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Posts posted by Blazn

  1. 7/14/08

    I just thought I would go ahead and post an update on me. As you can see on my signature... I have only had 1 fill in Roswell - 3cc in 4cc band. Large first fill and have had great success with that. But the weight loss has slowed down a bit and even stopped some weeks. I would be up a pound one day and down two pounds the next. All in all I have only lost about 4 lbs in the past month (which is okay but it could be better). The main reason I am going for another fill is I am still able to eat way to much lasagna. LOL. I love it!! And I have not problems eating it! I have pretty much cut bread out but if I wanted a small piece I could eat it. No problems there - unless I eat enormous bites or eat too fast. I am not expecting a large fill - nor do I want one. I mean I only have 1cc capacity left in my band. I am very anxious to check things out also, like how much fluid is left in the band, if I have stretched my pouch, etc.

    Some days (as most of you) I have more restriction than others. Some days things get stuck and I have to throw it up, but not often. Doritos do not go down well and I love them. But I have had to ward them off. Ohhhh the pain!! I had posted a few weeks ago about counting calories versus carbs, etc. I have increased my protein and decreased my carbs and things seem to be going better. I have actually lost 2 lbs this week (which makes me question whether I need a fill or not.) I will leave it up to Darlene but I think I do need like maybe 0.2-0.3cc. Just enough to top it off. So...I head out to Moultrie tomorrow afternoon. My appointment is at 7pm (after the doctor's office that the Fill Center is in closes). Darlene usually only does fills in Moultrie once every 2 months and will be there in August but is on my anniversary. I only live about an hour from Moultrie and 4 hours from the Fill Center in Roswell so Darlene said she would meet me to do a fill. Thank to Darlene!! So anyway. I will post an update in this topic tomorrow night and let you guys know how it goes.

    Till tomorrow....



    OK - so I had my second fill yesterday. I met Darlene in Moultrie (Fill Centers USA). Because she could feel my port so well and because I have had absolutely no problems since my first fill she went ahead a did my fill without flouro. She did great. Just a small pinch when the needle was inserted. I had 3cc in a 4cc band on my first fill. Darlene went ahead and put 1cc in the syringe and when she pulled out my original fill she only got back 2cc of my original 3cc. She was not concerned. She said this happens all the time - fluid may be trapped in a ripple in the band and she said she rarely gets back the entire amount. So she pushed all 3cc that was in the syringe in and I drank water. I could feel it backing up and I was a little short winded so she backed off a little - 0.4cc. The water went down. She pulled everything out again and this time 3.4cc entered the syringe. So 2.4cc of my original 3cc fill and her additional 1cc. We tried it again with all of it in there and it backed up again so she backed off 0.4cc again. So she put 3cc in and pulled out the needle. So how much do I have in my band? Well if you count all of my original fill plus the addition of this one I would have 3.6cc. But Darlene said they don't look at it like that. They only count what they pull out and put back in. So I have (again) 3cc in my band. Which I am very happy with!! I did very well on my first fill - losing 19lbs in 10 weeks. That's 1.9lbs per week. Darlene recommended I stay on liquids last night and this morning and advance to soft - full liquids (mashed potatoes) - this afternoon. So I will give you guys an update in a couple of days on my restriction.



    So today is two day post-2nd fill - LOTS of Restriction!!! Praise the Lord!! Darlene actually recommends no solids until tomorrow but she said since she was only filling me to 3cc's like my first fill that I could advance a little faster. So tonight I had some grilled pieces of chicken and a few (very well chewed) pieces of pasta. I could only eat about 1/2 cup and I was stuffed!! WOOOO-HOOOO!!

  2. I eat small amount of food during meals, so i feel like i have a good restriction. however i feel hungry in about 2hours after i eat. i wait an hour before drinking, and i eat my protein first. Has anyone experience this? Should i be getting another fill?


    Lock 27, you are doing GREAT!!! Like MM said, if you are still losing weight I would not get another fill. If you are able to eat more than a 3rd than you were pre-band that it might be indicated. But I am guessing that if you are getting hungry after two hours of eating then you are not eating that much. Just remember to drink, drink, drink. I know a lot of people say coffee is not good for you but sometimes I find that if I am hungry and water does not seem to help that if I drink a cup of coffee with a little non-dairy creamer and Splenda it really quinches the hungar! Please keep us posted and congrats!!

  3. (Michelle I'm surprised they gave her a fill at the OCC - I thought you weren't supposed to eat before a fill).

    I had to read the post a couple of times because I though the same thing as you but I think MM is saying that the woman brought the sandwich with her....had her fill....ate the sandwich afterwards....and then got another fill (since she was able to eat it with no problem).

  4. So, in the last 3 weeks I have lost a whopping 1LB!!!!! How discouraging. I have scheduled a fill for next week and I cannot wait!!!! So anyway, I decided to look up what is the best way to be eating.....low carb (which usually means higher in fat) or count calories - like I love lean cuisines - but the carbs add up by the end of the day! So anyway I found this article, and I liked it because it reminded me about some things to do and not to do. Many of you may not need this reminder but I did so I thought I would post it!

    Lap Band - Have You Wondered What Happens AFTER Lap Band Surgery?

    By Helen Hecker

    If you're thinking about or seriously considering lap band surgery, you may want to know what the routine will be like after the surgery. Often just knowing this to begin with will help you make a decision as to whether you want to go ahead with the lap band weight loss surgery or not. Of course you will want to find out the cost of lap band surgery also.

    These are the usual recommendations that bariatric surgeons or lap band doctors suggest for lap band surgery patients; these also apply to all gastric banding patients:

    Only eat 4 ounces of food at a time. And if you still feel full after 30 minutes, you may need an adjustment to your lap band. Leftovers should not be eaten - they are often hard to swallow. Reheating any leftovers can dry them out so they can get stuck easier. Don't eat any well done steak or any type of doughy bread.

    If you haven't lost any weight in the last month - yes this happens - then are you eating too much food? If this is so, then you may need an adjustment. The esophagus doesn't really come alive until noon or so. If you somehow can't tolerate a solid breakfast, then fix a healthy all-fruit smoothie. You can make this with bananas and a combination of fresh and frozen fruits.

    The adjustment of the band depends on how you feel at night. If you're starving at night, then you may need an adjustment to your lap band. If you find you're vomiting a lot then you need to decide whether you're eating too much food, eating too fast, not waiting between bites or taking big bites, or not chewing your food thoroughly.

    No one should eat if they are upset or anxious, even more important for lap band procedure patients. Stress in the esophagus makes swallowing difficult. Now if you find you haven't been able to eat a certain food the last three times or so that you tried, then you probably still won't be able to eat the food tomorrow either.

    Microwaved food can become very "rubbery" and difficult to swallow. Microwaved food is missing many nutrients also. So it's best not to eat any microwaved food.

    It's important to understand that you can't eat like you did before you had the lap band system surgery. And it's very important to exercise even if you have the lap band.

    This may seem unusual but it is highly recommended that lap band or gastric banding patients take up a new interest or hobby. A hobby not related to food is best. This will keep you focused on something else other than food. If you can - start a new hobby that is physical like power walking, playing tennis, playing golf, yoga, hiking, joining a health club, dancing, square dancing, playing basketball, etc. Anything that will keep you up and moving and away from sedentary activities like TV, cards, bridge, computer games, etc. Get outside and get charged up by the energy in the air and sun.

  5. I read on a post once that a Dr had advised going back on liquids for 2 weeks to calm the band down, and let it slip back into place. Has anyone every heard that? Yesterday I went on all liquids for the day. I slept in my bed and had no problems.

    Yes, I have heard of this before. Sometimes, due to stress, irritation to the band, or for many other known and unknown reasons, the band and the stomach it surrounds get irritated. I also think the suggestion about the CVS anti-reflux liquid was a great idea. I think you should call the OCC and see what they say but I also think you should try liquids at least for a week AND take something for reflux. Please keep us posted.

  6. I heard at one time that a 4cc band could actually be filled to 5cc. Has anyone else heard this? Although it is kinda scarry to think about overfilling your band if you think about breast implants it make a little more sense. When women have implants they may have a 360cc implant filled with 450cc of saline. This happens everyday! Anyway, I just wanted to throw this out there and see if anyone else had heard this.

  7. Basically he is a big believer in smaller fills because it does less damage to the esophagus/band in the long run... He said most of his patients find their sweet spot around 3.0 but he said if he gives someone 3.0 on their first fill 2 things might happen: 1. it might shut them off totally or 2.their body may be able to take it but it will harm their progress in the long run.

    Ohhhh, I do pray I am the exception to his speculation! We will see.

  8. He said it's normal for some of it to dissolve. :unsure:

    I've never heard that it is "normal". If that was the norm wouldn't we all have less when we went back for more fills? I have heard that there may not be any problems if there is not as much but on the other hand there may be a leak. Since you only lost .3cc I would not worry about that right now.

  9. Kim, your frustration is not in vain! I would be TICKED!! I was scared to pay the initial Fill Center fees with added up to $550, scared that I would not get enough fill for my money. As I have posted before she gave me 3cc in a 4cc band. At first that scared me. I thought, OMG I only have 1cc left....then what? But thank God I have not needed another fill! I do have a fill scheduled for mid July, but when my weight loss slowed down I just wanted to schedule so Darlene would not be booked up. I will see in the next couple of weeks if I will keep that appointment or not. Since you have already paid the money, I would continue to use this doc. But if you start gaining weight I would call him immediately and DEMAND an additional fill!!! You have done so well to date and I seriously doubt gaining weight will be a problem. I am sorry you are having these frustrations. Please keep us posted.

  10. Hi Ladies, When you say you couldn't eat anymore...do you mean you feel full or you get that feeling that something is stuck? Can you give me an idea of what and how much you eat in a day? I was banded 3 months ago but in spite of having had 3 fills already I don't feel much restriction. A couple times I took too big a bite or didn't chew enough and got that stuck feeling but other than that I wouldn't ever know anything was done.

    Well both, actually. If I eat too fast or take big bites the food gets stuck. Because of the pain (from the food getting stuck) I stop eating. After a few minutes...I realize I am full. Which is something I always had a problem with pre-band. I would eat until I was full!! Not wait like they tell you to allow your brain to catch up with your belly. But anyway.....just an update. My weight loss has slowed down but I have lost 15lbs since my fill (May 3rd). That's about 2lbs per week. I am going to be on vaca for about a week and will not be able to weigh until next Monday. If I have not lost 2 more lbs by then I think I am going to have my 2nd fill in mid-July. If I continue to lose 2 lbs per week I will hold off. But I will let you guys know!

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