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Posts posted by Jnlebean


    Oh so much fun, I knew I could do it, it was just a matter of doing it! I got there 45min before the class started, I know keener! It was a good thing that I did, the class I signed up for was canceled! But they had another class for Ladies Only that was the exact same thing, they would teach you to run and the goal at the end of the class was the same, run 5km. That class had just started when I got there so I was able to join right in!

    We talked a few minutes about who we are and why we are there and a little bit about the class. Then we got up and went running. I picked this location to take the clinic at because of where we would be running, around the Glenmore Reservoir! Its so pretty, much better than running up and down side streets and breathing in gas fumes from all the cars on the road. We started off running for 1 min and then we walked for 2min. we did this 7 times for a total run time of 7 mins and a walk time of 14 mins. Once we did the first minute of running I was feeling good not huffing and puffing for air, and wanting to stop. Then the second run time came and went, I called out to the instructor that there was no way that was a minute, it went by so fast! HA HA HA, I was then called the keener of the class!

    By the end of the night I was so full of energy and wanting more. To get the :whistle3: full benefit of the class they ask us to run at least 3 nights a week! So that means that I need to run twice on my own! Plus the 3 nights I am doing Curves, I am going to be one hot looking girl in about 3 months from now!

    Thanks all for listening and your comments. I totally recommend signing up for the class if there is a Running Room store in your neck of the woods.


  2. :huh: I am not a runner but I find the spot to be amazing, the shape and tone of the body of a runner is something I am going to have! I start a clinic tonight at the Running Room called Learn to Run. The goal at the end of the 10 week class is to be able to run 5km (3.1miles). Running is the one hurdle I have to over come in order to complete my Triathlon that I am signing up for this August.

    I will let you know how it goes in the AM.


  3. Cheer up, your doing so well! Just think about what you would have eaten prior to your surgery, prior to being on the pre-op diet for the day! You are a superstar! You are down 12 pounds and have kept that off. Maybe you haven't had a BM in a day or two, or maybe you ate something with a little bit more salt than normal, or maybe your body is in shock and is wants to hold on to everything it has! there are so many reasons.

    Take it one step at a time, one meal at a time. Get the meal thing under control (which you do) and then work on getting exercise under control and into your routine. Then work on cleaning out your old clothes from your closet and then...and then...before you know it your will be down 12 more pounds and looking and feeling great! I didn't lose any weight between my surgery and my first fill, and I still don't have any restriction from my first fill, so i am looking at the non scale victories to keep me motivated like having to buy smaller clothes and being able to walk my puppy without huffing and puffing! Keep a smile on your face!



  4. Its such a freeing feeling doing what your about to do...join band land! The day I was banded I felt so much lighter and so much more free! All the best to you and congrats for making the choice to do something for YOU!

    I look forward to hearing all your growing pain stories or shall I say shrinking pain stories!


  5. Good News, Your Normal!! :P

    Yup I had all of that, It was a good week for me before I left normal with the gas pain and the upset stomach. As for the barfing feeling part, i really didn't have that. I found that if I didn't drink, i didn't feel good. keep trying to get the water in you! It could be that woozy dehydration feeling that is making you sick too?!


    Congrats and welcome to band land.... =D>



  6. Thanks for the post! I know I sometimes can skip words and explanations in my head when I'm typing and I to can sounds rude, blunt or not all there!! LOL, I know it makes since in my head but might not in text. I have learned to take everything people write on here with a grain of salt, and a not to take what they say as a specific quote but rather a generalization.

    Again thank you for the post!


  7. Sorry hit submit to soon, I measure all my food, I sometime still take to much but I try to eat the right portion amount for what ever it is I'm eating. If it says a serving is 1/3 cup then that's what i eat. Most of the time I cant finish and I save it for the next meal. I stop when I think I'm full, I always remind myself what Dr. Ortiz told me "see how much little amount of food you can actually eat and not be hungry" it seems to work for me. Full to me is not being hungry and not needing to eat for about 2-3 hours after eating. Sometimes I don't eat enough and I know this cause I'm hungry about 1-2 hours after eating. Then I know what my portion is for a meal to stay in the 2-3 hour range. Its a huge learning curve!!! Remember that! I can eat about a cup to a cup and a half of food at meal time.


  8. I am going to Curves in Calgary, either the one on Richmond Road or the one on 4thST and 23rdAve!

    The OA Meeting was amazing! It is just what I needed. I went to the OA website and found a meeting. I am going to the one on Wednesday night at Woodcliff Church and I might on to the Monday night meeting at the Bethany Care Center, again all in Calgary. From the 1 hour meeting I learned so much about myslef just by listening to people's stories!

    OH guess what!! I have to buy a new belt. I posted a month or so ago that I have one more notch on my belt to go...well i moved it over this morning and its still not tight enough!


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