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Everything posted by DaGreen

  1. LOVE the yoga and the soccer. Soccer cracks me up with the shoes and the bear heads hitting you.
  2. Maybe it's something you needed to hear. This is not a quick fix without you doing your homework. I haven't been banded yet and am still wondering if I need to be. Have I TRULY given 100% to my last diet? Have I truly stuck to the calories, the portion sizes and the exercise program? Again, the band is a "tool" and it won't be a success unless you work at it.
  3. Yes, as you age the collagen in your skin is less productive and it's harder to keep it taught. I have heard that dry skin brushing really helps this information I got from a T-tapp trainer's website CRT T-tapp is a workout that I bought the dvd's years ago and attended a couple of seminars. I am hoping to supplement this as my workout once I am able to after the surgery.
  4. EXACTLY! I've been on a ketone diet for years and your breath and sweat smell worse. I will always have Altoids around for the breath and I catch myself putting on deodorant 2 x a day.
  5. OMG, this is a hysterical post on the fact that not only am I seeing Dr Hottie with my big booty in disposable thong panties, I also have a hot massage therapist, oh the horror! Seriously though, thanks for the insight on the massage therapy afterwards.
  6. Ok, now that I have "THE Lap Band Bible" from Dr. Ortiz, the reason for no smoking before the surgery is do to "pulmonary complications that can account for one-quarter of all deaths occurring in the first six days after surgery." I am sorry for the smoking addiction as I am sorry for the food addictions. It's tough and we all just have to work through it together.
  7. feefee, you can order the book from OCC but they are currently out of stock so I ordered mine from Amazon.com iamworthit, 100% in agreement with you there!
  8. No doctor here but I am going to assume it has something to do with the spirometer?
  9. Thanks for this post. I asked about his book last week and am assuming it's a must have BEFORE the surgery. Amazon should be delivering it to me tomorrow. Now as far as fat weighing less than muscle, I have always cringed when someone has told me this. 5 lbs is 5 lbs wether it's fat or muscle. Muscle is dense and lean where fat is well, fat blobby jelly. This will be a conversation I will have to have with Dr O! HAHAHAHA
  10. CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is FANTASTIC!!! Keep up the great work!
  11. =D> =D> =D> You LOOK FANTASTIC!!! You are so funny about not showing your swimsuit picture but the next couple of pics you are baring all! Thank you for sharing your pictures!
  12. Great post Michelle. In no way have you came across as an exhibitionist. For me, you have gone out of your way to post pictures and other great information that we might not have otherwise received. You are a great motivator and it's also nice to know that you are human and that you show your pictures of your weight loss, yet you still mention that it's in no way easy. =D> THANK YOU for all that you post!
  13. So, the restriction is preventing you from getting your water in? Is this normal restriction issues and if so how do you get through it? Can you set the clock on your computer at work to tell you to drink so you don't forget?
  14. WOW! You all are looking good before. Here's mine. It's no bikini but it's spandex! This was me finishing my triathlon. Donna
  15. What about the Special K protein water? Would that be considered your water intake? One of my dr's offices has a pitcher of ice water that has slice lemons and cucumbers in the pitcher. It's quite refreshing so I did that at home and it is helping me to get my water intake in.
  16. Mari, I just stopped my diet pills as well. I am taking my steps at this one day at a time. If I don't, I will stress out about it too much and then I will binge.
  17. I was looking for his book at Border's Books and they didn't have it but they had Weight Loss Surgery with the Adjustable Gastric Band which I picked up and wholly moly, does that have a ton of information. I will definitely give my review on Dr. Ortiz's book once I read it.
  18. Thanks Julie. If I have anything I am in dire need of knowing, I'll pm you. Does Dr. Ortiz's book basically answer all the questions? I read someone's post that they wish they had his book BEFORE they had the surgery and maybe they wouldn't have made a couple of mistakes. I just ordered the book today from Amazon, OCC is out of stock, and I just want to hold off on any questions before I get the book
  19. :lol: OMG, I just spit my protein shake out my nose! Uh, my large bum in disposable thong panties AND I too will be TOM!!! #-o
  20. Awe sweetie, I think he DOES love you for you. I bet he's like my husband and is TERRIFIED of the potential health risks more than anything. This group continues to amaze me. Every time I question if I am making the right decision, someone pipes in on the board to a post that reaffirms I AM MAKING THE RIGHT DECISION FOR ME! I figure, I am the one that has to live with the battle, the unhappiness, the depression, etc. Well, my husband does too, but he really doesn't understand the internal struggle. My latest struggle is I've already dropped 6 lbs on my pre-op diet and I've only been doing it for 3 days. The struggle? If I can lose this much now, then I really don't need the surgery. BAH, how am I going to KEEP this weight off? So, I am still on track for the surgery. Just keep reading posts anytime you feel doubt and you will get through it.
  21. I see your picture when I click on your name. I have mine as an avatar.
  22. This post is very timely! I've told 2 people and one is extremely against it the other totally for it. Now these two are my friends. The one that is being so negative about it my BEST friend, I really regret telling her. I still haven't told my husband, I am on pre-op diet and I can't let him get into my head because I will make poor food choices when I get upset. We have been fighting the last couple of weeks about my weight and he doesn't get it that it's not a matter of just watching what I eat and killing myself with exercise. I will tell my husband before the surgery, just can't do it while I am trying to drop 10 lbs before my surgery. Thank you all for the positive responses. I know you were responding to the OP but it sure was nice to read the positive comments.
  23. I really think there needs to be a FAQ section. I've asked a couple of questions here and some of the responses I get are "read the forum" as some of my questions were answered before. For someone that just discovered you all last week and got my surgery date last week which is in a couple of weeks, honestly it's time consuming to try and find all these posts when I work full time. I did go to the other forum and found that to be more helpful with the FAQ section but there is a lot of mean and nasty people over there that I don't feel comfortable posting there. This forum is smaller and more sincere and personal.
  24. Well, you are all such a great support for everyone I've been addicted since I discovered you all last week.
  25. Jena, OMG! Definitely money well spent. I am glad you were able gain control. I've often wondered "what is going to happen" when I get the urge. I hate that you went through it but I am glad you shared it. It gives the rest of understanding. Thanks again.
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