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Posts posted by BATassbandita?

  1. I'm so excited!!! I just got back from the pharmacy where i got liquid tylenol and phyzamine. WOO HOO!! It's all happening so fast... I can't wait. My Wii Fit said i've lost 7 of the 10 lbs their asking me to lose so i think i'm doing ok!! :D

    I will be sure to update the board with my experience... You guys were so helpful to me in the whole decision making process and beyond! :lb13:

  2. So i have some questions for you guys who've been to the OCC before...

    1. What to pack? My mom is worried she'll have to carry my luggage on the way home. Plus i want to get in some serious TJ shopping so i know i'll need to leave some room. I know to pack light, and loose fitting clothes... but does anyone else have advice/thoughts on the subject??

    2. Will we need cash? Does everyone in TJ accept american currency?

    3. Is there anything you experieinced bandsters would reccomend doing or bringing? Like Gas-x strips or hitting up Revolution Ave for some knock off purses??? (The Sex in the City movie has me "shopping for lables") :laugh2:


  3. I am from Colorado Springs. Is there a "fill Center in Cheyenne"? Does the one in Thornton use Fluro. My surgery is May 8 and I am also planning to go back to occ for at least Fill #1 and possible more than that is just depends on the recommendations for Thornton and I still have to check into the actual price.

    I would be interested to hear anyone's experience with this fill center, or any of the USA fill centers. This will be where i get my fills, unless i want to splurge and go back to TJ for one of 'em.

  4. I'm going to be using Fitday and I was wondering if anyone else is.

    If you've never heard of it, it's a great free "tool" and I think it will mix well with the band.


    Another great free online support community is www.sparkpeople.com you can track the food you eat and the exercise you do and it allows you to track your personal customized goals as well. There is a fun rewards points system built in to the site to help with motivation.

  5. Hey all. I am scheduled for surgery on August 29th. I am so glad to have found this forum - for low BMI patients. As most of you here have mentioned, my Dr. always says that I need to lose weight, but I am not a candidate for WLS of any kind cause I am not FAT ENOUGH - hmmmmmm now isn't that unusual. It seems to me as though the Dr.'s here in the states are saying "well, you're too fat, but you're not fat enough for us to help you. So, when you are closer to imminent death, THEN come back and see us again. Good luck till then." Its (pardon my language) f**ked up if you ask me. It just is.

    Anyhow, I am (was) in the same boat. At 5'5", and about 190 lbs, my BMI is only 32, but still I am considered obese (oh, but not obese ENOUGH to get help). I have dieted since I was like 12... I have been on any kind of pill you can mention, LA Weightloss, Nutrisystem, Slimfast, Dr. monitored diets (bullcrap), starvation/excessive exercise aka anorexia - which worked by the way but let me tell you its not a good idea cause you gain the weight back tenfold when you can't handle starving anymore. I have tried it all, and at age 25, I am sick and tired of it and I want to live a life where food does not dominate my entire waking life. I want to be out having fun, wearing clothes that are cute, I want to be energetic, feel good about myself, etc. I have some major health problems (PCOS - polysystic ovarian syndrom. This causes me to be insulin resistant - similar to diabetic. I am sure several of you women on here struggle with this as well. Also hypothyroidism is a problem for me, and runs in my family.) Heart disease runs in my family, diabetes, obesity, etc.

    I am so happy that I found OCC because I was about to throw in the towel. I was honestly considering gaining enough weight to be 'fat enough' to get WLS in the states, but I couldn't bear the thought of doing it, then not being approved through the insurance company. It wasn't worth the risk. So, anyhow... sorry for my rant - I am just so happy to have found this forum, and I am so excited for my surgery.

    I agree the system here in America is so unfair! I'm glad we are able to take matters in to our own hands without having to pay several thousands!! Does anybody who has already had the surgery with a low BMI feel their experience differed to the others on the general forum?

    BTW MamaMichelle: i love to see how well you're progressing. It truly has been an inspiration in my research!! You should be proud of what you've done for yourself and your future! *gush gush*


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