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Posts posted by Blazn

  1. I don't do good either. I work 12 hour days at a hospital. We are not allowed to have drinks at the nurse's station and are too busy to stay in a break room to drink.....so I don't drink. Before banding the only time I really drank was while eating....well now that's out. So...honestly I probably only take in MAYBE 16oz. per day! I know that is terrible. Sometimes I even get dizzy when I stand up too fast. I know it's those times that I am a little dehydrated which causes orthostatic hypotension. I will work on it....this post has opened my eyes a little! I will set a goal to drink 32 oz. of water tomorrow. I know, I know, I need at least 8 cups of water per day (which is 64 oz.) but I gotta start somewhere!! I will post tomorrow night and let you know how it goes!!

  2. Ok, so if you are one of those fortunate ones that hates sweets and never gives in...this post is not for you. But if you are one of those people (like me) who just has to have something sweet occasionally, I have a dessert to share. Many of you may already know about these as they have been out for a while now but Weight Watchers Smart Ones makes dessert (like they do meals). Tonight after eating a Smart Ones meal for dinner I had a sweet tooth, so I had one of their Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Sundaes. They are delicious!!

    Nutritional Info:

    Calories 170

    Fat 3g

    Carbs 32g

    Protein 3g

    That's not bad for a dessert. For example, at work today (hospital) they had strawberry shortcake pie which had 497 calories and 15 grams of fat. Wow. Anyway, I just wanted to share these little delights for those that may not know they exist. They have other desserts besides the sundaes. I have also had the Double Fudge Cake which is also delicious. Anyway....try them!!

  3. Donna,

    I'd definetley talk to Dr.O, that is just ridiculous!!! I have read on this forum of other patients having problems and them being fixed at NO cost to them [except the air fare.]

    I hope this gets resolved soon, in your favor, because I know I'll be very disappointed in the OCC if it's not!! I'm considering getting my fills here in PA., [still looking into it] but I'm willing to pay more to keep going to the OCC because of the awesome care they give their patients. Come on OCC staff, don't let this smudge your good [GREAT!] name, take care of your dedicated patients like you always have!!

    Signed, Disappointed Darlene

    AMEN!! You said all that I was thinking!!

  4. Do not worry. The liquids are supposed to slip right through. You may have felt some restriction at first from the swelling around the band but that is probably gone by now therefore you are hungrier. But yes, let the liquids pass right through. If they did not your band would be too tight (which would be scary being you don't have a fill). I had my first fill on May 3rd and we watch barium slip right through after the fill. You do not want liquids to hold up, if they do just think what food will do. It will never pass. Just hang tight, you will be able to eat in a week.

  5. Donna, Does the OCC have you sign a disclaimer saying that there is always a risk fo puncturing the tubing or damaging the port? I had my fill at Fill Centers USA and I had to sign a disclaimer stating the risks and that if something like that happened the port would have to be replaced by a surgeon at my own costs. Hopefully, you did not have to sign one of these for the OCC. I agree with everyone else, it looks like if you had all of your fills at the OCC they would replace for free. Please keep us posted.

  6. Thank you all for your nice comments. This week it has really sunk in that ....hey - one day I am going to be skinny. For those of you that called me an inspiration, all I can say is Wow - I never though someone would call me that in the weight loss arena. I have been really discouraged the past month because my weight loss slowed down a lot. But I did lose 7lbs this month and that is so much more than I could ever do dieting on my own. I lost 15lbs per month the first two months so when the scales were not moving as fast I got discouraged. I even contacted Fill Centers USA to schedule another fill. But I don't think that is the answer. I still have a lot of restriction, but there are some foods that I seem to be able to what I would say "engorge" myself on. My next fill is scheduled for July 20 in Roswell, GA. I am going to leave that appointment for now and just cancel if I can maintain losing 2lbs. per week.

    And Evette, oh honey, I do still have a tummy. But I'm working on it.

    Skysyd, yes I have had a fill. I had my first (and only) fill on May 3rd - 3cc in 4cc band. Yes, I do still have an appetite, but it does not compare to the one I had before the band.

    WillT, you are too funny, as always. Sorry I can't make the Roswell get together this weekend. Maybe next time!!

    2mara, when I started losing weight, I started treating myself to things other than food - like pedicures every 2 weeks! I love 'em!!!

    Again, thank you for all of your nice comments!!!

  7. My goal was a size 10, that came and went - I'm now a 4/6 and trying to stop from getting any smaller!! I never thought that I could be this size –when I started I was a 22 or 3X.

    You’ll most likely loose more than your goal – most people I know have. (When you start at a 22 its hard to imagine getting to a 10), when you get to a 10, you can quickly without much effort move to a 6! And then what’s really interesting is how exercise - which is much more fun when you’re smaller - really starts affecting your body.

    WOOOOOOHOOOOOO! Lisa that is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What an inspiration you are!!!!!

  8. Mom, I am also almost 3 months post op and I too still get the shoulder pain occasionally. I think if you have right shoulder pain it is gas related (as the phrenic nerve is associated with the right side) but if it is left shoulder pain I think it is due to damage of the crus of the diaphragm (whatever that is). My pain was so severe, I acutally researched nursing and medical journals and found this..... http://www.core.monash.org/assets/document...ers/2005-52.pdf This is a research study conducted on lap band patients and their shoulder pains. Anyway, my pain did subside after about 2-3 weeks post-op but would hurt again after eating too much or too fast. Then when I got my first fill the pain came back (now I know there was not gas inserted there, which leads me to believe the article) for about a week. Now, it still hurts occasionally but it is so bearable. Anyway, hopefully it will go away soon but keep us posted.

  9. Yes, Kim, I keep a food journal. Well at least during the week I do. The weekend I get kind of slack. I actually did this to make sure I was taking in enough calories. And actually I wasn't. I like it because it also helps me keep track of my carb and protein intake too. My journal is through my-calorie-counter.com

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