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Posts posted by WAgal

  1. I would love to meet everyone.. sounds like a great idea. I'm planning to get a fill July 4th weekend in Arlington. Do you know if they do it on Saturday's?

    Yay... we have enough interested people to do this.. I'm/we are going to have to urge some experienced bandsters to come so that we can pick their brains (ummm like Pammie (tummy tuck), Snowbird etc.) Besides it would be fun just meeting in person with everyone that we talk to on the forum. How's about it oh experience knowledgeable ONES?


    They are open on Saturdays but the fills they do by appointments only. If we know we are all wanting a fill then we can schedule it. In fact, if we shoot for a Saturday then most everyone's schedule will be a little more accommodating. Shall we shoot for a Saturday? Throw some dates at me! The last Saturday of the month of June is on the 28th and the first Saturday for July is on the 5th... right after July 4th! I dunno how to do those fancy voting things on the forum so I'm gonna go low tech and just ask you to post here or send me a message on the forum here. In the next week let me know dates and if you'll be wanting a fill. After we have a tentative date I can ask about getting an appointment set.


    June 28th

    July 5th

    Okay, I'm excited again. :lb21: ~Hanna

  2. Dolittle, you're the best. Thanks for the explanation. The unfill I heard is for when you are sick or find yourself pregnant. I know these were excluded from your explanations which are the exceptions. I have read in other forums where some US doctors are doing a fill/tweaking every 6 weeks, for the first year... Cost was included with the 18-30K lapband surgery but why??? That would be about 8.6 adjustments in a year, if $500 for each visit then that's about $4500.

    Yeah, I really like having control over my expenses and adjustment needs. I really doubt that I would end up having to have 8-9 fills in a year unless I become sickly. So far my cost and results have been great with my decision to go with Dr. Ortiz.

    Surgery- 8K (trip cost $250 + $120)

    1st Fill - $100 w/fluoro (trip cost $250)

    2nd Fill - $150 no/fluoro

    3rd Fill - $125 (future expense)

    Total cost so far has still been under 9K and even if I project a future cost of 5K for this year, I'm still under the 18K that would have been charged here and in the process I get to take mini vacations and all the cost and travel expenses will be tax deductible for this surgery. Add to the peace of mind that my doctors were excellent and one of the best in their field. This was my first deciding factor..( having my lapband done by an experienced, well renowned doctor with a great track record)


  3. Wed May 23 - 30 minutes walking and 2 minutes RUNNING -- those were like the L O N G E S T minutes ever!!!! I was getting worried about dropping and not getting back up like this video :D :tease: LOL


    Thu May 24 - 30 minute strength circuit training and 30 minutes swimming

    ps. thats not me on the video, in case your were wondering :wacko:


    you cracked me up! i was taking a closer look to see if that was you! lol, you are too funny. I used to have a treadmill machine back in 2002 then we gave it to my sister-in-law, felt like that sometimes on the treadmill or maybe it really did happen a few times!

  4. Paula, you beautiful woman! You have a wonderful looking family. So is Zach, Tim, Susie your children? I'm assuming David is your husband. Well I guess Tim or Susie, only one is yours and the other has to be the son/daughter in law. Wow... I have a married 21 year old myself. She married at the age of 18 and is now pregnant about to make me into a grandma mid-July. That's right... nothing beats family.

    You are very blessed!

    Hanna :)

  5. Okay this is very informative! Thank you experienced bandsters for posting. Has it ever been medically explained? So. If I stress out does that mean my band will slam shut! It's the opposite with me.. I'll eat when I'm stressed... in fact I grazed on nuts and trail mix while my mom was stressing me just last week and everything went down fine it seems. I'm going to be more observant in this regard with my band.

  6. Maytee,

    Welcome to bandland! The first time I felt this I got on the forum and posted like what you did. I never wanted to feel that again ever. But guess what? I PB'd 5 days ago. Bad habits are hard to break. Like not sitting down and taking the time to chew and eat for 20 mins. I'm on the go sometimes and can't help to think I'm saving time by eating in the car 'cause I'm already so hungry and will not have the time to eat when I get to my destination. Such a bad habit to break but I've not done the eating in the car anymore. It's the most horrible pain and you can't run to the bathroom while driving! I've learned to stop the car and eat with my kids at a park or anywhere but not while driving. Fat habit #2 I'm getting rid of permanently! Fat habit #1 is being my children's food disposal.

    I'm learning all these things about me that have added to my weight gain in the bad habits I have formed over the years.

    I can't promise you that you will not PB anymore although you are or will be VERY motivated because of that horrible feeling you never want repeated. I PB'd 5 days ago 'cause I forgot that I wasn't suppose to drink while eating? My girls and I were at an errand at Costco, having a hotdog... I just ate 1/2 the hotdog no buns but my little girl was saying how delicious the lemonade was so I decided to sip... yes knowing I wasn't suppose to but intended to just have a little sip! NO...wrong never ever sip any liquids... with food. I slimed and it came right back up with my hotdog, the lemonade... on a paper plate. My poor little girls were so grossed out and I'm sure anybody else that witnessed me. Sorry.. that is such a gross picture but I really couldn't run to the bathroom with 2 girls in tote and a cart of groceries... Besides it was within 5 secs. that it happened.

    No matter how much I promise myself I will never do it again... it sometimes does still... but I'm working on zero incidents as my wrong choices are corrected and new banding habits are formed. Lessons learned... don't take any chances? Do what you know you are suppose to do and you'll be far more successful in this banding journey!



  7. Amber,

    I just watched your slide show. Fantastic job... You look awesome! Keep it up the great job and inspiring me/us!!!

    LOL about the ex priceless moment! Haven't got one yet.. just annoying relatives that keep checking me out and saying "how come you're not loosing that much weight yet?" They don't understand the process, "It's a slow process" I would reply. That's why I regret letting relatives know that live nearby... so I have ANNOYING moments at this time ... Ha ha ha ha ha.... I will post hopefully in a year with a priceless moment!!! Be patient with me!

    Hanna :)

  8. Hi Anita!

    This is to help explain the size of the band at it's smallest possible opening and biggest possible opening. I went to a local seminar here in Everett before getting banded and during the seminar two types of band were passed around. The 4cc (which is what I have) and the 10cc (which I believe they refer to as the VG band). Inflated fully both bands choked my thumb (size of a pea). Deflated at its biggest opening I can stick 3 of my middle fingers in with ease (size of a quarter). I sort of think of our esophagus as a pipeline now. Before being banded our expandable esophagus pipe accommodated big chunks of food and letting all of what we can chow down slip right on to our stomachs. I know I was probably able to do that in 5 mins or less if I was super hungry but would by then be overstuffed in 20 mins with the continued ungated stomach (which is by the way how long it takes our stomach to send a signal to our brain that we are full).

    Having food pass through a gate (our band) slows the food entering our stomachs therefore not enabling us to overstuff our stomachs in 5 mins but actually in 20 mins time after only about a cup of food (hopefully feeling full by then). The chewing and chewing part, think of how our disposal works in the kitchen sink. We turn it on to make things pass through that are too big and when the water won't go down fast enough. Big chunks can only pass through the pipe if it is a small enough size. Our teeth chewing up food is our disposal mechanism. What would make it ideal is that our human disposal would be located right there just above the band where we can grind up stuff that gets stuck! But unfortunately if it doesn't fit it will come up we PB!! I hope this makes some sense.. it's a weird explanation but it makes sense to me. Not sure if I am correct so please anyone out there let me know if it's ever been explained this way to you or if what I am thinking is even right.

    Now I pose a different question.

    Since I was filled for the second time today, my question is, how many times do we get poked with a needle in our port before the port area will leak or malfunction? I'm sure I can look this up but I'm wondering since I never really thought about it before. I've seen the band, tubing, port, the whole implant and held it in my hand but never thought about how that port will continue to work for years to come with repeated needle poking? Anyone had this answered by someone before? I know I feel silly asking but I've been thinking about it since this afternoon. I'll probably be emailing Dr. Romero and Kitty at NWFills about this now since I'm obsessing again.

    Thanks in advance to those who can offer an explanation!


  9. Hey all, a light bulb just went on (off) in my head. Here's a thought. Since we have so many bandsters here in the NW area, why don't we form a get together once every 2 months to do lunch or dinner? We can definitely make a mini vacation or even a fill group, like what my group did in TJ? How about it? I can even try to set up the fill group with Kitty. If you guys are game I can organize (although I just got a fill and don't really know when I'll need another one).

    I really just love being able to meet everyone and what better accountability and support than to meet and just talk about it! It would be for those of us who can drive to a meeting point w/out breaking our bank accounts. I actually was reading early Feb 2008 of some bandsters on this forum that are already meeting once a month to get together and have dinner but they are the ones I think that were banded last year and the seasoned bandsters on our forum.

    WEEELLLL we can do it too! Let me know if you are interested 'cause friendly, love to get together Hanna will organize it. If you want it to happen then Hanna can build it! I mean make it happen and plan it. All are invited. If you wanna come to Seattle and make it a vacation since Seattle is a tourist spot then by all mean come and be with us!

    There are bandster I know of in Port Orchard area, like Donna, someone in Vancouver, BC, like Anita and Monroe and Portland and all in between. What do you guys think? Donna you are close enough to me to even help plan this if you'd like.

    SO NW Bandsters reply if you'd like to have this ball rolling. We can start out by just getting together this summer.. June or July.

    Hanna :D

    Oh and Donna about the Disney trip thing... I'm thinking in the month of August 'cause that's when I'll be ready for my crown implant to be installed.

  10. Linda,

    Thanks for thinking of Charlene. She is sooo big for a 7 month along preggy. She's complaining a lot about her back and all. I'm due to give her a baby shower soon. Was busy with other stuff but now I'm ready for some women stuff. How are you doing Linda? My 2nd fill was pretty painless in travel and procedure. We'll see how and if it worked in next week or so here. Weather... don't get me started! It was nice for 4 days then back to rain and now cloudy again. Can't trust the weather report as the weather does what it wants.


    Thanks.. These women nurses are so sweet. I read your post and Pammie's about the unfill she had done and I actually mentioned it to Kitty and Robin. We are lucky to have them here in WA, aren't we? I will definitely go for a yearly fluoroscopy with Dr. Ortiz's office simply because I want that assurance that all is well and my pouch is not doing a stretch or just anything out of the ordinary. I go to So Cali once a year anyways so driving to SD will not be much more of an imposition. Hey... I read your post about getting some money reimbursed from your insurance. Yippee on that! Did you wanna take me shopping too?? Like bandgroupie? He he he... we're teasing... very happy about your winnings (sort of). I really hope we can get that 2009 Band Camp happen. It will be nice to meet up with our fellow bandsters and those we rely on for support here on the forum. I can't do without my cyberspace support system in this journey!

    Hanna :)

  11. Thanks for this post momonamission! This is so informative for those of us with these sets of problem. Thank you all for the great advice. I'm a stay at home mom but I find that there are days when my schedule is so hurried that I let more that 4 hours lapse between meals. I start to feel a little dizzy and will start making bad choices in food, just so that I can get something in me. I like the protein water (K-Protein), Dr. Miranda said that this was a good choice for a beverage if you're sick of just water.


  12. Hi all,

    I went for my second fill in Arlington, WA. Wow, I didn't know how close they were to me. I never get out towards the north end unless I'm heading for the Canadian border so little did I know about quaint little ole town of Arlington! It's such a nice little town and we got to visit a farm and buy some homemade "farm stuff". I mean nuts and jams and plants. I'm such a twirp!

    Anyway, the 2nd fill. Easy like the first again. Robin and Kitty said they've done about 2000 of these fills that they don't really need the fluoro unless you are doing a yearly check on the band or if you suspect something is wrong. They are sweet ladies and the whole appointment was short 'bout 10 mins. They asked to see my card to see what type of band I had. Asked where I had my first fill and doctor etc. (all in the paper work I filled out). I was so flabby with skin that they kinda had me doing a sit up position to get that stomach muscle to firm up so they can inject the needle in the right spot. One try and they got me. I got an add'l .4 cc which now takes me at 2.2cc. I'll double check with them for my own records and peace of mind.

    I'm to be in liquids for today and then mush tomorrow and then solids as I see fit to eat. Excited but can't tell if all is well with the restriction. Oh they told me that restriction is a misnomer as we are really not wanting restriction from the band. What we want is the band opening to be just the right opening so that food will pass slowly enough that we will feel full before we gorge on too much food. Hence we will loose weight. The band is suppose to keep us feeling full for at least 4 hours in between meals.

    Gotta read the paperwork and I understand what they've said so will repost how I'm doing. By the way, Kitty gave me her personal home number in case I need an "emergent" unfill. How sweet is that... they just ask that you be respectful and not call after 9pm. Cost was $150 no fluoro. Next future fill is $125, unfills are free if I need another fill within 3-5? days it's an add'l $50.

    Hope this will be of help to someone.

    Hanna :)

  13. Wow...the band is such a mystery! I'm on my way within an hour to see the NWfills ladies. I'm going for my 2nd fill there instead of TJ since my schedule will not permit me to travel to TJ right now. Im glad you and Donna think so well of Robin and Kitty. I've heard only such nice things about them from our NW bandsters. Okay.. I'll post how it goes afterwards. Pammie I'm glad you are better and that it was resolved soon enough. I know about the gurgling sounds... I know it so well. I feel like I should see a plumber instead of doctors when I hear that coming from inside my mouth!! LOL! Just lightening the seriousness of the matter. It scares me still to think after you've reached your goal then the band can still just act up out of nowhere?



  14. great question Caroline! I also thought about this but felt this was the least of my problems right now. it's great to know this though in case I ever get at a point where all the fat and skin are gone and can romp around being conscientious about a quarter size bump! Wow was I being sarcastic or wishing that this could be the case someday! I think both!

    Hanna :)

  15. Congrats Amber! You have the right attitude and therefore projected the results of what you wanted which sounds fantastic! The best to you and yeah, isn't it nice to be home after you go away for a little while isn't it? There's no place like home to create all that wonderful sounds of flatulence. LOL!! I'm always trying to be funny but know I mean well!!!



  16. I read somewhere stating that after he post you have to stop protien shakes. Please correct me if I'm wrong



    You're right. You are suppose to stop the protein shakes after being banded, but for some like myself, my band do not cooperate with food in the mornings. I've tried and tried and I've got it down to the exact time which happens to be at about 11am in the morning when I can actually start eating something. This is of course a temporary fix until my band allows me. I don't understand it but what I'm trying to do is eat/drink something healthy enough to get my metabolism going. I can totally go without breakfast, I'm not a breakfast person. But Dr. Miranda said that to get my metabolism going, I must eat something in the mornings. I love the protein shakes anyway and it sure beats trying to cram down food that won't stay down in the mornings for me. That's me and I've read in other forums that some do have problems eating in the morning and drinking something warm helps. I've tried but am trying to cut out coffee/tea or caffein in my system.


  17. Val,

    I'm in Everett, WA area. The local fill center I would be going to is the Arlington Pharmacy, only about 30 mins. or so drive for me. Thanks to the other experienced bandsters here from the state of WA, I feel very at ease going to the two ladies here that do the fill. In fact they now have the x-ray machine and can do the fluoro too! Cost... I can't quote but I think it's in the range of $150 - $200 with fluoro. I have the website and have to check again.

    When I had my first fill at TJ we had the fluoro done which was as easy as can be. I went to TJ because I wanted to make sure all was well with my band. I wanted to make sure everything was where it should be and that if something were wrong Dr. O would be right there to rectify it. Yes, Dr. Romero was fantastic and talked you through the whole fill process. What was even nicer was that we gals that were banded together (about 5 of us) got filled together which was great in itself as a support system. I also had some dental work done and my daughter had her teeth whitened so it worked out well for me to go to TJ that time around.

    If you go to a fill center or fill doctor locally, just make sure that they know what they are doing and have done the fill enough times and their reputation is good with bandsters. After all your band is an investment and I've read that if they hit the port wrong then it could do damage to your implanted band. Which means time and money again for you as a bandster.

    Questions, I don't mind them at all... I just want to be helpful to others as others here have been to me!

    Hanna :)

  18. Val/Mom12,

    I was just looking at your stats and you are similar to mine! Congrats... your current weight is 172.5, that's fantabulous! Keep it up... I'm gonna have to stalk you to find out how you are doing and to keep me motivated and accountable! LOL! I'm at a stand still of 174... gotta go for a second fill, but will be doing it locally... hopefully next week.

    Blessings to you!


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