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Everything posted by Kittycat

  1. That's amazing Lisa...let us know how it goes...I bet your hubby is thrilled with your new found hobby!!! LOL!!
  2. Congrats on your 3rd fill Anita!! I hope this is THE ONE!!! I too see my stomach bigger, because I am losing in my waist the most...I feel the top of my body doesn't match the bottom anymore, but it will all come together in the end. Carbs are my downfall too...some meals I eat protein only to compensate for potato or rice at dinner. Good Luck!!!
  3. Enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner ladies, even the pie...it's all in moderation. You have both done so well, you deserve aa little pumpkin pie with whip cream! Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
  4. You could be right, it doesn't last a long time, about 15 minutes or so...hmmm interesting!
  5. I have found for sometime now, that after I eat I get middle back pain, I am assuming it's gas, because I don't feel anything stuck. Doe anyone else experience this? Between the lump in my throat and back pain after eating...it's really getting to be a chore..which I guess is good, no more enjoyment in eating. Thanks!!!
  6. Thanks Anita, I want to see a new pic of you...it's been almost 2 months!! C'mon now!!
  7. You are so right Cara...I felt the same way, but then I realized that it took over 8 years to pack the weight on...it's going to take time for it to come back off...I have been doing everything right and working hard on getting some exercise in...and yet I am stalled now for two weeks...it happens and I can't stress over it or I will sabotage all of my hard work to-date. And..that's not going to happen!! You are doing everything right...it will happen!!! ((Hugs)))
  8. This the tough part...but you can do this..you have come so far...wow 36 lbs, that's amazing!!! If the fill isn't working, book another small one...it can several adjustments before it's just right and as you lose weight...additional adjustment will be needed. You can do this...keep your eye on the prize!! (((Hugs)))
  9. Don't be shy, we are all in the same boat sweetie...look at MamaMichelle...she was brave enough to post in a bikini....I would love to see your beautiful face!
  10. Well here in Ontario, we have Lovecraft and the Stag Shop...you probably have a store like that in your area. Go for it girl, you deserve it!!
  11. Stormy and Cara, I understand your frustration and focus on the scale. Until you have your first fill...try not to focus on your numbers...eat the recommended quantity of protein, veggies, grains and fruit and you will lose...if you feel hungry have low calorie healthy snacks. Try to keep your calories under 1200 a day and portions no bigger than a computer mouse. Before your first fill focus on NSV..lose clothing, slimmer face. Men lose faster than woman, so Stormy try not to compete with your hubby...he'll win everytime. After your first or second fill is when the real weight loss will begin. My numbers reflect my determination and drive to do this in one year...you can do it too!!
  12. You are so right Mindy!! I have several "powertools" under the bed and they do what I want and don't talk back...now that's my kinda man!!!
  13. Best of Luck Dolittle and be sure to let us all know how it went and how you are doing. I am in line for that very procedure next year...so please tell me it's painless okay!? Take care!
  14. Don't be scared...there is a possibility your first fill may not be the one...it took me two. But if you get a good fill, it just might do the trick for awhile. Good luck, I hope it goes well for you!
  15. Kim, you wouldn't even know it was the same person...complete transformation to a thinner, happier and even more beautiful lady!!!
  16. Congratulations Dana and to your friends too!!! You did it!! Get some rest, sip and walk and you'll be better than new in no time!! Take care!
  17. Well Lisa and Julie said it all...and they are right! Focus on you and your children and you will be truly happy. He's not worth it, but you are!!! You are are beautiful person inside and out and lookin' hot is the best revenge...let that be your drive to get back on track and rock it girl!!! (((HUGS))))
  18. Wow Mindy, you are one smokin' hot mama!! You have done amazing...so proud of you!!!!
  19. Thanks Ladies!!! You are the sweetest bunch of banditas ever!!! Couldn't have done it without your friendship and support!
  20. Stormy you look great!! I can't figure it out either, tried using Slideshow, got my pics saved, but can't figure out how to get them into my signature..how did you do it?
  21. Wow! I didn't realize the exchange had skyrocketed so much...we went to the Dominican in January and took American money and all I had to pay was the service charge, back then our money was worth more. I sure hope it goes back down before March when I go to the Bahamas. Either way babe, you are worth every penny...congratulations on taking the plunge..you won't regret it!!
  22. My plastic surgeon told me to come back when my weight plateaus....I had originally planned to see him in March, but I think I will wait until Aug/Sept/09 instead, just to give myself more time to lose, exercise and better assess what needs to be done. If you want this now, get a second opinion...the plastic surgeon who did my breast reduction told me to come in when I'm done losing weight. So everyone has a different way of doing things. My consultation fees come off the procedure fee when I booked it. So it's not lost money, thank goodness. Good luck!
  23. June 10//08 http://s483.photobucket.com/albums/rr192/c...oreandafter.jpg Aug/08 http://s483.photobucket.com/albums/rr192/c...urrent=bef2.jpg Sept 6/08-45 lbs lost http://s483.photobucket.com/albums/rr192/c...nt=sept6004.jpg Oct 10/08-53 lbs lost http://s483.photobucket.com/albums/rr192/c...thyoct10001.jpg
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