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Everything posted by AngelaAnn

  1. If you don't mind my asking, what is Dr. Quiroz charging for a lower body lift? I'm pretty sure in about 50 lbs. I'm going to need some skin removed around my upper arms and stomach. Thanks!
  2. What are biotin pills? And do I need to go to a doctor to get the B12 strips? Thanks!
  3. Dr. Ortiz told me that as long as the pill wasn't too large (like a multi-vitamin or calcium pill) it didn't have to be mashed. He did say to cut up those pills if you still need to take them.
  4. I'm from San Diego so, no worries. I have a thyroid problem and get my meds down there for $3 for 90 days worth. I also get chronic strep throat so I also get my antibiotics down there too. Mexico is not the den of hell everyone likes to believe...just be smart about it. Don't do anything down there that you wouldn't do in the U.S.--and as far as gifts go, you will have no problems. Just don't forget your passport! (or i.d + birth certificate until January 2009)
  5. I had/have this problem, too and after day 10 for me (this has happened twice--fiber and those teas don't seem to work for me)...Rene recommended milk of magnesia. Tastes like crap but definitely helps. You need to stay close to a bathroom for at least 3 hours...usually you go about 8-10 times before you're cleaned out. That's what they recommended at the OCC for me. It takes about 3 hours for it to "kick" in...if I have to, I usually do it on a Sunday since I don't work then.
  6. Unfortunately, I lost a friend of 10 years when I got the band...she just couldn't understand why I'd do that (even though I was 80 lbs. overweight and have food issues) and called me an idiot numerous times especially for going to Mexico...I really didn't think it would happen to me even though I'd read it in the book. My other two really good friends were just excited for me...I was caught off guard, but I guess it really does happen.
  7. I only had 13 days before I made my decision to the day of my surgery and I lost about 8 lbs...they wanted me to lose 10 but it didn't happen so, I don't think you need to worry.
  8. Yes! Definitely get treated. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in May...you have to take medication for this...which means your thyroid is slow...which means you can not only have issues losing weight, but fatigue, constipation, body temperature issues, high cholesterol, etc. I would definitely get treated...your thyroid controls a lot of hormones and your metabolism.
  9. I'm so sorry for you! The meds didn't help me either...I'm on day 18 and I had gas pains for about 9 days...like someone else said on here lying down is what worked for me. Sitting for any significant period of time just made the pains worse. Lying down pushes the gas up or down...and out! Mine usually went down...burping is harder for me now for some reason, but try lying down! The relief is almost instant! Good Luck!
  10. Hello, I'm post-op Day 17 and I admit the liquid phase has been tough. The hardest part was the first week to ten days because of the gas pains on top of the "mental" hunger for me. I just became physically hungery two days ago and I'll be the first to admit that I look forward to some crunchy salad. I miss veggies. I have had some of the fogginess and forgetfullness but since I got those 42 gram protein bullets, I have felt better...and also if you can get it down, water helps a lot. The only other complaint is the constipation...get your fiber down!! (Some people go the other way). Overall, I've already lost 26 lbs. so, the good far "outweighs" the bad and the pain was minimal. Some soreness in the port area for the first 10 days but nothing that would incapacitate you. I also had joint pain, and just losing this first 25 lbs. has helped a lot! Good Luck!
  11. Thank you...this makes sense because even though I still feel a bit weak, I don't feel sick. I got those protein bullets that people have been talking about and I have to consciously drink more water because it's so hard to get it all down! Also, I've noticed since I've been on the liquids my skin has gotten softer and has a more even tone.
  12. Hello All, I've been lurking since my surgery on August 13th and this forum has been great for answering a lot of my questions. I'm 15 days post-op and within the last few days I've noticed that if I exert too much energy then I immediately begin sweating. I'm aware that yes it's summer, but it's not that hot in San Diego at the moment and I was just wondering if this is happening with anyone else? I'm not doing any exercise yet, though I plan to start in a couple of weeksonce the dreaded liquid phase is over! I'm ready to chew something and oddly enough I'm craving salad. And for anyone considering it, go to Dr. Otiz! I loved him and his staff and had a great experience. (The only thing I could've lived without were the 10 days of gas pains). Well thanks in advance!! Just in case anyone is wondering...(I'm not technically savvy) Age: 28 Height: 5'8 Highest weight: 250 Decision weight: 241 Pre-Op: 233 Current: 218 (Can't remember the last time I was in the teens) Goal: 160
  13. Hi, I am now 11 days post-op and the worst for me was the gas pains. Oh, they were bad and sometimes walking didn't help--but lying down did. It either pushed the gas up or down...and out. I did have some tenderness/soreness on my "port" side for about 6 days and you really will be amazed at the sounds your stomach/lower abdomen make, even when you are not hungry. Is you work in an office...I would try to take a couple of extra days off because sitting for long periods of time made my gassy-ness worse. It's like sitting would get the gas "bubbles"? (I can't think of a better word) stuck and then it would be extra hard getting it to come out. On a pleasant note, 11 days post-op, and the gas is starting to go away and the hunger isn't too bad, though I do yearn to eat something. Oddly enough, I'm craving salad. I hope this helped and good luck with your surgery. I've already lost 21 lbs so, it's totally worth it!!
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