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Posts posted by Willi333

  1. Hi Claire,

    I was banded on 04/28 and boyyy do I feel my port ... it is maybe to early since I'm only 1 week post op and probably still sore, but the feeling is really bothering me - especially when I try to bend over or sit down and forget to be upstraight-

    It's like a ball :-?

    ... hope this will get better in time ...


  2. I was just reading my pre-op instructions and it recommends using this device 1 week before surgery. Did any of you use one. The price they show for online purchase is extremely high, I've seen it for $6-7.

    Hi Sunshinegirl,

    I did get one, because I thought it can only help, due to the fact that I am a longtime smoker (I know :lb18: ...). I got it at amazon.com for about $7 plus s&h.

    Well I think it helped me and also reassured me that I am on track with my volume :-) I did the test with 95%.



  3. I guess I would not want to have a fill without fluoro anyways and Roswell does not do it without as far as I know. I just think if I go to TJ and have to travel back the next day and THEN feel that I'm maybe to tight I could not just turn around.

    Roswell is about 30 miles or only 10 miles from work so i would probably feel more comfortable there in case something needs to be adjusted ....

    On the other hand I would love to go back to TJ just for them to double check that everything is in the right spot ;-)

    Thanks for the info!!!!


  4. Sorry I missed your other post, my mom is in town for the weekend and I haven't been on the board much so I am trying to play catch up, I haven't even made it to the other parts of the forum yet!!

    Wow 3cc's that's a big fill, congrats for what I've seen the OCC's standard fill schedule seems to be (for a 4cc band):

    1st fill level 1.5 - 1.7cc

    2nd fill level 2.3 - 2.5 cc

    3rd fill level 2.6 - 3.0 cc

    I'm not really sure why Dr. O makes it a point to tell every patient that they may only need 1 or 2 fills in a lifetime if they return to the OCC for their fills, I mean maybe he's just trying to get people to return so he gets more $$ but I have yet to hear of anyone who only needed 1-2 fills based on the above schedule.

    Dr. Romero says liquids for 3 days after your first fill, and then any other fills you get he wants you to eat a few hours after in case it's too tight so you can get an unfill before leaving TJ.. what did the Fill Center in Ga tell you?

    Hi Michelle,

    I was just thinking about that too (what Dr. O said about the 2 fill in a lifetime) and was wondering what the OCC would do different than for example the Fill Center here in Roswell ?? I have a few more weeks to get my first fill and have to decide where to go :wacko:

    How is your fill working for you so far?


  5. Well thats 2 against the chocolate caramel flavor that I like. I think that makes me brave enought to try another flavor now. I liked the chocolate caramel so much I was afraid to try another one flavor, but it sounds like you love the others ones too, so I think I'll give it a try!

    Thank YOU!

    I asked my hubby to try the three flavors and he loves the caramel. likes the chocolate a lot, but does not like the vanilla at all LOL

    Everyone's taste is different ... but if you can find the small bag I would definately try the chocolate one ;-)


  6. I finally pooped today. It was very small but I feel so much better! I assume that less in means less out but I was so regular before. I think the passing of the "matter" made my stomach feel SO much better! Things are movin now!!! WAAHOOO!

    You crack me up !! I had the same satisfying feeling yesterday and was wondering if others had the same prob. LOL

  7. Nebsmom and Ute, please hang in there. I know it is hard, today is my first day to eat a real meal since being banded. Walking really helps with the gas as does the phayzme. Ute try sleeping with a flat pillow under one side so you aren't tossing from a completely flat position this helped me. Good luck ladies keep us posted.

    I'll try that tonight - thanks a lot for the tip Lora !!


  8. ... and the pre op diet options are:

    Rules are applicable for each diet listed.

    1. No alcohol for two weeks prior to the surgery.

    2. One Chromium Picolinate 400 mcg per day can be taken for fat-burning purposes.

    3. One Metamucil capsule can be taken at 10:00 am and one at 3:00 pm for hunger pangs.

    4. 1-2 diet drinks a day are allowed, but not to be taken to excess.

    5. A green salad (no colors other than green!!) may be consumed. A zero to five calorie dressing may be used, but not to excess. (Example: Wish Bone Salad Spritzer)

    6. If you suffer from PCOS of hypothyroidism, please continue with your prescribed medication. Altering your medication can make it more difficult to lose the necessary weight.

    You may choose from one of the following diet options although we recommend purchasing your pre-op diet from our estore http://obesitycontrolcenterestore.com/.

    Diet option 1

    Seven days prior to surgery:

    The patient may have one protein shake for breakfast, one for lunch, and one for dinner, not over 225 calories a serving. If the patient has diabetes, then Glucerna or Atkins is a good option.

    Diet option 2

    A minimum of 12 days prior to your surgery:

    The patient may have one protein shake for breakfast and one protein shake for lunch not over 225 calories a serving. At dinner, the patient may consume one Lean Cuisine. As a snack, you may have sugar free diet jello and sugar free popsicles. If hungry, you may substitute a serving of salad with one serving of vegetable or minestrone soup.

    Diet option 3

    With three weeks or more before the surgery, the patient may use the Induction Phase of the Atkins Diet. This is to be strictly monitored. Any cheating or excessive eating can and probably will cause complications.

    I did the 2 week option and it worked great !!

  9. Hi Mona,

    thanks btw for that great tip !! I bought the caramel, vanilla and chocolate (small bags) to try which one I like best ... and the winner is definately CHOCOLATE !! Or even chocolate mixed with vanilla, not so much the caramel.

    I just lovvve it ;-) 1 take 1 1/2 scoop and 2% milk and it just taste great. Thank you, thank you, thank you ... can't wait to have some more next week ;-)


  10. Thank you all so much ><'

    Today is day 4 post op and I really feel great. of course I am a little sore, I do have the gas but not the shoulder pain some have.

    I have to admit I am REEAALLY looking forward to the solid food in 3 weeks but I all in all it is not too bad. For now I am not hungry although my belly is growling and I have a little problem to find the right sleeping position, but could'nt be more happier that I did this step and I am looking forard to my new life !!

    Thank you all for being here and always having an answer to any question one may have - it helps a lot !!!

    P.S. We all were scheduled to be banded by Dr. Martinez (what a sweetheart) But Dr. Ortiz came back from Barcelona and he said his wife sent him straight back to work LOL. He is just too funny joking around and make my hubby and myself crackin up. But I would have felt totally comfortable with Dr. Martinez doing the surgery by himself, he is so knowledgeable, kind and also hottttt !!! They are just the best ;-)


  11. Hi nebsmom,

    I got banded on April 28 . I do not have the shoulder pain, but I have gas that I thingk makes my belly rumbling.

    Although I'm not really hungry - I am fighting the HEAD hunger. OMG I smell food, I see food , I think about eating all the time and I really miss the chewing.

    Oh well, we have to hang in there a few more weeks and hopefully the gas is gone by then and we feel better if we can eat something with substance.

    I do however have another problem ... it seems I can not really find the right position to sleep. I am tossing and turning and if I move it feels like someome is pulling on my band ... wonder how long this will last ...

  12. Oki doki ...

    My name is Ute (pronounced:you-tea) originally from Germany, 39 y/o, married to my wonderful husband John and we have 3 dogs. Due to a job offer, we moved to Atlanta 4 years ago and I really love it here in the US - especially the traveling :-) ! I'm working for a Foreign Embassy as an Executive Assistant and enjoy my job to the fullest.

    I have been overweight most of my life, always fighting the pounds - sometimes more - sometimes less.

    My best friend back in Germany had the lap band surgery a little over a year ago and since then I was considering it, but not really ready - eating is just such a wonderful thing ;-)

    After avoiding the scale for some time I finally had the nerve to face the reality and booom I was a wopping 261lbs. Now I knew I was ready and after a lot of research I called OCC and set the date.

    Being banded since April 28, 2008 and looking very much forward to my new life !!!

  13. Hello All,

    I was bandend maybe an our ago and like doinfi9 enjoying the ice chips and the capri sun drink.

    like you all promised ... the Hotel is really nice and the staff here at the OCC is soooo great & professional.

    All in all, they are real sweethearts and I would do it all over again !!!!

    Well I guess more for you later, got to do the walking :-)

    P.S. Dr. O was in as well so we did not missed out on meeting him ... what a funny & hot Doc he is ;-)


  14. I am considering getting banded in June. Can anyone tell me what the "pre-op" diet is all about???


    Hi Dieter,

    Before surgery you have to/should lose about 5% of your body weight, in order to lose some of the fat around your liver and stomach (helps for the procedure).

    Before surgery: Either 2 weeks with 2 shakes and 1 lean cuisine, or 1 week with 3 shakes a day.

    I'm on it right now and can't wait to get banded on Monday ;-)



  15. Here it comes ... "old habbits die hard" but it is really true.

    It is our head missleading us and hey, if we would not loooove to eat, I guess we would not be here, right ?

    That's why I have to leave the room when my hubby starts eating all the good stuff LOL otherwise I don't know ...

    You are down 32 lbs :lb13: This is great !!!


  16. This could be me B)

    I am not banded, but on the pre-op diet and it looks like soon as I get off work and on my way home, all I can think of is FOOD FOOD FOOD :lb12:

    So what helps me a lot is to have my "dinner" if it is a shake or the lean cuisine right before I leave at around 4:30. And the rest of the evening I keep myself busy, eat maybe some salad and fill the rest up with water LOL

    Be Strong - YOU CAN DO IT !!!


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