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Everything posted by julieburns

  1. Hi Marlene: I am so glad you posted. I am in a hurry to go to work but will post more later tonight. I remember you and your hubby sunning at the pool the next day. I am sorry you're not doing so well. My stomach site is still sore at times, I'm not sure why just that all people heal at different paces. Have you booked your first fill? Mine is 7/17. Call the OCC if you feel you need an answer Glad to see you post and please keep on this forum...it has helped me soo much.
  2. Thanks for the tip on the pedometer and the price. I was wondering if the more expensive ones were any better.
  3. Thanks Jann. The more I read the more I am encouraged to keep one foot in front of another.....the old one day , one hour, one minute at a time thing. Thx
  4. Oh I can assure you , you'll know. It's like all of a sudden you can eat anything and everything...no problem. You do (or at least I do) feel full but it's on much more food. I am only 4 weeks post-op but still can't/havn't ever eaten what I used to. I stop myself first. Hope all is well with you Cathy. Only a few short weeks and you'll be on real food...counting for ya!! Thanks for the tip Amber. I booked my first fill last week for 7/17 at OCC. Can't wait. Sorry you have to wait.
  5. Yeah me too Yorkiemommy!! I am glad you brought up the processed food thing. I hadn't remembered that but now will think about it before I eat anything processed and hopefully I won't eat it!!
  6. I had never told my husband my weight. I finally was able to open up and be honest about it with him. I know what you mean about being liberated to do that.
  7. I am sorry Yorkiemommy but you are right our fills are soon!!
  8. Thanks Linda. I actually typed wrong on the protein, veggies thing. I've edited it for correctness. Thanks for the caring replies all.
  9. Thanks Dawn. When are you getting your first fill and where?
  10. Mamamichelle and evette what a beautiful pic of 2 gorgeous, slim babes!!!HOT!!!! I love the water in the background. :lb13:
  11. Ok so I officially started solids 6 days ago. I thought I would never get there and my first real food was oatmeal. About 1/4 cup and that held me until the evening. My dinner was 1/4 a chicken quesadilla with pico. Day one was deemed a success in my book. I tolerated everything , chewed the heck out of it and had no sort of PBing just got full very fast. As each day had gone by I've slowly eaten more and more to the point that now last night I ate 1/2 a chicken quesadilla with no problem. I have tried to divide my meals up and eat the veggies/fruits first, then protein and etc as instructed. The problem I am feeling is that I felt so deprived I have also taken a bite of this and a bite of that throughout the day, perhaps grazing if you will which is NOT what I am supposed to do. I also know the "restriction" feeling is slowly going away and I am scared. I know that. I also have eaten a few shall we call them "taboo" items. I feel like in no time if I keep it up I may be in trouble. I havn't lost anymore weight, not that I would expect to after starving my body and I know some of my choices have been poor. What I need is to hear some encouragement and good tips on how to make this work. Today is a new day and I havn't put 1 bite of food in yet. I'm actually still feeling full from last nights dinner. Anyway I know this is long but the voice of experience ways heavy on how I will go through my day today. Thanks all for some kind helping tools. I WILL make this happen I don't want to let you guys (or first of all myself) down. Edit: I actually eat the protein first, then veggies etc.
  12. I'm so happy for you Denise. Real food is good....great after 3 weeks of liquid. Congrats on the 22# thats awesome
  13. And actually you may not need any undies because If you asked I bet they'd give you another pair of the fancy thongs!!
  14. Too darn funny...You really have nothing to worry about expecially in a group of 4. Even being out until dusk or shortly after is fine in groups in the main areas of the touristy traps. Really like someone else said you're not going to Mongolia!! Just be smart and stay together. Congratulations of your decision to be banded, you won't regret it at all. Try to relax and look at this as a mini vacation. Read all the tips for pre-opsters here and ask questions if you don't find the answers Take care
  15. Too funny, I'm copying it and pasting it to my fridge tonight!!!
  16. Isn't it great to be banded!! Like you Jann I am only a week or so ahead of you and I am still scared to eat too much, I know I am still healing. Tonight I just ate too much too fast and now my stomach hurts...oops. Not too bad but I should have stopped sooner. It was all vegetables but still they can damage my pouch just as easily. Now I have lobster and shrimp on my mind. Never did crave eggs of any sort.
  17. You will have a hospital gown they provide and you can put on another over the back of it to keep from flashing anyone. Whatever you are comfy with post-op is fine. I personally am always hot so no robe was necessary. The gowns are actually quite large and completely cover everything. Mine even touched the ground because I am so short. Good luck Angie
  18. I do believe Dr. Miranda said in 4 days the liquid yogurt is OK, but take it easy and don't drink too much to me. I'm not sure Jann what is the right answer for sure.
  19. I thought this area was for the same, questions for the Dr's and then for them to answer here. When I posted a topic I wanted it to be posted in the general discussion section and it got posted in this questions section without me wanting it there. I had nothing to do with where it was posted, it just somehow went there. Who/how does this happen? I agree totally with you snowbird.
  20. Sorry to burst your bubble Trina but I don't want you to do anything wrong. Fudgesicles are NOT clear liquids, they are consideed a FULL liquid (at least that's how myself and any other nurse I practice with sees it, I asked) So technically no more fudge pops until after 7 days. Then eat as many as you like... Hang in there kiddo. It seems many people have suggestions of what they did but for real clarification call Dr. Miranda or take the advice of a trusted medical professional who knowsl :girl_hospital:
  21. The young fit and trim Julie used to wear a size 5 shoe, I loved it. Now I wear a 6 1/2 and some 7's. Oh I can't wait to wear size 5's again in both shoes and clothes!! There is hope on the homefront...LOL
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