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Posts posted by Allcdngirl

  1. Okay.. I need your advise, I'll keep it short and sweet. Big party at the Tulalip Casino on Thursday evening, July 3rd. Am thinking about scheduling my first fill for that afternoon. Don't care if I can't eat, but definitely care about being able to drink. 2nd option... stay until Monday, July 7th and get my fill in the morning, and then drive home and go straight to work. My preference is my 1st option, but what would you do???

  2. OMG... you have no idea!! Those who don't know I've been banded are going to think something is seriously wrong with me when they see me not drinking my Corona's. I have a 24 pack sitting in my dining room that I brought home from a weekend away in the U.S. and now I can't drink it... :angry: BUT.... you coundn't make me change my decision. I will give the Corona to my family when they come, and I will indulge on my ceaser's all summer! Oh and you know what else sucks... Dragonboat festivals are coming fast and hard, and of course with each festival, there is the infamous party beer garden! Well... they serve Cider and Beer... both carbonated.. hmmmmm.... Guess I'll be carrying around my own little cooler with me whereever I go!

  3. Lisa.. "you're getting too skinny"!! OMG... that a girl! Wow... good for you. What a good feeling that must be. I can't wait until all of us can say that! We're gonna be some hot chicks!!! Too all you husband's and wife's, your spouse better keep you happy! And to all us single women.. look out men! You're not going know what hit ya!!! Anyways.. it is really nice and hot here today! Lisa.. is there nice there too???

  4. Hi Susan.. I'm Anita, and I live in Vancouver BC. Welcome to the Forum, and congratulations on making the decision to be banded. At first, I wasn't going to tell anybody, for the exact reasons you mentioned. If I don't lose weight fast enough, they'll wonder why. If they see me eating pizza or cake, they'll wonder, yah.. she'll never lose weight that way. Well was I surprised when I started to tell my family and friends. They were soooooooo supportive. I did not tell anybody at work or even my mom, until I got back. I for sure thought that my mom would watch me like a hawk, and make those comments that I said above. Boy was I wrong. She cried when I told her. She told me she was reallly worried about my health and knowing that diabetes runs in my family, she was very concerned for me. I see my mom every week, and each and every time, she tells me I'm doing a great job, and she's so proud of me! She grins from ear to ear.. I have only told 3 people at work. I had actually planned on telling alot more of them at our staff barbeque last night, but nobody commented on my weight loss. Funny eh.. I've lost 23 lbs and nobody said a word. I work in a satellite office by myself, so I only see some of my co-workers every couple of weeks or so. Now.. I have no intention of telling them. Next time we all get together will be in December, and I'm sure I'll have a few questions then to answer, and I will be so proud to tell them everything they want to know. Just take your time, think it through, and you'll make the right decision. I do have to say though, that if I worked in an office with co-workers, I probably would not tell them unless I had to. The negative comments would be sure to fly around then.

  5. I'm like you Cathy.. I couldn't get myself to eat the "thick" oatmeal. I do have the Maple & Brown Sugar one that Michelle is talking about, maybe I'll try it once more, and add more hot water. Shredded wheat with hot water, milk and brown sugar, should be good as well. I've just been having cold breakfast's. Cottage Cheese, Hard Boiled Eggs, Yogurt with Fruit in it, Crackers and low fat cheese.. toast (really brown) with peanut butter or nutella on it. Try some of these as well.

  6. Sorry friends... I must have just missed you. Logged off to go and have something to eat, and just signed back on a bit ago. Damn.... Well if you are ever going on and want to let me know.. just email me directly at anitamoore@shaw.ca and if I'm on the computer, I'll get it right away. Hope you had fun! Until Monday ( :

  7. Well, I don't know if you've heard or not, but up here in Vancouver, our average temperature this month has been 11 degrees C. That would be like... 53 degrees F. Yes.. we've broken a record! It's been friggin cold and everybody's calling June "Junuary"!! But... today (Saturday) was pretty nice, so I took a nice nap on my patio! It was heavenly. My boys have gone fishing with their dad for the father's day weekend (an annual thing) and won't be home until tomorrow night! Wooooohooooooo!!!!!!!! I'm going to my nephews tomorrow evening for a barbeque. It's supposed to be nice tomorrow as well. OMG.. two days in a row! I can only imagine... lol. And... as always... the dreaded housework... ) :

  8. Alana. Your information doesn't say when you had your surgery? When did you have it? I think that was very mean of her to say that. I bet you felt better after she told you that you could go down to 120. What an esteem booster! My numbers are fairly close to your's.. I'm at 233 right now, and I will be more than happy to get to 175. If I can keep going, that would be great, but if I can get down to a size 12 or 14, I will be more than happy! Keep in touch, and let us know how you're doing after your fill... eating, etc. I'm going to be cheering you on, as your surpass your goal, and reach for the low 100's!

  9. A girl that I know went and had her lapband in Monterray, and she had gall stones, so with her approval, they removed them. Not sure how she found out in advance, but she called her dr. from there, and her dr. said.. hey.. if they want to do it at the same time, definitely, let them. Her Dr. wasn't worried at all. I know here in Canada, if you go to Emergency for anything, they can't refuse to treat you, regardless of where you had surgery. My regular Dr. is seeing me for follow-up, and is very impressed at my progress, and the incisions that I have. She said Dr. O did a great job!

  10. You Rock Michelle!! I would never buy a dress that was THAT much too small for me. I guess that's because in the past, I have often bought clothes that were too tight to wear, but just said to myself... that's okay.. when I lose 10 lbs they will fit perfectly. Well... they sit in my closet forever, and I never end up wearing them. As much as I am confident that this time I WILL SUCCEED, I don't think I'm ready to do just that yet. But when I do.. I will post a pic on here as well. Monday will be exactly one month from being banded. I'm going to get a new pic and put the comparison photo's here. Stay tuned all!

  11. Hey Michelle... how are you? You're looking great! I was with you the night of your bad PB'ing and you were drinking water before and during your "5 bites of ceaser salad". I totally agree with Will that the concensus seems to be that your stomach does swell. Also... keep in mind, that the more weight you lose, the looser the band gets. I agree with telling them exactly what happened. They are experts and I know you can trust them! Good luck kiddo!

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