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Everything posted by JazzyJude

  1. OK, I didnt read any of the replies at all as I want to say this without any interruptions (smile). The scale does help with your own personal goal, to be accountable to yourself and to be honest. After all, we are not fooling anyone but yourself. Weigh yourself at the same time each time you weigh, as you weight less in the morning than any other part of the day. Evenings, I weight a good 2 lbs more due to the things I've done during the day and especially exercising, as muscles gains weight when using them. At first, I couldsn't help it and weighed every morning for about 3 week...then I weighed once a week (after hubby took it away from me and put it in the trunk of the car!), then monthly. Now I am back to once a month, as I've lost a bit and want to continue to be accountable. I only want to lose 1 - 2 lbs a week, as I don't want all the flabby skin too soon, even though I am exercising. My eating habits and exercise program has changed dramatically, so weighing once a week, helps me track my daily nutriction and fitness level. There are other ways to track your weight loss too, which is how you look, how your clothes are fitting, how people are commenting to you, and what the measuring tape is saying! YEAH! How awesome is that? THESE are the good kind of tracking as well as weighing. So don't stick with the scale only...the others keep you positive and wanting to go forward! Keep the faith! Jazzy!!
  2. Unless OCC had changed their ruling, your first fill is between 6 ot 8 weeks and then your second must be 4 weeks out before you get another one. This gives your body and band a chance to get use to the tightness and adjust your eating habits. I got my 2nd 4 weeks later, then my 3rd, it was 3 months out. It all depends on your 'restriction' and how it does for you. You need to work with the band. Like they said, everyone is going to react differently. I use the motto a friend had suggested, "If you are using more willpower than bandpower, it's time for a fill!". That is what I am doing now...and it's working great. Don't be in too much of a rush to get those fills. Remember, it took you a long time to gain the weight and you are not going to lose the weight and maintain it overnight. You need to relearn the basic of eating healthier as well as getting your 'sweet spot'. A lot of this is 'mental'. Once you've mastered the mindset on how and what things tick, you've got it made. I personally want to have my own control over having the band control. Even though I have the band, I am not having it controling my life...as I need to live! I just become more determine and driven and believe I can do this with the help of the band. I am on full force and discipling myself to move forward and getting this weight lost DONE...in a pace I am comfortable to do it with. Rushing it will only get you frustrated and possibly have a failure and this is NOT what the band is all about. So, take it one step at a time and learn as you go and you will be just fine...Good luck and keep us posted on how you are doing! Jazzy!!
  3. What a GREAT start Kristi! That is just fantastic! Now that you have a good start going, keep the focus and don't look back. Yes, those 26 lbs are gone forever. Just remember you are still in the healing stage and to rest as much as possible and when your 3 months 'are up', you are start those exercises and get some more results for you. (OK...like the others, I am curious of those stitches you have taken out too?) Keep us posted on your journey! Jazzy!!
  4. Hi Tracey! WELCOME to Bandland!! Glad your surgery went well. No jello and Dr. Miranda should have given you the calendar to follow for your first 21 days. It's really basic and very easy and it's the unknown you are going through. You are learning as you go. Just make sure you have the things/foods ahead of time and you will do just fine honey. As far as how much you can have? 1/2 cup (4oz) at a time, as many times you want, throughout the day. You are NOT counting calories at this stage and the creamy soup stage. Day 22 is when you start to do that. When you are concern, always check with OCC to ease your mind and to make sure you are 'on track'. Everyone is going to be different and may react differently. I continued to use the Metamucil twice a day (10am and 3pm) to help wth the hunger pagns. As I got my fills, I would alternate between the Metamucil or the chewable Fiber Choice for Weight Mgmt. They helped tremendously for me. Keep the focus and relax and let your body heal naturally. Keep us posted on your journey for you are in for a ride for your life! Jazzy!!
  5. Hi Sweetie! OK, what I hadn't done, and wished I did at the time, was to purchase UNflavored protein powder (which I now have) from GNC store. Boy, WHAT a difference it has made for me. I don't have headaches or feel weak or whatever. You can add this to your broth, soups, cocoa, coffee, tea, whatever. I had surgery in Oct 08, and when I need the extra proteins, I put in in my meatloaf, soups, chilis, and stews. There is no taste. It's awesome AND it helps with the hunger pangs! Don't forget to continue taking either the Metamucil capsules or the chewable Fiber Choice, at 10am and 3pm, every day. This is what I had done and I didn't have a problem other than to remind myself to take them consistently, 2 times a day, every day until I can control it. Hope this helps you...Jazzy!!
  6. Hi Carrie...I so hear you and you may get a few different responses on this subject as everyone is going to be different. When I first was banded, I did snacks...because it was a 'mental' thing with me thinking a cup of food was not enough food for my 3 main meals. But they weren't all protein snacks. I had a variety of them such as Pringles Light, 100 calories snack, etc. As time went by, I stopped with those kind of snacks and went for fruit (fresh or dried) and protein snacks in snack-size ziplock bags (my "grab-bits") and was doing this twice a day. Now I would do either one or two times a day, depending on how my day is going and my exercise routine. Sometime, I even did a protein shake and that helped me with a 'craving' or something to just have. In addition, I do heavy core exercises daily now and having a protein shake helps rebuild my muscle mass with toning and firming.
  7. HI Arianna, I am a chocolateholic! Since the band, I limit myself of how much I can have. Now, I've a mindset that I know I can have it, just in moderation. When I do protein shakes, it's chocolate and then I would mix in strawberry one day and the next time I would add peanut butter powder. To get a variety. I even use sweets as a 'reward'. You should have sweets in your diet, as you body does crave it. Again, in moderation. That is why I, myself, plan weekly meals and post them on my calendar in my kitchen. This way my mind knows that I can have my certain craving, it's all ready 'planned' for me to have it. Also, make sure you even out your protein intake throughout the whole day. At first, I was doing snacks 3 times a day, then down to 2 then down to one, over time. Now, I bag (in those wonderful snack-size ziplocks) my protein snacks, which I dubbed them as 'grab-bits' and when I get the urge, just grab it and eat that only. Water is one of the best diversion to head hunger and those cravings. I now make it a rule before giving in to a 'craving', to drink a whole bottle of water and wait out 10 minutes! After than, if I still have the craving, then have it. It depends how determine and how driven you are to lose the weight and to discipline yourself to have the sweets or other cravings. You've paid a heck amount for this band, so use it wisely! Good luck...Jazzy!!
  8. I agree with Lisa. Salt intake is something we all don't think about and when I have too much sodium in one day, I swell, which makes me want to drink more on top of what I am already drinking. A vicious cycle I don't care to have in my life right now. Also, I've noticed that if I don't eat my planned proteins, evenly throughout the day, I get hungier later on the day, especially towards dinner and afterwards. So, I make sure I do my heaviest protein intake at lunch time. It's all the planning and the stress load of your day. I have to take each day as it comes, as my job and hectc home life changes all the time. ALWAYS have a "plan B" menu for you to fall back on. Don't always rely on protein shakes. I always have some kind of bean every day...whether it's soup, stew, or chili and added meat/chicken. This way, I will make sure I have some kind of protein in me, one way or the other. As Lisa suggested, focus on your life and how you are doing with your food consumption and track your day's event, even your stress level. Sometimes I get so frustrated and then I just get back on track, even to go back to the very basic of things. I STILL measure out my food, EVEN though I know I can eat more. I try to eat at least 3 oz of proteins at each meal. If I can't then, I will have protein snacks to even out my day. Hope this helps! Jazzy!!
  9. I have a tecture/taste issue. I don't like stuff that is chalky, gritty, sandy, off flavored,etc. I like the AmazeRX you see on TV (www.AmazeRX.com). It tastes like a ice cream milkshake and has (4) flavors, dutch chocolate, frimcj vanilla, strawberry cheesecake and mocha chocolate - they are all good and you mix with cold water. 17grams for 6 oz.
  10. I do between what Smiley does, going to the goodwill/thrift stores and alterating my own clothes. I am saving OODLES of dollars this way. We are having a Kohl store coming in where Mervyn's use to be...so waiting for that to open. I can't see buying outer clothes now before goal. I am losing inches more than weight first. Yes, some items I would spend to buy, such as the underclothes, the bras, panties, etc, or just things I can't alterate. I am finding even my shoes are looser, so I did buy 2 Sketchers (totally LOVE them!) and a real cute heeled sandals for summer, for going out dancing in! This is what I am doing, saving $$ for clothes and extras. I have, what I've dubbed, 'Healthy Keg' jar for my 'mad cash' for whatever I need the money for. I start off with a $1 a day and whatever I have left over on Friday. So, from Saturday to Friday, I would put $7 (a dollar for each day) plus whatever extra I had in my pocket/purse on Friday, in the jar. This is my 'mad money' for when I am ready to buy something pertaining to my weight loss only...as an incentive or to reward my success thus far. Since my surgery last Oct, to date, I have a savings of $634.78, after I bought 2 Sketchers tennies, pair of pants, and THE little black dress. My panties and bras, and the other necessary items were paid from my biweekly paycheck. It's quite interesting for me to see how much I am actually saving on my own...and it's a game I am playing with myself with an idea of "saving". A dollar a day doesn't seem much, but I saved over $200 right there! Just an idea...Jazzy!!
  11. Aww Carrie - you've done so well and I am so happy and so proud of you too! Just look at you!!! What a testimony! Keep up the good work and you KNOW you will get to your goal soon enough. It's amazing what we've learned, isn't it? I think after all the excitement and the unknown, then we get to our own 'comfort' zone of doing things with our band. We learn what works and what doesn't and then it blossoms from there. AWESOME job ~ YOU GO GIRL!! Jazzy!!
  12. I am the same with Samantha...I, too, am hesitant to try for fear of either the gas bubbles would be too much for me and start to feel bloated or get me started on drinking it. Right now, I've been soda free since Sept of last year and I don't miss it a bit! I've other drinks that are satisfying me than to want the sugary bubbly.
  13. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!...Jazzy!! A MOTHER'S LOVE A Mother's love is something that no on can explain, It is made of deep devotion and of sacrifice and pain, It is endless and unselfish and enduring come what may For nothing can destroy it or take that love away . . . It is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking, And it never fails or falters even though the heart is breaking . . . It believes beyond believing when the world around condemns, And it glows with all the beauty of the rarest, brightest gems . . . It is far beyond defining, it defies all explanation, And it still remains a secret like the mysteries of creation . . . A many splendoured miracle man cannot understand And another wondrous evidence of God's tender guiding hand. ~Helen Steiner Rice~
  14. That is why I opt to do the salads and deli meats. I don't do frozen dinners at all!
  15. Robbyn...Dr. Miranda suggested to use Metamucil for the hunger pangs during preop. AFTER surgery, I alternate between them and the Fiber Choice chewable tablets (the Weight Management ones). They REALLY help with the hunger pangs for me. I take one at 10am and 3pm...also it helps with the rotor rooter issues too! HA! You need to take them every day for it to work on you and you will notice the difference tremendously. Also, to prevent headaches, get some unflavored protein powder and mix it in your foods, such as soups, stews or chilis, meatloaf, tuna melt, etc. OR, mix it in your drinks, tea, coffee, cocoa, milk, etc. It has no taste and it's one way to get in your protein intake! Good Luck...Jazzy!!
  16. Hmm...I was totally the opposite! Interesting...but then I wanted the band sooooo bad. I already had a 'mindset' and knew I was in for a big surprised. I had very little negativity before and after surgery. I believed the band was going to work and I worked it. I am always challenging myself, so there's no room for negative issues and if there were, I squash it quickly! I always am prepared and have a "plan B" for JUST in case, and I've had a few of them...and I move on. Keep the faith going and always keep going forward...you will get to your small mini goals, one step at a time...Jazzy!!
  17. This is such a personal, individual preference and you will really know who you should tell if you don't want a lot of people to know. You just have to go with the flow of things. I myself, wanted to lose the weight and letting others know gave me the accountability of 'eating' my words to lose the weight. At first, I did what Smiley did, told only those who I knew would be supportive to me and afterwards, those who saw I was losing the weight, I would tell them about the band surgery. After people saw the difference in me, I didn't care who knew or to tell! I would tell anyone and everyone who was curious about the band surgery...just like Angela. The ones who were curious, really asked questions and to date, 8 had the surgery. I was brought up that you live your life the way you want and share what you want to share. Like Angela, our family and friends are very open to discuss all facts, life, and interests. This is my life and if they don't want to hear it, then it's their lost. Surprisingly, I've more friends now then I've had before and now they are in awe of how I am making a difference in my life. Those who are interested, who genuinely care, are my friends. It's all how you want to present yourself April...and like Doo says, NEVER be embarrased about yourself. You've just made a huge decision to be banded. EMBRACE this moment for you are going for an amazing ride of your life! Keep us posted on your weight loss! Good luck and we will all be here for you!! All the best to you...Jazzy!!
  18. WELCOME to Bandland Laura! Remember to sip, sip, sip and walk, walk, walk! With your background, you are ahead of most. Keep us posted on your progress and enjoy this amazing ride of your life! Jazzy!!
  19. LOL...these are great! Here's a few... You know you are a bandster... ...when you have your very own 'shelf' of vitamins and supplements that you could open up for business with! ...when your friends ask if you're mashing the meal for your grandbabies! ...when you don't know whether to squash your burp or hold in your fart! and this one happened to me today... ...when you let out a toot with a surpirsed look and the guy standing next to you says, "Oops, sorry!" I died laughing...and almost farted again!!! WAY too funny!!
  20. I was able to print a toal of (4) coupons and I bought the chicken for tomorrow's meal...as I am on Day 4 on the 5-Day Pouch diet...can't wait to eat it as it smells sooooo good! Just remember, it's one coupon per person and the coupon is good until May 19, but not on Mother's Day this coming Sunday!
  21. HI Sweetheart ~ first thing, stop stressing over it, which can make you feel that much more tighter and frustrated and you don't need that. You are doing amazing with your weight loss thus far. Also it's ok to plateau if you are. I am not a medical adviser, but if I was in your shoes and have concerns and questions popping uncertainly, I would call OCC and talk it over with them to ease myself. Don't take any risk of either not eating right or not eating period...not good either way. Still, if I was in your situation, I would do the 5 day pouch test. It may not be the "number" of fills you have, but how you are working your fills. I am on day 3 right now and it is really helping me thus far to see how my band is really working with me. Click on this site 5 Day Pouch Test, and see if this would help you. It's simple and it's only 5 days. Whatever you decide to do, get your mindset ready and be positive as you are trying to do and stay focus of what you should be doing. DON'T focus too hard on the "food". Keep busy elsewhere, such as exercising, visiting friends, walk outside, doing crafts, watch a new movie at the theatre...things like that. It's not all about the food... Ya gotta live your life too...Good Luck (hugs!!)...Jazzy!!
  22. Aww...thanks so much sweetie! Jazzy!!
  23. Hi there...I just celebrated my 54th b'day this past weekend and I will tell you I am having a ball with my band! I was banded last year, Oct 8. Yes, there are limitations to what I can and can't do, but IF YOU WANT IT BAD ENOUGH, you will do whatever it takes for a new, healthier you. It can be done! It's VERY simple. Yes, it's all about relearning how you SHOULD eat healthier and live a more normal life and enjoying it. Anything is possible if you set your mind to it. How bad do you want it? Are you willing to spend the money for a more healthier you and lifestyle change? If you are not ready to work WITH your band, then don't do this. It's not a 'miracle pill' and you just sit and wait for the results. Don't waste your money if you are not prepared for this AMAZING adventure of your life! But I got to tell you, YOU ARE WORTH IT! You can still have your iced tea, just not at meals time. And who says you can't have BBQ? I do! I learned HOW to eat my foods, the proper way, and I enjoy my food with the people I socialize with. Yes, you may chew more often on certain denser foods, but your foods would be already cut into smaller pieces ahead of time. BUT, you will regain a newfound love of food, feel fuller quicker, and enjoy the taste of it, instead of woofing it down, not tasting it, and not getting the full feeling until you've had 2 or 3 helpings full ~ in which later, you will be disappointed as to how much you ate. Sounds familiar? For me, I totally disagree with this being hard to adjust...it's the unknown we are fearing in what we are getting ourselves into. I wanted this bad enough that I NEVER had a bad or negative feeling about the band. It's all about me and how I am treating myself and I've prepared myself for this new healthier lifestyle change. I am THANKFUL for my band! I am down 65 lbs and I am over the 'hump' in reaching my goal. I feel GREAT and HAPPY, I feel DETERMINED and MOTIVATED, I am ENERGIZED and DRIVEN, and I am LIVING my life! Does this interest you? Good luck with your decision...Jazzy!!
  24. O-M-I-G-O-S-H!! I am totally flipped and surprised at this post! DOO!! You silly goof - but I love ya ((HUGS!))! BUT, I am sitting here reading these post like a silly waterdrip! Thank you all for your well wishes! I TOTALLY enjoyed my whole b'day weekend! YES, I had chocolate cake and chocolate buttercream icing (thanks KatyG for reminding me at one time I am WORTH it!), with neopolitan ice cream! Went cruising around the mountains nearby and stopped at a few wineries (oh yeah ~ like 8 of them!!) and bought a few (over $250 worth) wine, especially those WONDERFUL 'dessert' fruity wine! Stopped for steak dinner with all the trimmings, of course, AND had Mint chocolate ice cream. Lots of gift cards for me to spend on whatever! AND, the BEST part? This morning (I just couldn't wait til May 8 ~ my 7 months bandiversary)...I weighed myself and I am now 201! I am down 65 lbs! WHO KNEW? After all I ate this weekend, I lost! YEAH!! How cool is that!?! Lisa...you said it right about how I was like a year ago...which I was I was around 272 lbs then (lost a whopping 6 lbs from then to my decision weight at 266)...and I have not turned back once, except right now, to see how unhappy I was then! WOW... OK...sniff, sniff, now, LET'S PUMP IT UP!! NO Excuses and NO slacking! Let's get our lives in order and start living the way it's meant to be! WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER!! (Do I sound a smidgen like Jillian, eh? hehehe!!) I LOVE MY BAND and ALL of my bandsisters and brothers! What would I do without you all?...from my heart to yours ~ Jazzy!!
  25. Way to go Pammie! This is exactly the one I am doing. PLEASE view/read these sites Pammie provided, as there's a lot of info worth reading, such as more detailed info, hints and tips that will make the diet a success for you! **ALSO...some GREAT recipes to try!! This is what I am going to do on Monday...just GOTTA have my b'day cake tomorrow first(smile)!! In a nut shell, this is the 5-day diet: Days 1 & 2: Liquid Protein ~ low-carb protein shakes, broth, clear or cream soups, sugar-free gelatin and pudding Day 3: Soft Protein ~ canned fish (tuna or salmon) eggs, fresh soft fish (tilapia, sole, orange roughy Day 4: Firm Protein ~ ground meat (turkey, beef, chicken, lamb), shellfish, scallops, lobster, fresh salmon or halibut Day 5: Solid Protein ~ white meat poultry, beef steak, pork, lamb, wild game I hear others use this as a 'jumpstart' and I just may do this when I've hit a plateau. Good Luck all...Jazzy!!
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