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Everything posted by CalKev

  1. I want to say "Thank You" to all of the board members. From the first day I visited the forum I learned so much about the procedure, Dr. Ortiz and what I might go through as well as many knowledgable people. So much of the good stuff here is a reality check and set me up for a successful banding and post-op. Many like me arrive at this URL in a fog not sure where the road will lead and then you see the signs posted directing you through the obstacles and into the expert hands of Dr. Ortiz and his staff. Lori does so much to keep you in the real world as you progress. She has great talent for it and always in a timely manner. Great board, awesome people and I think we all have OCC to thank. I had my first fill on Monday of this week and everyone in the lobby chatted like they had known each other for a lifetime. We truly are in this together. Kevin >
  2. Teri, Well they went down to easy all 7 bites. I was so focused on my stoma and how much restriction I did or didn't have everyone else at the table had finished their full plates when I was on my last bite. Went right back to liquid diet afterwards. How about you did you have a filling Thanksgiving? Kevin
  3. "hello every one I am in the process of having the lap band surgery I have to lose 22Lbs first and I would like to know how the surgery went how fast you lost weight ,If there was any dumping, was there very much pain, etc everything Jazz " Congratulations Jazz on making the choice to be banded! My surgery was about 30 minutes. No dumping so far which is great. So for me no dumping has equaled no pain. I only had soreness around in incision sites. I have had good weightloss since my surgery as you can see in my ticker below. Read through the stories of those that have gone through the surgery and you will get a comprehensive overview of what to expect. When is your surgery? Keep us up to date on your diet progress I had to lose a large amount also because of my high BMI. I just focused on banding my brain before my body by in-taking small portions at a time when I drank the shakes. Sip, sip, sip and you will train yourself for life with the band. Call or email Dr. Miranda if Dr. Ortiz is your Doctor, and she can help if you get stuck on your pre-op diet. Best of luck and welcome to bandland! Kevin aka CalKev Jazz I moved your post to the Support / General Discussions forum where it is more on topic and hopefully you will get more posts.
  4. Lori and Board Members, Well I have never been called a "Garbage Man" in public usually this only happens at my own home. If ugly spam shows up on the board I'll get rid of it asap. With so much good stuff going on here it is such a shame when the forum becomes a disposal site for advertising garbage. To reaffirm what Lori said I am not affiliated with OCC and all opinions are my own and do not represent those of OCC, Lori or my own employer. I am a volunteer that is attempting to help Lori keep the board full of good info and spam-free for all. Spaminator Kevin
  5. Hi Kevin, Thanks for the info. I got my picture loaded this morning. Woo hoo! Hi Kay, Great to see your smiling face! Kevin
  6. "Hello everyone. I am from Texas I am considering having the surgery this summer with Dr. Ortiz (hopefully) however I am wondering when will I need to go back for a fill after surgery? Or can I have a fill here in the Dallas area? Please advise! Candace" Candace - Welcome to the Lapbandforum! Dr. Ortiz will do a fill as soon as 6 weeks after surgery. In fact I had my first fill yesterday which was almost 6 weeks to the day after banding. There are many factors that will indicate when you should get your first fill. Email Lori, Patient Care Coordinator, Obesity Control Center, at her email address lori@obesitycontrolcenter.com or by phone at 1-866-376-7849 ext. 81. She is so easy to talk to and can give you current information. Months before I had decided to go through with the procedure she was always there to answer any questions I had. Best wishes! Kevin
  7. EJO, I am so sorry you had to go through the situation that occured to you. Contact OCC directly for questions like this. They can be the most help. If you feel it is an emergency call Dr. Ortiz on his cell phone number he gave you. I so hope you feel better soon and get the answers you need. Kevin
  8. Songbird your singing my song! I had a high BMI 55 and had to lose weight before surgery. Start today if you can the more you lose the better you will feel going into the banding process and continuing on liquids after surgery. Your body will also respond well because you won't be fighting those hunger pangs for your favorite food at the same time you are trying to recover. I just started to eat as though I already had a band in place to help train myself into the new routine to come. The number one thing to do is stay in touch with Dr. Miranda and she will guide you to being fully ready by the time you have surgery. Follow her directions to the letter and if you need to change from them for any reason talk with her first to get her approval. If I can do it you can. I have a local MD that is monitoring me with labwork to assist in any concerns that come up. The medication question is also one you need to ask Dr. Miranda because it is contingent on the type of meds you are taking on how you should approach medicating. Keep us up to date on your weight loss progress there are many on the board who can relate with you and exchange information on their experiences. Best wishes on a successful pre-op weightloss! ! Kevin
  9. Kristi Ann, Thank you. The support here on the board and the education from others that are traveling the road before us are the people I have to say Thank You to. They really have helped me have a deeper understanding of the ups and downs and that we all have them and more importantly there are solutions. The staff at OCC are also responsible for setting up many for successful and healthful living. I am just grateful for so many that inspire me daily. I appreciate your response and the fact that I am reading it on Thanksgiving will help me put into perspective the table full of food I'll be sitting at latter today. Thank you! Kevin
  10. Joyful Overcomer, Love your screen name! What a great moniker to start the Lapband journey. Congratulations on your surgery plans with Dr. Ortiz. Welcome to the board. Please keep us up to date on how you are doing. When I was in your shoes looking forward I was a little rattled thinking of my first surgery ever and it helped tremendously to read others posts on their experiences to help ease my jitters. If I had known it was more like going on a mini-holiday than a hospital stay it would have helped. Best wishes on your Dec. 11 stay in TJ! Heres to you and your time"to live" attitude. Kevin
  11. Can you tell me more about www.lapbandforum.com? Thank you. Welcome TrafficSto, Checkout all the topics on the board and you should get a good idea of what it is about. In brief we are a community discussion of the Lapband which is used for weight control. Checkout obesitycontrolcenter.com for extensive information on the Lapband. Even better email Lori at lori@obesitycontrolcenter.com and she can answer any questions you may have. Let us know what you think and again welcome to the lapbandforum.com! Kevin
  12. Contact Dr. Miranda asap and find out where you actually stand and if she can help. Kevin
  13. HQ, I will be at OCC on the The 27th for my first fill. I have never been a smoker so take this for what it is on my part which is support based on the unknown, When you decided to get banded was it for your health? If it was then stopping smoking is also part of being banded. It is a brave lifestyle choice and the time is now to prepare for major changes in your life. I drank between 3 and 5 diet cokes a day and loved each one. To be banded I had to give it up and all carbonated drinks as you know. I had a headache for 2 weeks straight. This by no means can compare to the challenge of stopping smoking but just to show you we all have to give-up habits and indulgences to be banded. The toughest part is if you get all the way to TJ and fail the exhalation test you have wasted your time and travel money and you will be let down. Like I said I have never smoked other than a few cigars many years back so I can't relate with stopping. You need to do whatever it takes to stop. I had to go on a liquid diet for 30 days to lose weight because of my high BMI. I had to much top lose if I didn't and so do you. You can do it because you are only doing it for you. Make it happen. The right time is now and we are behind you. Its time to reach down and find the courage to be at your best and take care of yourself. It's all up to you and I know when I see you on Monday you will have quit. I wish you strength to conquer a habit many can't but you can. Kevin
  14. Cleo, I am on the same page as you when it comes to missing pizza and chips & dip. Especially when my spouse is sitting across from me enjoying these snacks while we watch a movie at home. But she is lucky she burns the calories and fat off.... I don't.... I feel like one of those long haul semi-trucks that carry food to all the grocery stores. I just load it up and drive it around but it never seems to know to unload. Speaking of water my newest thing is to place a pitcher (1/2 gallon) of water and a 16oz. cup on my bedside stand. I drink one glass as I head off to zzzz land and then continue to drink as much as possible every time I wake up to use the restroom or any other reason. My goal is to get through that pitcher each night. So far I have done it but with many trips to the WC. It is to tough for me during work hours to get enough H2O without it being disrupting so this so far has been my best option. Seems to keep me from having hunger pangs at night too. Your no "Yo-Yo Cleo" more of a "Yo-Cleo" only losing never gaining. Kevin or "Yo-Kev"
  15. Greg, I bought the potassium tablets at the local health food store and whenever I have problems with cramps I pop one in my mouth and under my toungue and let it sit for a bit so it gets in my blood stream quick. Then I chew it real fine and wash down with water. I get relief within 30 seconds to 2 minutes this way but I only take it if I feel these type of symptoms coming on. They usually happen at night for me so I have a dose handy for quick relief and you won't have reoccurrances so soon as your body gets a good shot of it that lasts.. This happens once to twice a month for me. Only take it when I need it. Best of luck on liquids it is not the easiest thing to do. Kevin
  16. I understand completely! I am scheduled for December 1st. But my emotions lean more toward the "I can't wait" side than the jittery side. When I started looking into this procedure, it didn't even occur to me to go to a foreign country. I found Dr. Ortiz by checking out a google search. I spoke with Carolyn Williamson and then did some more digging. I called a local doctor and asked who trained him. Then I called that doctor and asked who trained him. Ultimately I spoke with a doctor who said if you are looking for the most experienced, try Dr. Ortiz. I am not going to Dr. Ortiz because his surgery is less expensive. I am going to him because I actually spent about 6 hours calling his professional and surgical references, and checking for grievances. After speaking to Vernon Vincent at Allergan (the manufacturers of the Lap-Band) I realized that there are doctors, doctors who train doctors, and doctors who train doctors to train doctors. So basically, I am going with no reservations. I have made the best decision I can. Now it's between God and Dr. Ortiz to take care of me... Good Luck! Steph - Awesome attitude and right on the mark. On the day I had my surgery Dr. Ortiz walked into my room and asked me why I had decided on OCC for my procedure. My personality lends itself to being plain straight-up with people and in that frame of mind I said because I understand your the best lapband surgeon. This is what I believe and he wanted the truth. In my personal research I could not find another surgeon with his reputation, training, Proctor affiliation with Inamed and hands-on expertise. You are right when it comes to this procedure Dr. Ortiz is the surgeons' surgeon. Best wishes on a successful banding and weightless. Kevin
  17. Hi Kevin, You were banded with a local friend of mine, Cindy. I have been reading your post's and you are so sensible. I was wondering why you are waiting to eat solids longer than Dr. Miranda request's? You were banded about 2 weeks before us. How can you wait?????? We are sooooooo looking forward to eating solids. It would be hard to imagine waiting another 2 weeks. Did you just decide on your own to wait? Thanks for posting. Teri Teri, That is a great question. First I have to say that because of my high BMI my liquid diet started one month before surgery. So I had lost a large amount of my urge to splurge by banding day. In my phone consult with Dr. Miranda she wanted me to lose as much as possible before banding due to the BMI issue. We also spoke of my plans to remain liquid until I had restriction and that I would be checked by my own MD regularly with labwork. She said that it was up to me as long as I tested the band with solid food before fills. My band is a VG and I have no restriction I am aware of. I will be having a small portion of mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving to test it. A week from today I go for my first fill. I have not totally answered your question though so here is my answer as short as possible. My primary reason is very personal to me but since you asked I will disclose it as others may relate. About a year ago I was part of a misfortune that occurred to a close family member. In an instant it took me from being on top of the world to my knees. A place I had never been and will never go back. Let me say at this point that I was blind to the other family members issue until things fell apart for them. At that point I sought guidance from outside sources to understand and manage the pain I felt. In becoming aware and educating myself mainly through this outside help I came to understand I need not focus my energy on helping another over this dire situation as much as my own issues, conflicts and beliefs within and about me. Since that point I have been on a journey to better recognize the real Kevin and not the one I was. I have addressed many realities on this crossing and the one that applies here is that I had used food as a source of comfort and escape and not appropriately put limitations on it as exclusively a supply of nutrition. My biology is a factor but my choices are what got me fat. Waiting is no longer an option for me. I don't have any other health issues thankfully other than being obese. Each day I focus on consuming what my body needs nutritionally and secondarily weight loss. Before I would just eat or not eat breakfast and lunch and have a large dinner thinking I was doing myself some favor. You are right it is not an easy thing but it is the only thing until I reach a healthy weight. The band is a must for me. Why? Because when I do achieve a healthy weight it can assist me in a consistent continuation of a healthy weight. That for me will be the toughest part of lapband journey. I can think of many metaphors for this but it
  18. Just wanted to let everyone know that he updated this morning. Just be prepared for an "OMGWTF you can't stop there!" moment, lol. Roberts Weight Loss Quest LR thanks for the update. The suspence is building. Kevin
  19. 9 days before band and I am a bag of nerves. Would love to communicate with others who feel, or have experience with this. HQ, your feelings are perfectly normal. In fact I will just happen to be in for my first fill on the same day you have surgery. We may just meet in the foyer. You are going to be in the finest of hands at Dr. Ortiz Surgical Clinic. My spouse could not accompany me to my surgery due to scheduling at her employment. So I took my mother an RN with numerous years of experience. Dr. Ortiz offered to allow her scrub-in and watch a surgery before mine. She did and was not only appreciative for the opportunity but came back to my room where I was being prepped and said I could not be in superior hands. She has seen thousands of surgeries in her profession and was astounded by Dr. Ortiz expertise. Each person at the clinic is compassionate and accomplished and they are all there to make the experience as tension free as it can be. Personally I had read much of Dr. Ortiz before choosing him for my surgeon. When it came time to go into the surgical suite I had no apprehension in actuality it was so exhilarating to be banded by the best I bounded in and jumped on the operating table. They were ready for me and within minutes I was having forty winks. I was walking the clinic halls 20 to 30 minutes following surgery. Capture those thoughts of trepidation and turn them into positive anticipation. As I write this now your saying this guy is nuts but give it a week and you will understand the elation of being banded and feel grand. To your good health! Kevin
  20. I had my surgery on the 29th of September. I pushed my fill date out so I could enjoy Thanksgiving. As far as restriction goes.....I really don't have any at all. This is going to be my first fill...so I am hoping that they will give me a nice healthy fill, like Tombourn got. I did notice that occasionally in the evening I feel some restriction, but not a whole lot. Look forward to meeting you and exchanging stories. I haven't weighed my self in about 3 weeks. I am going to weigh myself this week though and see where I am at. Let us know how you do on your weigh-in. I am eager for a healthy fill also. Not getting any real sensation of limitation but I recognize this is ordinary for the VG. Look forward to meeting you also and comparing notes. Just one week to go. See you soon! Happy Thanksgiving! Kevin
  21. Welcome Beach Girl, Have you been banded yet? Kevin
  22. Littleroo, I can understand your quandary with being unable to have Dr. Ortiz as your doctor. You might still want to consult him if not for only for a referral as you already have been down to see him. Good luck - Happy for you - it is almost unheard of to have insurance cover the lapband. We all want to get healthy so do it anyway you can - as they say - You Go Girl. Kevin
  23. Greg your right on! Health is the issue to be concerned with first and foremost. When I talked to Dr. Martinez he said they had done lapband surgery on teens and had found that it didn't matter if you were younger in how much excess skin you will have when they obtained their healthy goal weight. Some of the teens had more and some had less just because they were young it didn't just snap back into place once the fat was removed from below it. Thought that was interesting as my preconception was that the younger you are the better chance you have of not having excess skin after dramatic weight loss.. I'm with you do it for yourself and your health and a long enjoyable life. Kevin
  24. Lapoli, Yes you will run into me there as I am on the table right after you at 11AM. Would love to exchange notes on restriction and how much of a fill we each receive. When did you have your surgery?Look forward to meeting you and exchanging info. Boy am I looking forward to restriction as I have none and this is my first fill. How about you is this your first? Any restriction? Have a filling Thanksgiving because Monday we get squeezed. Kevin
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