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Everything posted by JazzyJude

  1. I don't do packaged meals. I never did since the band surgery. All the meals I've cooked have leftovers on purpose so I can hace it another day. After meal time, I just put them in zip lock bags or individually wrapped in saran wrap and put them in the freezer - SIMPLE. I do fresh veggies/fruits when I can, otherwise, I do home-canned next, then frozen and lastly store bought canned items. I do the same as Smiley and utilize my cupcake pans to make chicken pot pies, meatloafs and other baked goods. I do casseroles and when done, put in the fridge to firm it up; cut into serving size, wrap it up and freeze it. Same goes for the crockpot meals - put in containers you can have at a later date. Also, if you're like me and like to cook, you can always cut your recipe in half or less and just have that meal for the one time. But I like my cooking with the herbs and spices I use, I like the 'taste' of my meals! HA! Hope this helps - Jazzy!
  2. Hi IrishRN and ksk - I just posted this bit of info on to another post and going to copy/paste it here...hoping you will get the jest of it.. Everyone is going to be different on this issues due to band size, etc. Have you been using portion control? That is the key and need to stick with this rule at all times. Restriction varies and everyone is going to be different on this. I, personally, didn't feel good restriction until my 3rd fill. Remember, your first fill will be like a 'primer', to get you ready for future fills, if needed. When you had the band surgery, your stomach is totally mad at you! Then it's starts to heal and bond with your band. THEN, when you get your fill, your stomach is mad at you, again, and your stomach may swell because of the band tightness it's not use to...again! This is where you want to take it easy for the first few days and then progress to solid foods. Each time you get a fill, you will have a different reaction...and you go with the flow and go forward from there. As for the bracelet - well, it seems a few of us have been doing something as a 'reminder'! I, too, had a bracelet, but I macrame mine so I can take it on and off - nothing fancy at all, just needed a reminder for the reason why I got the band. I do the same thing Lisa did, to wear it on the wrist that fed me! It's true, when seeing a 'visual', you are being constantly reminded and you act accordingly. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF...Jazzy!!
  3. I am not a medical advisor, but it sounds to me your band is too tight. You just may need a little unfill to progress your weight loss. If your band is too tight and you eat, you may be stacking your food and when you add any drink, you may be forcing the food down. If you are under a lot of stress, you may upchuck your foods/liquids. PBing and sliming is not fun and the nore you do that, the more you may have acid reflex. Now, I had body water retention last week for about 3 days and I stayed with liquids during that time. Very low sodium and drank a lot of water, especially the Speical K protien water, until I felt much better. I am sure it's a combo between salty foods and too much pork meals during this weather we've been having. I just adjusted a few things and moved on. I just listen to my body and act accordingly. Good luck! Jazzy!!
  4. Hi Tory - thanks for your post and Welcome! My highest was 272 in June last year. After making the decision and getting banded, I was just so determine to get this DONE! I lost a lot of weight at first because I just glued to this forum and listened to suggestions from otheres and NEVER gave up. I believed in myself and kept my dreams/goals in vision in front of me at all times. I write things down and just kept motivated. The hardest part for me was not to do any heavy/hard core exercises until my 3 months were up! Seriously, all I did was walk, walk, walk and Taz, a member, had put out a step challenge and I got me a pedometer and away I went. Now I do 3 or more walking in the morning before I go to work and about a mile during the day, and then 2+ miles after work. This band is totally workable around your lifestyle...just got to want it bad enough! Best to you and keep us posted on your weight loss journey too! Jazzy!!
  5. Ahh thanks babe - love you too babe! ((HUGS!!))...Jazzy!!
  6. Good plan. Keep the focus and make sure you are doing the portion control rules and go from there. Don't focus too hard...just be normal and go about your normal daily routine. Good luck sweetie - Jazzy!!
  7. Hi Keenan - Everyone is going to be different on this issues due to band size, etc. Have you been using portion control? That is the key and need to stick with this rule at all times. Restriction varies and everyone is going to be different on this. I, personally, didn't feel good restriction until my 3rd fill. Remember, your first fill will be like a 'primer', to get you ready for future fills, if needed. When you had the band surgery, your stomach is totally mad at you! Then it's starts to heal and bond with your band. THEN, when you get your fill, your stomach is mad at you, again, and your stomach may swell because of the band tightness it's not use to...again! This is where you want to take it easy for the first few days and then progress to solid foods. Each time you get a fill, you will have a different reaction...and you go with the flow and go forward from there. Hope this helps a bit...Jazzy!!
  8. That's fantastic Shelby! I so want to run but I really, really don't know how to get myself started. I read about doing a walk/run type of thing for about 10 minutes at a time, then progress from there. It's just something I want to do too. I now walk anywhere between 5 to 7 miles a day now (Yeah, can you imagine that!!)...so it's something I would like to do. Eventually, I would like to do a marathon...but I've a ways to go before even think of doing that! LOL I've stalled on my weight too because I am doing a lot of strength training and cardios these days...and yes, I've gained some muscles mass, so it will weigh...BUT, the inches are dropping! So, it's still a good thing! Keep it up doll, it will balance out soon enough! Good luck sweetie! You are doing great! ((HUGS!))...Jazzy!!
  9. WELCOME to Bandland Daniel! This site is just AWESOME!! You can post any questions or concerns here and people will help guide you. We are all different in one way or another, but that's what so unique about the band! Remember to take it easy and to sip, sip, sip and walk, walk, walk. Take this time to heal and don't start with the heavy lifting for the first 3 months, to prevent any band slippage and hurting yourself. This is the time when your body and the band needs to adjust to your new eating lifestyle - and this is a good thing! Good luck with your weight loss journey and we would love to hear from you of your progess! Best to you...Jazzy!!
  10. Interesting - not sure, never had this issue. You think you may have a leak somehow with them poking/prodding? Did they measure how much you had before you got this fill of .4cc? And do you know what you have now? So, if you have a 2.4cc already, then they should have filled you with 2.4cc PLUS the .4cc they just put in - means you should have a total of 2.8cc fill. When I received my 3 fills, I wasn't super tight, but had restrictions for sure. Maybe give it another few days and if you are still eating more than you normally have been eating, then it's time to question the fill amount at that fill center. Just saying...good luck! Jazzy!
  11. AWW...that is just awesome! Now you can plan on colors and a theme for her! When is she due and did you have a name for her?
  12. WELCOME to Bandland Daniell! With your determination, comes motivation, and that should make this journey easy for you. Keep the focus and the reason for why you got this band. Remember to sip, sip, sip, and WALK, WALK, WALK. Dont' do long walks, but short, mini ones to rid of any gas bubbles you may have from surgery. Don't sit for too long without some kind of movements, like raising your arms up and down. No exercises too heavily until after 3 months since your surgery. This is the time for you and your band to heal and to bond with adjusting your new lifestyle. The first 7 days, you are on clear liquids and you can have as many 1/2 cups you want throughout the day. There are NO calorie counting during this stage...so drink up til you are satified. Starting the 4th day, you can have those wonderful drinkable yogurts! Make sure you take Benefiber for the rotor rooter plumbing and take either the Metamucil capsules or the chewable Fiber Choice (for Weight Managmeent) for the hunger pangs. Take them at 10a and 3pm. Take them regularly, daily, should help curb you wanting to eat. Write daily in a journal of your experience. Write in small, reachable goals you can achieve quickly and don't forget to reward yourself. I like to put a "star" up on the top right corner, when I have a good day for future reference. Keep us posted on your weight loss journey as you are in for an incredible adventiure! Jazzy!!
  13. WELCOME to Bandland Singingmama!! Yes, aren't they just wonderful? I received the same fantastic treatment as the rest of us have. Remember to sip, sip, sip, and WALK, WALK, WALK...do lots of small, mini walks - not long ones. This is to help getting rid of any lurky gas bubbles you may still have in you, especially around the shoulder areas. The first 7 days, you are to drink clear liquids and you can have as many 1/2 cups you want throughout the day. There are NO calorie counting during this stage...so go for it. Once you've start feeling full - stop. Make sure you take Benefiber for the rotor rooter plumbing and take either the Metamucil capsules or the chewable Fiber Choice (for Weight Managmeent) for the hunger pangs, which I take at 10a and 3pm. It really does help if you take them daily. Keep moving around and while sitting, occasionally move your arms up and down, just to get some movements around the upper torso area and help get any gas bubbles you may have from surgery or just plain gas from the liquids you've drank. Keep a journal so you can write down your daily events. This would help with what works and don't work for you and how you can substitute to solve your issues, and to write down your goals. Start off with small, reachable ones, so you can achieve them quicker and make sure you reward yourself too! No heavy exercises for the first 3 months since surgery...this is the time for you and your band to bond and healing time. Keep us posted on your weight loss journey as you are in for an amazing ride! Jazzy!!
  14. Hi Jenelle - hope you are feeling much better by now and had a chance to call OCC and/or your dr. I was on another site and someone had a similiar experience as you and it turned out she had a intestine infection. She wasn't going 'regular' and it backed up on her. She was only going maybe once a week or longer. She ended up having a colon cleanse and colonoscopy and now she is doing much better. She was suggested to take Benefiber and then do a colon cleanse every 3 months to continue with the treatment/healing. Keep us inform and let us kinow how you are doing. I am curious what is your issue and how to prevent. Thinking positive thoughts for you. ((HGUS))...Jazzy
  15. THANK YOU EVERYONE! I had to pinch myself (after I weighed myself this morning...again), as I creeped up on the scale and yup, still under 200! It's an amazing feeling still! My surrent goals are to lose in '5 lbs increments' and go from there... NOTHING FEELS AS GOOD AS SKINNY DOES! YEAH!! Jazzy!!
  16. I may have jinx this moment but I don't care. I actually got on the scale (3 times) and I am 199.6!! The last time I was under 200, was over 20 years ago...sad, eh? But that is in the past. My only downfall are the 2 parties this weekend but that is ok. I've 'tasted' the onederland and it feels mighty GOOD!! I never thought I'd feel different but I do. It's the "200ish" that just mindboggling to me and seeing the "1" totally change my way of thinking of how to treat my body. I have the NEED to revamp my eating habits a bit and change my fitness routine...for starters. BUT, for now, I just want to revel this moment that...I DID IT! Have a super weekend ~ Jazzy!!
  17. You bet! Send to jazzyjude88@yahoo.com Thanks and how do you feel? Jazzy!!
  19. Lena - so sorry for your loss and my prayers to you and your family. I am a avid animal lover - all my life. I just had to put down 2 of my dogs last month, one week from each other - very hard to grasp. So the pain of losing a pet child is very real and heartbreaking. But I told myself God needed them and I accepted that. Hard times but now Rocky is playing with all the other fur children you have. Each year, I send up a balloon in a cloudless sky and say a prayer and I visualize he is waiting anxiously by the cloud's edge to catch it! (smile)...tongue out of his smiling face and tail-a-waggling! As far as my own band, I had to go on liquids right away. For me, when I'm stressed, I have creamed soups, protein shakes, yogurts and the likes. I had a texture issue, so it basically had to be watered down to be able to keep going. At one time, I couldn't even have water, I was so tight. The more I relaxed, the easier I could eat. Clynn's suggestion with the ice pack is a good one, as I've done that and it seemed to helped me then. Also, taking small walks helped me get through my emotional times. Best to you sweetie! ((HUGS!!))...Jazzy!!
  20. Hang in there sweetheart...before you know it, you will be advising other newbies. Just take the time to heal after surgery and go with the flow. Listen to your body and stay focus. You won't fail, as you've want this bad enough. Just don't expect the weight to drop overnight because it won't and like everyone says, everybody's body is different from the others. Remember to sip, sip, sip and walk, walk, walk...not long walks, but short, mini ones to get the gas bubbles out of you. You will be fine and you are going on an amazing ride! Woo Hoo! Jazzy!!
  21. COOL in July!?!?! Not here in San Diego, that's for sure! Now I am a 'in betweener' in sizes too and I wasn't going to look for any suits this year. I want to enjoy myself and so I am wearning those 'short shorts' with the flair in the leg hems and///DON'T LAUGH! And I took a couple of one size larger T-Shirts and made 'costomized' tops out of them. Seriously, I made my 'own design' and just literally "rip and tear" the sleeves off and shortened the length of the top up above my belly button. Now I am in fashion! LOL! If anything, it was fun to make them! I so wish I can take a picture of them to show you but not that savvy! When I do get to my goal, I am going to do what Shelby says, pay the extra money for a decent one that would fit me...but then again, with all these new designs I am making...I could be making and wearing them instead! HA! Enjou your summer gals! Jazzy!!
  22. Hi Lisa - yes, I hear you regarding about doing the right thing and in dosage, etc. I do a blood panel always on my birthday month and then between Nov/Dec. I had blood clots when I was 17 and I have to be careful between my blood thickening or thins out. (Knock on wood...) I haven't the need to take any meds for it...just knowing what to eat at the right time, especially hot sauce and jalapenos! And thanks for mentioning about the liquid D3 option. (Dawn - I am going to check that D3 liquid myself...it wouldn't hurt and it can be another alternative to the choc chewables).
  23. YOU got it kiddo! It's awesome to have people to cheer you on, isn't it? YEAH!! Yep, those darn things are about an inch for me too! When I take them, I drink warm water or drinks, to soften the gel caps and I envision them go thru my band with no problems. I've taken them since before I was banded and I've yet to have any issues.
  24. Interesting subject. I don't have any deficiencies at the moment, as I am a firm believer in taking my daily chewable multi-vitamin, and other chewable vitamins and supplements. I've the energy and don't have any joint pains or whatnots. Here is what I take daily: Multi-Vitamin - I switch off between the chewable Centrium or the gummy Vita Bites Omega-3 fish oil - capsule from Icelandic Health B12 Sublingual tablet - dissolvable under the tongue from TriVita Vit E - for the hair, skin, and nails, etc (even though I take a mulit-vit, I take this too for extra care) Vit A - for the eyes basically for me (even though I take a mulit-vit, I take this too for extra care) Fiber Choice or Metamucil - one in the morning, one in the afternoon for hunger pangs and/'or rotor rooter plumbing Benefiber - either unflavored powder or chewable Orange Creme tablets for the extra fiber Choc Calcium Chew - in the morning from Costco TUMS - calcium, taken after dinner You know, no one really wants to take all these vitamins/minerals and supplements, but as you know, there are times we just can't "eat" them, so taking these instead is making me healthy. I don't qualm taking them, as my life has been blessed being healthier and vibrant since I had the band. I enjoy the sun too, and being in San Diego, I make sure I am protecting my skin from harm as much as possible. For me, I use Hawaii's 'Maui Babe' tanning lotion, as I love it and my skin does too. I love the coconut butter or lotion, rather than the cream or oils, as it absorbs my skin quite nicely without the oily residue. Everyone's skin type is going to be different...just choose the one that your skin reacts best to it.
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