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Will T

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Everything posted by Will T

  1. will can vote "aye" on hot bodies! Now that you are ready, and are 100% positive of your decision, your success is only days away. Remember it's not immediate, it's a day at a time... a victory at a time..... a dress size at a time (unless you are a male). It's a daily success story, and you are going to be victorious!! Excelsior!!!
  2. Wow..... i can already tell it's working... you look skinnier in your picture. Ribbit.... ribbit.......honnnnnnnnk
  3. willT is floating around, reading the posts again and again... just shaking his head
  4. and babe... purple is YOU.... awesome!!
  5. LMAO 2mara.... that is ONE issue I've never had problems with. My boobies are normal sized for a male. I've got big pecs, and it helped. Imagine that... she thought I needed a slingshot-over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder. The only ones I ever have problems with are those infernal ones that take FOREVER to unclasp.
  6. Where is she?? All I saw was a few photos of a skinny babe and a few guys....
  7. YAHHHHOOOOOOOO But I won't be able to pull my chair up to the buffet line.............
  8. shucks... c1banded had me all hyper... last time she started a topic she was all fired up over girdles. I thought her new addiction was trying on skimpy little outfits or something. wasabi pea?? I thought that's what wasabi did after long night at bar.
  9. I'll be done by noon. They make us sit for a little while afterward to make sure everything is ok. There are several nice places nearby, maybe banded4life can suggest awesome places since she's from there.
  10. I'm in SC, just across the border on I-85. I drive down to Jimmy Carter Blvd, then turn right!
  11. will T says nothing, but wears a BIG GRIN What happens in Roswell DEFINITELY stays in Roswell.
  12. i didnt want to be put to sleep for my colonoscopy. I brought the room down when, after the doctor inserted the scope far enough, I said.. "OWWW....NOW I KNOW WHAT A MUPPET FEELS LIKE, DOC..." Near the end, I confirmed that he DID NOT find my head up there, contrary to certain people's opinion. Tell the doc. If you have any complication, and something bad happens, that is important information. Just tell him privately, and tell him you want it to remain completely off the record for privacy reasons. Some people react poorly to anesthesia, and throw up a lot afterwards. You better believe I want the doc to know about my band, just in case of something like that.
  13. Thank you all. I had a wonderful lunch with all the family, then opened a couple of presents. Tonight, we're going out once more, and having some wings with sauce i think. Not a lot of them, as much as I used to could vanquish, but I'll have a moderate share : ) Your wishes and thoughts added to the day, and made it more special to me. Thank you all.
  14. we're in the room right now if anyone wants to come talk !!! see the link earlier, and the password is occ
  15. Why thank you all !! LOL... I'm prolly old enough to be Erin's dad, now that I think about it. I know that my kids can at least answer the reknown question "Who's your daddy?"
  16. OMG.... that is one of the funniest stories I've read in a while. Can we say "TMI" to people like that???
  17. [will noticed that HE was recognized as a male ] I won't say any more about that. LOL
  18. [willT is rolling in the floor, holding his sides and kicking his feet laughing....]
  19. yep... it might at that... sometimes things just go haywire, and i cant explain what happens. It seems like fheomffint sjccifm sjf lkk ic s w ftjjcn gnidmv. and then, it's gone, and i feel back to normal.
  20. Evette, please stay. We need more than one moderator it seems, to help keep this forum on task. Please stay.
  21. Kummmm baaaaahhhhh yahhhhhhhhh my Lord...... Kummmm baaaaahhhhh yahhhhhhhhh ....... Let's move forward and be positive please? Thank you!! We've all had enough hell raised at us because we're BIG... I SURELY don't think we want to bicker among ourselves. Erin... wanna sing some more with that sultry voice of yours??
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