont get it. It has such a bad rap. I guess it would be a little strange to go to someones house and they have a pole in the living room. I wish I has somewhere else to put it. We are moving some stuff around so it may end up somewhere else anyway.

    I have to say without the band, all this would not be possible. I love the fact that I am starting to feel better about myself. It is amazing that the band can change someones whole perspective on their life. I dont want to hide inside myself anymore. I know alot of you have lost the weight. This is just the beginning for me. I look forward to being where you are. You all have been such a good inspiration. I hope I can be like that for someone too. This weight loss is the best thing that can ever happen to someone. I wish everyone could be free from fat!

  3. I think the tummy tuck would work for me, the problem as I lose weight I am losing my butt and not my stomach, it makes me mad. I want to keep the booty!!. This stomach needs to go. If it was gone, I would be happy with where I am right now, of course I should lose more weight but with no big belly, I think I would be ok if I didn't.

  4. The challenge for me has been to be very careful on the days that you are able to eat. I use those as the days that I work on getting the vitamins that I need and then the days that I can't eat much, it doesnt really matter because I know that I have been watching to get the protein and vitamins that I needed. Also if I feel real tight, I baby my band. It is not good to throw up and get things caught. If you feel real tight, drink some tea and know that on this day, you may have to be on liquids and baby it. I did check with my dr and I had more days of being too tights so I got a little taken out and it really made a huge difference. I think the hard part also is learning to really watch how much I eat. Even on the day I feel like I can eat whatever, it is about control and not letting myself do that. The band has been a whole new way of life for me. I hope that helps some. If you need anything, let me know. I totally understand what you are going through.

  5. Oh my God that looks so painful. Maybe I just need to exersise more. I am scarred of that much pain. I am not sure how much pain a tummy tuck has but it is scarry to think about it. I sure would like this stomach to go down.

    Hey Stormy,, check out my plastic surgery blog here at the forum. It pretty much gives you a step by step idea on what takes place with a tummy tuck and what I had,, which was the extreme, the Lower Body Lift (LBL). After losing all my weight, my port stuck out, like a jaw breaker under my skin. Dr. Quiroz at Cosmed relocated it one level deeper during the LBL. Now I can only feel it by touch.
  6. I get this feeling sometimes. I think it may be heartburn. It is when my stomach is empty, I get a sense of not feeling well, my stomach feels kinda irratated. Is that what heartburn feels like? Should I be concerned? Maybe it is the coffee I drink in the morning causing it. But like tonight, I have not eaten since 12:00, it is now 7:15, I did have some peanut butter candies but I got busy at work and forgot to eat a snack and my stomach dont feel good. I just wonder if it is because I let my stomach get empty for a long period of time, should I be concerned? What kind of things should I munch on and what time of day should I do it? Do you think a 2:00 munchie may be something I should consider after having lunch? How did you know it was heartburn?

  7. Did I read here that a breast lift is $2800 at Cosmed. OH MY GOD, WHERE DO I SIGN UP!!! I want one!! My only fear is they will be smaller. I dont want them smaller. And this tummy tuck idea, LOVE IT. Want one of those too. But I wonder what about the port. When they do the tummy tuck, what do they do about the port. I am afraid that they would hurt it. I like that I am losing weight but this stomach is not going down. A tummy tuck would be so great. How much is one of those? I bet that hurts something bad. I got a breast reduction in 1997 and it was terrible, the scares are awful, there are even spots where you can feel my ribs. I would want some of my stomach fat packed into the spots where they took too much on my breast. I wonder if that is possible. I am going to save up and call Cosmed. Does the $2800 include the stay down there?

  8. So now I know. I ate a piece of sausage this morning. I have not been able to do that for some time. I even tested it and I know now that I am not tight at all. I am wondering if I lost fluid. There is no way I should have been able to eat that big a piece. My question is how could I be this stretched out? Where did the tightness go? Does it just get loose all the sudden? I wish I had a scale because she said if I lose weight it would get lose. But what else would make it do that? There is no way I should be able to eat like this. I am worried.

  9. I was freaking out the days before my surgery as well. It is a very scarry thing to do. So far I have had no regrets. Stay calm it will all work out. Things happen for a reason. I did not get this way because of binge eating. I got this way after the baby. I have never had a weight issue before. You have to do this for you. If you dont want it. Dont do it. You have to be committed to it or it wont work. This is about you and no one but you.

  10. It seems like all the sudden I have no restriction. I seem to be able to eat whatever I want. I am still very careful but why all the sudden would I feel nothing? My scale battery died, I am going to get a new one today but I wonder what is going on. The dr did say that as I lose weight, I would need to get tightened again but it has only been a month since I got some taken out, because I was too tight, this just does not make sense. Do you think my pouch is all stretched out? What are the signs of that? I am worried, if I had the money I would go get it checked under flouro. Maybe I better save up and do that cause I am worried now, not sure if I should go get a fill or what I should do. I am concerned.

  11. Lately I have been able to eat almost anything. I even had french toast this morning. I chewed it like crazy. I think it may be time for a fill. I only had one piece but I dont think that is normal. I love salads, havent had a problem with that either. I hope I haven't stretched anything out. I think I will wait another 2 -3 weeks and see if this weather calms down so I can exersise more, maybe that will help. I dont really feel any real restriction right now, that is very strange for me as I just got a fill last month, but I did have a little unfill. I guess it is hard to get it just right. Man it is hot out here!!

  12. I saw this on "the doctors" and there is some risk. One woman said that all she could think about now was sex. That even when she walked it would cause you a problem. That would be so embarrassing. Plus I would think the procedure would be embarrassing. It was amazing to see women talk about it. I honestly checked into it because that was very interesting to me. But dont know if I would have the nerve. I hear you can have it removed too if it causes you a problem.

  13. Your right, so here I got an idea. No nudity, as they put it. Totally clothed

    I guess if they want to fire me for exercising there is nothing I can do about that. I am just having fun. This time you guys are the only ones I am showing. No one at work will know unless they look it up and if they do, shame on them for being on your tube. HA!

  14. So I ended up taking it down, putting it as private so now no one can see. I showed a friend at work, at first she was like, that is cool, you should be proud you can move like that now. Then I guess she talked to someone and then came to me and told me that it was dirty and I should be ashamed of myself and that I better get it off there. She told me that because of the type of work I do, that I am held to a higher standard and that I could get fired for what I do on my own time. She looked even a bit angry about it. Like she was mad I showed it to her in the first place. Basically I have been in tears ever since. She even said I was naked. Which I know I was not!! I should have never showed her. I feel very stupid, I know better, she has always done me like that. I dont know if it is the fact that I was excited about something and she just can't stand that or what. I hope she dont run and report me to my boss, all I need is to get in trouble. I guess I am not allowed to be a human being. She even told me that if I want to do things like that maybe I should consider a different line of work, maybe I should go do that for a living. I felt like a piece of trash. She is the second person who told me to take it off there so, I just decided that was best. I appreciate all the positive comments back that I got. I feel very bad right now. I am very embarrassed and I almost dont want to face anyone at work. I guess that is what I get for being proud of my body. All I can do is hope that I dont get into any trouble. I guess I knew I would regret it, I should have never showed anyone who I worked with, I have learned my lesson big time.

  15. Now that I have watched it a few times, I am feeling a little strange about it. Maybe I better quit looking at it. I worry that I look bad, or that I am showing too much. At one point it looked like my top was coming off. See now I am obsessing. It is like someone that shops and then regrets shopping, I am debating if I should delete it. I am a little embarrassed but in away excited too, that I can move like that. I dont know. I am going to quit looking at it. If you guys think it is showing too much, please let me know.

  16. I actually made a short video but between the dog trying to attack me and my shorts ripping out, I wont be putting that one on you tube. HA HAHAAHAHAH. Let me try a better one. It may take a few takes. One thing I noticed is that video makes me look HUGE. I am still very big for someone throwing themselves around a pole. Very scarry! I wish I didnt look that big. It is like looking at someone else, I just dont feel that big. I didnt want those shorts anyhow.

  17. He came home and almost ran into the thing when he walked in the door, very funny. Then of course I had to show him my moves. Thank God my son was sleep, he could hardly stand it. I guess I am better than I thought. Now I wake up this morning and my whole body hurts. Not doing dancing for two weeks was a bad idea, I must keep this up. I have pulled every muscle in my body. He dont even mind that it is in the middle of the living room. He is so funny. I think I may just keep him. HA! Sorry, he is sold! HA! Thank God I didnt put him on craigslist or something. HA

  18. You crack me up, will you come change the oil on my car?? HA!!! I better get out there and mow the lawn, lord knows he aint going to do it. Better yet, that kid down the streets looks good. I got $5.00. HA! Girl, go get a pole, let me know if you want one, I can help you get it. I may become a distributer. HA!

  19. Ok so he said he would put up my pole but after three days it still wasnt up. So I finally did it myself. Forget him. I will beg for nothing from a man. It took me about one hour and it really wasnt that bad. It now has kicked my butt big time, what a work out. My son even got involved. See photos below, I guess he is going to be a pole divo - instead of diva HA! I even tried some tricks I made up. Now I wonder what hubby will think when he gets home and it is in middle of living room, we are never having company over again. HA! No one ever comes over anyway. I can take it down, I may end up in the garage, once I find a spot. You would think with a house like ours I could find a good spot but so far, nothing. Anyway, wanted to keep everyone up to date, it is in and the work out begins. Trying for at least 190, I gained 3 pounds this week, I am not happy. I think I am bloated, it is about that time, so I hope it comes off. Anyway, take care and stay cool, it is freaking hot here!!

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