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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. I haven't looked into it because I live in San Diego. Many others here have checked into it. I have heard that some fill centers will do it and some will not.
  2. Hi Traci, Welcome to our group! I am having my surgery at the Obesity Control Center in TJ, Mexico on Friday. I researched a lot of information. Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Martinez have far more experience with lap banding than US doctors and the cost is much less. You can go to the OCC website and learn more about their creditials and experience. I hope that helps you.
  3. Hi Crissi!! Welcome to our group. I will be banded this Friday, the 25th. I've learned a lot here also. I have shared openly my good and bad days and have received guidance and encouragement. I'm so glad that you are here and taking this journey with us. Feel free to share your thoughts and feelings and again, welcome!!
  4. Michelle, what brand of shakes did you drink. I have Slim Fast and really don't like them. The peanut butter may help. Great idea.
  5. I'm doing fine. Chantrix really does help. It takes away that driving need - the mind still craves. I have 5 days to go.
  6. I feel such a great bond in this group that it doesn't matter who is losing weight and who isn't to me. When someone loses a pound, I get this picture of our whole group taking one hop forward on the ticker line. =D>
  7. Hi Lisa, I haven't been banded yet but I wanted you to know that I am here and I care very much - we all do. I was depressed last week due to my postponed surgery. It took me a few days to call out for help. When I did, I received wonderful support and my mood turned right around. If all goes well, I will be banded on the 25th. Your fill will happen too. When it must happen, it will. In the meantime, keep trying to voice your feelings. We are here to support you.
  8. I can't wait to..... Cross my legs Get in and out of my truck easily Bend over to wash my feet in the shower rather than sitting Speak up for myself at work without shutting up because I remember I am the fat one Look people in the eye in the mall or when walking down the street Lay down and sit up on the doctor's table without assistance Play kickball with my kids Have feet that aren't burning up during a walk. Etc........ Anyone else???
  9. There are a list of things I am sure we can't wait to do. I am with you ladies. I think I'll start a new post to see what everyone is looking forward to.
  10. The picture helps a lot. I have been trying to explain to my family that the band is small and how the port works. This visual will work much better. Thanks.
  11. Only my son argued with me. I told him to research it all he wanted to himself but this is what I am going to do so he better get on board with it. I think the fact that I was so certain actually calmed his fears. He did research it for a couple of days and then joined in with everyone else and has been very supportive. The best way to handle it for me was to be certain about my decision. It is hard to argue with,"I AM going to do this."
  12. Just curious - I see different member levels like Supreme and Advanced. What do they mean?
  13. I am so happy for you Maggie!!! Great job. =D>
  14. Good Morning Band Family! > Today is day Smoke-free Day 10 and the weight is coming down again!! I have increased my walking and I'm enjoying it more each day. Six days until surgery now..YEAH! Have a terrific Saturday.
  15. Another milestone in the journey...Congratulations Michelle.
  16. Down 75 pounds since banding - Congratulations Amber!!!
  17. Amen Sister!!! I felt guilty about being fat before I decided to do this. By reading Dr. Ortiz's book, I have learned that I would have stayed on the diet yo-yo for life. Now I feel educated and empowered and definitely no guilt.
  18. Thank you ladies!! I appreciate the support. I think I have allowed this mood long enough. I will be banded in 9 more days and that is not too long to wait. To kick a habit that has controlled me for 19 years IS something to celebrate and, after the the surgery, I will have two reasons to celebrate. The glass is way more than half full. Thanks again so very much.
  19. And mine.. Name and Location: Wendy from San Diego, CA Age: 47 Gender: F Band Date: April 25th Height: 5'4" Highest weight: 262 Current Weight: 256 Goal Weight: 125
  20. My BMI is a whopping 44 so I may not be of much help. I'm certain you will do as well as so many other successful people here have done. Good Luck.
  21. I read everyone's posts and I want to feel like you but I just don't today. I hear my mother's words,"If you don't have anything nice (or happy or positive) to say...." So my "training" says to be quiet until I have a more positive outlook. Tonight I was thinking that being quiet is probably how I got so fat. Anyway, day seven not smoking after the surgery was postponed. I would have been one week banded but now I have to wait. I had lost the pre op weight and now I am back up 6 pounds. At this rate, I will have managed to quit smoking but gained back all the weight. I know I am just in a whining mood but maybe if I let the feelings out, I won't give in to the eating cycle. Thanks for listening.
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