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Posts posted by WAgal

  1. Thanks guys! I really needed comforting :( I can't believe I won't be able to eat it anymore. Maybe it's just me... maybe it won't happen to you guys. I read in a blog that sushi went down well with some but I also read that it doesn't go down well with others. I'm the others :(

    All is well though! I got scared so I just had clear broth for dinner. Hey.. the up news is I'll probably loose a lb. by tomorrow... just for not eating enough and actually gardening (my arm hurts) today! Yay the sun was out and it's suppose to be sunny again tomorrow. Enough 'bout me... I hope you guys are doing well and exercising. I still need an elliptical machine!!! Sears has what I want but can't deliver until 6 weeks! I gotta find another supplier where I can just pick it up myself.

    Have a super day tomorrow... my day is done for now.. I'm pooped!



  2. Okay... add spicy tuna sushi as ones that don't go down well! I've been outside doing yard work all day since I posted earlier, it's almost 6pm here and I decided to eat a little snack since I was hungry. My daughter had left over sushi from lunch in the fridge and I love spicy tuna sushi! I chewed and chewed fine but I started feeling stuck after the second piece. My mouth started watering and I knew I was going to heave. The sushi came back up... all chewed up and gross! My band doesn't like sushi!!! I'm sad but relieved it's not lodged in my esophagus anymore. I keep making these gurgling sounds right now... really yucky.. NO MORE Sushi for me! Ordeal lasted 5 mins.

    I hope you guys are doing well with food choices....

    Hanna :)

  3. You didn't have a group for NO exercise! I am going to be in Baton Rouge at my mom's house for the whole month of May, and she is scared for me to walk cause she thinks I am going to be raped, (really, has she looked at me?), assaulted, or killed.

    You're so funny! I feel that way too when my husband says dumb things like that... but what you have to remember is that rape is not about male hormones gone wacko all the time, it's sometimes about aggression being transferred to a weaker sex/individual. If you think about it this way then it's very realistic. You still made me laugh and that I thank you for!! Remember I'm laughing with you not at you!!!



  4. try having an EAS protein drink to keep you full! the one with the highest protein will be the best to keep you from getting hungry during the hours. when things get crazy... try putting on music that relaxes you or one that makes you think of a happy memory. or... try putting on music that your children will sing and relax with... if they're happy and calm you will be too... all this in theory of course. good luck..


  5. 1. weight loss -22lbs.

    2. how many fills -1 fill, 1.7cc

    3. your tips for success

    - tips... so far is to relax and don't get stressed before a fill. be excited about the weight loss during the recovery stage and then maintain by going back to the pre-op diet until your first fill (get that appointment in at exactly 6 weeks). but try.. try very hard not to be obsessing on the scale (I warn you 'cause I'm a freak about it and have now made up my mind to do it only once a week). the most you should weigh yourself is once a week and then do it at the same timeframe.. like if its 8am then keep it 8am every week. have a positive attitude and be creative and open to ideas of how you will exercise and get your body moving again.

    practice eating small amounts before your fill and chewing a lot and sitting down for the meal also not drinking after meals, you'll be making it easier on yourself later. those bouts of pb'ing are not fun at all! read, read and read some more to educate yourself on how this band is suppose to work for you and how to protect your band from slipping, it is an investment after all. relearn eating habits and cut out the old "BAD" habits. all this takes time and patience, don't ever give up! ask for people closest to you for support. i'm not successful yet but my band is working the way it's suppose to! i get on this forum to keep myself accountable and encouraged to fight the good fight. my health, happiness and well being for my kids, hubby, and self.

    if you decide to cheat.. that's okay.. we all have our moments of weakness... but after the cheating own up to the punishment by being good for the next few days and undo the effects of the "cheating" you had done. remember bad habits are hard to break but when we start practicing the good habits it will become second nature and then we will be well on our way to our successful journey. we are here for the long haul!

    love and blessings,

    Hanna :)

  6. I love your innovative ideas Michelle, sign me up for the Bronze! But I have a big request! Can you send the NV sun towards my way?!!! It's been raining here and temps are high 40's! I need the sun and warmth! If our weather doesn't change soon I'm running away to Cali or maybe AZ, or NV... wherever it's warm!!! LOL!!! Does cleaning house like a madwoman count as exercise? Or chasing the kids around the house? LOL!!! That's my life!!!

    Kajsa is 4 today and we're off to get her ice cream cake at Coldstone... another temptation I know.. but I'm not much into ice cream so it's not a problem for me.

    Thanks SO much for this Michelle... it's just what I needed!



  7. I just wanted to see if we could get a list going of things that are bad for your band. I know a few....but am so paranoid about hurting my band!!! So lets here what you all know is bad for our "new best friends" hahaha

    Soda pop


    These are the ones I know were told. Six month no pop our paperwork denotes but I've read that you can kiss pop goodbye as it will always not be a good choice for the bandster.


  8. Blazn,

    Very nice hightlights! Maybe I should have just gone for a hair color. I dunno...I wanted change but I think maybe what I needed was a hair coloring (something other that black but dark) and cut. I'll try again in a few more weeks. I really can't wait until next year when the hair thing will go along with the body! These are the extra perks I feel very blessed with in adddition to ridding of the diabetes and hypertension. Woo whoooo! =D>


  9. Nebsmom,

    Oh.. I know what you mean about leaving your baby and husband behind and it being hard. I had the same experience and my little girls are almost 4 and almost 5! I've just never been away from them before and the first time is always the hardest. Sweetie remember that you DO need that time to recover after surgery and the more rest you get the faster your recovery and the sooner you can resume to taking care of your family.

    A reminder too that when you return from surgery not to lift up anything heavy. It will be very hard but try not to lift your baby (if your baby is heavy) until your stitches are fully healed. Ask Dr. O and Dr. M about this and how long before you could. I had a bit of bleeding on my port cut because my 3 year old is so clingy and just wanted to be picked up, she weighs about 28-30 lbs. A mistake 'cause it did create some unnecessary added healing time to my recovery. I'll be praying for you this morning. For you and your family. OCC will take really good care of you!



  10. total the cost was $400 but they offer a 20% discount for being a Vegas local so I paid $320 plus tip so like $380 total. I think the monthly touch up color will run about $140 each month and the cut every 2-3months run $75 plus $40 for the blowdry and style.

    Holy guacamole Michelle! That's so expensive! I guess you picked the celebrity motherload! In 2002, I went to Vancouver BC for a perm and cut and paid $230 Canadian with tips. I thought that was very expensive but it was really nice! I was at the salon for almost 4 hours. They were great and I even got a scalp and shoulder massage. I was thinking of going back to the salon but at Nordstrom's here in Seattle. I heard it's very nice but wow... I don't think I want to spend that much and then some for maintenance! I better find out how much it costs for such services. I guess the results for your cut and coloring was great... Love your hair!

    Btw, how are you doing? I had weekend visitors, my brother, and it became a seafood eating frenzy. It was great to have him visit since it's been 8 years since he came out here. I was good... I was very good. I wanted to eat more but my band wouldn't let me. What a nice friend (my band) I have to remind me that I can't overdo it!

    Hanna :)

  11. Hi Bandgroupie!

    I actually went to a mini reunion in the hometown I grew up at in Cali about 3 weeks ago. My sister and I decided to pamper ourselves with manicures and a massage (oh by the way... a massage is SOOOO great!) and then I decided to get my hair cut with some highlights. I would recommend you get a picture from a magazine that appeals to you then ask your stylist if they can create it and then ask their opinion if it will be flattering on your face. All in all it was fun having myself pampered for a few days and then the highlights went bad because I was put under a hairdryer and my girlfriend and I got to talking ... and talking ... what was suppose to be 8-10 mins became more like 15-18 mins.

    The moral of the lesson is DON'T talk when you are having your hair highlighted or permed where time is of the essence! You might end up with too light of a highlight or too tight of a curl. He he he he. Good luck on your new hairdo.



  12. Great post Dawnie! I'm gonna try the vinegar and sea breeze thing! I also got inspired by Michelle to get a haircut and I did something extra... I got highlights put in. I HATED it at first because I was promised dark brown highlights and I ended up with blonde or very light brown highlights. This is something VERY new to me and I had never done it before so I think I went into shock! LOL! Anyways my husband and I are getting used to it and my older daughter's keep saying they like it and I am exaggerrating about it being too light. I guess it just depends on how the light catches my hair. Anyways all is well and it did make me feel great with the new cut! Love the cut!


  13. Hi Hanna,

    Sounds like you got a great deal on your implant. I work in a dental office as a hygienist. My doctor places implants...we charge $1800 for the implant itself and another $1800 for the crown for the implant. And, yes, you have to wait 4 to 6 months for the bone to fill in around the implant before the crown is made for it. Good luck with it and know that you got a great price :)


    Thanks Judy! I'm just excited to get a tooth in!

    Hanna :)

  14. I just did a post implant during my fill on the 18th of April. I'd like to compare notes as to how the process works. The cost with implant and crown is $1600. I was asked to pay $1200 upfront and the balance will be $400. I know that I had a quote here for twice that amount, so I decided to go for it. Can someone please share their experience that has had the post implant and the crown already placed? I'm to return in 4 mos. for my crown and then pay the balance of $400. I know Melody had a few implants done on our surgery date 2-27-08, but I don't really see her getting on the forum. Anyone out there have feedback?

    Do you really need 4 months before you get your crown? I'm pretty much healed and want a tooth there! I look like an 8 year old with the gap in my mouth! LOL! I was hoping to get the tooth put in and then zoom my teeth too. Actually I'm considering veneers too! Anyone have anything to say?

    Thanks in advance.


  15. Michelle!

    You should call Zulma! You and her are having the same experience! She called me last night in a panic because she PB'd. I have read about this too, the delayed restriction. I had to remind her of all the things we are suppose to be doing. She'll be taking it very easy on food today, she had a pretty good scare. Her dsl service has been down and it's been hard for her to hop on the computer. Congrats on the restriction.... welcome to my world (and Linda's).. Have you heard from Lisa?

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