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Everything posted by tnm75

  1. I saw it on The Biggest Loser as well... however, I checked out the price. Although I think it would be a good investment... I need to focus on getting my fills before spending that kind of money. Also, I would like to hear some feedback on the product. Kristy
  2. To each his/her own... grumpy old snowbird. Living in the Arizona heat would make me grumpy too! Just kidding... no wait I'm not, I live in the dry heat as well... but, I don't have to deal with the horrid degrees that you do. Could I live without it? Sure. But, I'm making a lot of changes in my life at the moment, and this water bottle isn't going to hurt me one bit. At times I would get to work, get into the "work zone" and at the end of the day I would realize that I hadn't had anything to drink. If a cool and fun gadget reminds me and assists me in making a habit, then I don't see anything wrong with it. If I had your address... LOL, I would send you one just to be a butt! Kristy
  3. Judy... I knew I loved you! Great minds think alike... LOL! I seriously LOVE LOVE LOVE mine. My 15-year-old niece thinks it's hers... the little booger! They run about $30... however, I found one on eBay for $19.99 with free shipping! Kristy
  4. Have any of your used the Intelligent Water Bottle? I invested in one... and, I love it! It calculates your personal hydration needs, tracks your fluid consumption throughout the day, paces you to ensure hydration goals are met and motivates you to stay properly hydrated. My nieces and nephews that are in middle school and high school are asking for one for birthdays! Kristy
  5. Congratulations! I don't have advice, but I'm sure KarenLynn does. Kristy
  6. Give it a few weeks... but, even after that you need to be sure to take it easy. Kristy
  7. If you need your receipt... you need to contact Melissa at melissa@obesitycontrolcenter.com. Yes, fill trips are included. The bummer is that I had my surgery in December and all of my fills will be in the new year... oh how I wish my surgery and fill trips were in the same calendar year... taxes were not even on my mind when I scheduled. Oh well! Kristy
  8. Angela, I think I'm going to brave it as well... yikes! Unfortunately, I dreamt about the pictures that I "baaaaaaaaaaahahaha"-d yesterday. Kristy
  9. I hadn't even slowed down to think about tax stuff. Thanks for the reminder! I'm going to email the OCC today! Thanks, Kristy
  10. Informative thread! Julie... sorry to hear about the shingles, no fun --- and, super painful! Karen... so glad to hear you are okay! You look amazing... and, you have an adorable daughter to boot! This thread has me thinking. I know going to the OCC involves the travel cost... and, if you choose --- a fluro cost. However, what have experiences been if you have to have something more than a fill or unfill in regards to cost? A slipped band? Etc? I'm a pretty good saver, but I'm pretty good at spending that saved money (i.e., surgery, treadmill, an extra car (it's old and decrepit) to put work miles on, etc.) I suppose I may need to have a separate OCC savings that I can't touch. Kristy
  11. Sabrina, I so hear you girl! At a standstill here too... after gaining some of the pounds back after starting on solids. I'm trying to maintain until my first fill... and, from the sounds of it --- I may be trying to maintain until my second fill. I'm going to get more serious about my cardio and water intake and hope that helps me. Kristy
  12. Christy, Have you gotten your paperwork? Your paperwork actually states, "No make-up or lotion." Remember... you are having MAJOR surgery. Between electrodes for testing your heart, going under, getting cut open, etc... you truly want to be free of any unnecessary make-up, lotions or potions. I did not wear lotion the day I arrived because I new I was having all of my pre-op work that day; however, I had worn make-up. I wasn't supposed to be banded until the next day. Or course, they banded me a day early... nothing was said about my make-up (I don't wear much anyways) and I didn't remove it before surgery... it was a whirlwind of an afternoon. For me, I'd focus more on a day of no make-up and lotion rather than vanity... just my opinion. Good luck... I'm so excited for you to be taking your next step on your journey! Kristy
  13. I'm not sure that your BMI really has anything to do with the size of your band. My BMI was over 50 and I received the 10cm band which holds 4cc-s. I think it has more to do with the size of your internal organs and the fat that surrounds them. That's my understanding. Kristy
  14. You two are so close! I'm so excited for both of you! I was an over-packer... if I had to do it over I would pack only the following: Surgery Paperwork Travel Documents Laptop and Charger iPod and Charger Cell Phone and Charger Face Cleanser and Moisturizer Body Lotion Make-Up (foundation, powder, mascara and chapstick only) Contact Stuff Pajamas One Change of Clothing Daily Undergarments Tylenol A Couple of Pairs of Socks Small Bottles (shampoo, conditioner, mousse and hairspray) Pick Rubber Band I checked my luggage and was so happy that I did. I didn't need anything else that I packed. I didn't crack open my bouillon. And, remember... don't slather up with lotion the day of surgery. Kristy
  15. Shelby, I too get PM-s from newbie lurkers that just aren't comfortable coming public right now for one reason or another. Glad to help where I can. My journey has just started, but if my experience will help them then I'm more than happy to share. I'm with you... I'm not going to tiptoe around because someone might be easily offended. If I ask a question, I want an honest answer. If I can't handle the opinions and experiences of others... well then I need to think twice about asking again. Getting this surgery is not for the faint of heart. As for your sidebar... you're sweet. Thanks! I see that you're kicking butt! Good job! Kristy
  16. Chad, I gotcha. People never cease to amaze me... I guess what boggles my mind is that two (or more) people can find something to argue about via PM, the shoutout box... or, the forum for that matter. Some people have way too much time on their hands if their sole intent and purpose is to degrade another human being. And, someone that threatens someone's family, job or reputation has major mental issues! Of course there will ALWAYS be different viewpoints... however, it takes mature, stable adults to voice opinions, agree to disagree and move forward. Thanks for explaining things a bit more, it helps... even if I still don't necessarily agree with the solution. I'll just grab my lemonade and sit back, shake my head and watch the bullies at play... must be a fun and interesting life to invest so much energy into messing with others. Kristy
  17. I have a hard time with protein shakes, but do my best to drink if I need additional protein. I find that I eat a lot of the same things over-and-over... mostly because I enjoy them. Also, I live alone... so I find it easier to stick to what I like and enjoy rather than cooking a huge dinner and then end up throwing most of it out because I can only handle so much of warmed up leftovers. Granted, I still have an issue with eating out (during the holidays) or having dinner with my sister and her family where I know that protein isn't a focus on meal preparing... I hope that by going back to work on Monday I'll be able to put more focus on the healthier me. But, when I cook... currently my favorites are: My Favorite Breakfast: I crack two eggs in a bowl and add about a tablespoon of the following; 2% milk, bacon bits and green chili. I also beat in some shredded cheese and salt and pepper. I spray the frying pan with PAM and scramble the eggs. I also have a piece of Honey Wheat toast with a bit of butter spray. My Favorite Lunch: I boil a chicken breast. After it is cooked I put it through my food processor to "shred" it. I add fat free Miracle Whip. I add a some red grapes sliced in half as well as sliced almonds. I eat it with Wheat Thins. My Favorite Dinner: I cook a steak on my GF grill after rubbing in some steak seasoning. I have a small salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and purple onions... I add some croutons because it helps to satisfy my bread craving. I dip the tip of my fork into the salad dressing before stabbing my salad... I haven't quite been able to move to spritzer so I am still having fat free dressing. I steam a combinations of broccoli, carrots, pea pods and squash and stray it with a tiny bit of spray butter. Also, for snacking purposes... I put grapes, sliced cucumbers, baby carrots, nuts, etc. into the snack size Ziploc baggies. I find that if I do this... I am more prone to grab it rather than something unhealthy because I don't want to take the time to prepare something at that moment. Kristy
  18. Thanks for letting us know she's doing fine right now! I'm so glad! Kristy
  19. Was just throwing my thoughts out there. Definitely not trying to start issues. I'm sure that there is a lot that happens "behind the scenes." But, don't judge us for being blind to something(s) that are not shared with us. A lot of us don't have "a history" with the boards. I just call it like I see it... and, the bullies on the playground have won. No biggie, just wishing that the members that go by the rules aren't punished. But, it's obvious that we are and will continue to be. Kristy
  20. Hey Sabrina... it's really not about your decision being popular or unpopular... you need to do what is right for you and your adorable little family! Oh and Lisa... I say go for the bikini! Love Hawaii! I hope you have a wonderful time! How long do you get to vacation? Or, is it for work too? Kristy
  21. What is really sad is that you (the moderators) have allowed "the trolls" and "the idiots" to win. If something is coming from "higher up" it would be nice for all of us to hear from that person or persons. Sure we can keep connected outside of the forums, but for convenience sake the PM system would be preferred. No wonder why people keep leaving the forum... this is definitely childish and immature! I would not invite someone who is thinking of being banded to join this forum... it's like the bullies on the playground are running the place. Disheartening! And, disgusting! And, unfortunately... it reflects badly on the OCC. And, more specifically Dr. Ortiz. That saddens me because he is such a wonderful doctor who has dedicated his life to bettering lives. Get rid of the shoutbox, if you must. But, removing the PM system is a bit extreme. If a PM is truly inappropriate and reported, ban the author on the first offense... no if-s, and-s or butt-s. And, if someone is on the receiving end and cannot accept that there are rude and inconsiderate people in the world... then is a "public forum" really the place for them to be? Geez... report it and move on. The world is full of idiots that have too much time on their hands. If "the reporter" cannot accept that banning a member is the end of the line, then don't allow them to dwell on it... and, ban them too. You know for a fact that "the trolls" and "the idiots" are sitting back and laughing because they have succeeded in removing two functions that 99% of the posters truly love, enjoy and use in an appropriate manner. A public forum is that... public. And, just because one poster does not agree or have the same belief system of another poster does not necessarily make one more right then the other. Perhaps Dr. Ortiz should consider handing the moderating abilities over to people that actually have the time or get to know all of us and have the time to read and respond to posts. The only time I really hear from a moderator (except Dolittle) is at times like this. Kristy
  22. Yeah! I hope to see you there! My flight gets in a 10 o'clock-ish... we may see one another in passing in the lobby! Glad to hear you're doing better! Kristy
  23. Snowbird, Thanks for the information. I have my first fill on January 16 which is six weeks post-op. And, just purchased my flight for my second fill for mid-December... just waiting for Gloria to email me my appointment time for that Friday the 13th! Kristy
  24. I noticed Southwest was having some great deals on prices! However, I have quite a drive to get to an airport that Southwest services. The planes from my area are those without overhead bins, no airline stewards except for the pilot, no bathroom and no drinks until I change plans in Denver!
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