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Everything posted by mona-camille

  1. OH BOY!!!! Where can I get a couple pairs of those sexy panties? My hsuband would really go GAGA over them!!
  2. Eating around the band can also include drinking soda which can expand the pouch. And, drnking something while you are eating pushed food through to the bottom partof the stomach, something you don't want to happen. These are both things my sister is doing and she was banded 1/4/08 and isn't losing anymore weight because of it.
  3. When I was having my vomitting issues 2 days post op and they (Docotrs at the OC) thought I wasn't drinking enough, they told me the amount I should be drinking per day was about 6 bottles of the small size of gatorade. 8 ounces maybe times 6, so 48 ounces per day. I wouldn't want to go to far beyond that though, because contrary to popular belief, it is absolutely possible to drink to much. Drnking too much can lead to water on the brain.
  4. How is everyone doing? Mindy? Bobbi? Amber? Kari? Lisa's sister ( I forget her name) and the other sisters we rode in the van back to the ariport with (one from Texas one from ???) and Pete's wife and Evette!! And the others I forget you names, so sorry! And Nicole from Canada who rode in the van with us back to the border - you just got a fill. How are you all doing? I am so horrible with names, but I remember all of you from 3/24 and just wanting to know if you are all doing ok. We only have one more week until solids!! Any one lose weight? I am ok now. Lost 10 pounds post op for a toal of 25. Still on liquids, obviously but really craving food. I had another horrific vomitting issue at home here a week ago. Creamy soups didn't sit too well. Not sure what the heck all these problems are, but hopefully they are behind me now. I am having a dilema about scheduling my first fill. When I was still in Mexico with my vomitting issues, Dr. Martinez said I might be one of the very small percent of people who may never need a fill and not to schedule a fill until I was eating solids long enough to know I was eating too much. The problem with that is, the cost of plane tickets is so high, I need to be able to purchase them a month ahead of time to get a good price. If I wait til I am eating for several weeks, then decide I need a fill, then have to wait another month for plane tickets, I could very well end up gaining back all that weight I already lost. I did call CLaudia and scheduled a fill for memorial day monday, but didn't buy tickets yet. I just cannot make up my mind if I should go ahead and do it. I thought if I did go ahead and make an appointment and buy tickets, if I ended up not needing a fill, then I could just say I had a nice little vacation. Although I was intending to bring my mom back with me this time along with my neice. I am the one who's family freaked out when they heard where I was going. After seeing my movie and hearing about it, they are fine now. Then again, if I do that, dopn't get the fill and end up needing one 2 months later, I can't go back a 3rd time. I live in PA so it is really far for me to go. Are any of you going back to the OC for your first fill? If so, when are you going? Has anyoen else here not needed a fill at all?
  5. You are right, they are good! Although for some reason, I can only find the creamy tomato and the cream of broccholi around here. You can also save the empty container, wash it and re-use it for other soup that comes in a regular can. You still feeling ok? I am doing good. I made the mistake of having too much ice-cream at my husbands birthday though, and was uncomfortable in the chest area for several hours. But, no vomitting!
  6. Yup, thats it!! It is 14 scoops but I would call it 7 because it tastes weak and not so good if only using one scoop. I have been throwing 3 scoops in the belnder, some 2% milk and ice cubes and out comes a fantastic tasting milkshake full of protein. Makes 2 glasses. I can't beleive how great it tastes, and 21 grams of protein per scoop. Just definitely use double the scoops. If using the recommended amount on the package, it tastes very weak and not so good. Also, make with milk, not water. Maybe that is the secret to protein powder tasting better. I had heard that they all taste horrible, but this one is great and I love it.
  7. I asked and they told me it is a tube but only goes down to the back of your throat, not all the way down.
  8. It's 120 calories, 4 carbs and 21 protein. I made it again with 2% milk, ice and doubled the scoops (one scoop is kind of weak tasting) and put it in the blender and out came the most delicious milkshake! I can't beleive how good this stuff tastes!
  9. I forgot to ask, do you happen to rememebr the name of the nurse who did your stockings?
  10. Good for you!! Glad you are up and about and doing well. It IS a great expereince isn't it? I just loved my time there.
  11. It's GNC 100% Whey Protein Chocolate Caramel flavor. 21 grams of protein and it actually tastes great! I was reluctant to try it because I haven't heard of any good tasting powders yet, but I got a small bag and will be getting more for sure! I made mine with water, but the gal at the store said you can use skim milk and I can imagine that would taste a lot better too. Use a blender with some ice, and you have a great tasting smoothie. The gal there also told me the Whey and Soy mixture was very good too, but since they didn't have a small container to try, I didn't get than one. I don't want to spend $30 or $40 on something I hate. One other thing, I thought the recommended amount ( 1 scoop ) made it taste rather weak, so I doubled it and it tasted better, plus the protein was doubled. You can get all your protein for the day in one drink if you do it that way.
  12. I used the Adkins Advantage shakes. They have lots of protein and it really kept me full and they tatse great! You and your friend won't be in the operating room at the same time, so you can both take turns watching each others stuff. But I wouldn't worry too much. I have never heard of anyone having anything taken. Besides, you will meet a lot of other people there who can help watch stuff too.
  13. If he was used to the other cats outside the window and didn't spray, then there is probably a new one coming around or there are just too many he can see now, but if you can prevent his seeing them, I can assure you, the spraying will stop. He may be attacking your other cat and trying to mount him because he is there and the only one he can get at. And I would definitely get another litter box, and ideally two more. You would be surprised how muich of an effect that will have on your cats. But, make sure to place them in different areas of your house, not all next to each other. The vaccine shouldn't matter, but a vet check wouldn't hurt. When he sprays, is it against a vertical surface? Does it smell worse than regular pee? Does his tail and hind legs quiver when he does it? If so, that IS spraying and marking his territory. They only do that when they feel threatened. Don't want to alarm you, but if you don't get it stopped quickly, he may begin attacking your other cat more and more and really hurting him. So, try to close the window shades for a while, and seriously, get more litter boxes because, you will be preventing some serious litter box issues BEFORE they crop up. This is a hot situation that can quickly turn a lot worse than it is if you don't get it ended quickly. Good luck!!!!
  14. Judy, are all your cats neutered? If not, they need to be to stop the spraying. Also, it is a little known fact, that even female cats can spray, along with males even after neutering. But, there is always a reason and always a cure. First off, if he can see stray cats outside your home, therein lies your problem. Your cat is defending his own territory. Even though he is an inside cat, the view from your windows and doors is considered his territory. By spraying, he is telling that outside cat he is boss and he is marking his territory. It would be best to block him from seeing the outside cat at all. Make sure when you clean the peepee, you use an enzyme cleaner to completely remove the smell. Natures Miracle is great to use. Also, make sure your litter pans are clean and the number of litter pans you need to have is one more than the number of cats you have. Also, try Feliway. It's expensive, but works. It is a cat pheremone that stops urine marking. But, you really need to stop allowing that outside cat to be seen by your cat. Let me know if I can be anymore help!! And good luck!
  15. I agree with everyone else. Talk to Dr. Ortiz. Maybe the weight loss will help and allow you to stop taking so many? Just a thought.
  16. Hi Bobbi, how are you doing? I think I am better. I tried some creamy soup last night, but I added more water. It was still pretty thick but it went down fine. Not sure what all the stomach problems are, but I think I am ok now. I'm not sure why I didn't think of this before, but I am starting to wonder if nerves are playing a part in it. See, my sister in law had to have her leg amputated (yesterday) and we were scared she wouldn't survive the surgery (she has a very bad heart). Well, she did great, and it's over and she is doing very well. So, I am starting to think maybe I was more nervous about it than I thought and maybe it affected my stomach. She's been in the hospital since 2/19 so we were even worried when we were in Mexico because we weren't with her. I am not usually a thrower upper but maybe with the band, things are different.
  17. Thanks!! What a great idea! I'll have to look into it.
  18. You should talk to Dr. Miranda. She will tell you how much, if any, she wants you to lose. She wanted me to lose 20, but then again, my BMI was 50 and I weighed 289. I lost 17 and that was fine with them.
  19. YEAH, good for you!!! I was up and about very quickly too!
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