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Everything posted by shiney42

  1. I guess that's good if you work for someone. I'm not sure it would work for me...I'm a stay @ home mom. My husband works for himself. We pay our own insurance from our business
  2. Ya KNOW what, I pay very high property taxes YET the public High school I felt wasn't good enough for MY son's & I sent them to Private school. Yet 60% of my propety taxes goes to the school district. That I won't send my kids to! In MY state I can't write off my kids tutition! I have NO write offs what so ever, NOT even a mortage write off. We own our home. So I really careless what anyone thinks about what I claim on my taxes. And your friend He doesn't KNOW what you pay out! I would question just how much of a friend he is.........
  3. And what about all the money I spent @ Cosmed I'm over 2,000 there.. Right? Can I add that too?
  4. Thanks cause we never claim any medical deductibles cause its so high BUT this year is another story.
  5. Great to hear all is going well. How long did you have to stay? How was Recovery By the Sea? I like tha Dr. Q shows interest in as to what we want & then he explains what is best & what can be done. He develops a relationship with you. I feel very confortable with him & Dr. Castaneda. In fact Dr. Castaneda called me to check up on me & see how my face was going From my fraxel session with him.......... Can't wait to hear more.. shiney42
  6. My husband takes care of all the tax stuff, I'm clueless it doesn't concern me. But I asked my husband whats the deal with our medical tax deductions and he said He doesn't dedect anything cause we had to spend $8,500 and then anything after that we could deduct. And most times we don't come close to that amount. However I'm just about up to that with my next fill... So Would I include my hotel stay too along with all my fills, I flew back & forth twice And then I have to ask if it comes out to say deducting 900 - 1200, 1500 bucks is it worth it? Like I said I know nothing about taxes
  7. Oh good for you going to a lap band dinner................... I just had a portein drink hoping i would start me off good........ I'm getting ready to make my second fill appt. Maybe if I know that I have the next fill in my mind I can look forward to counting down the days, @ THIS POINT I'd ratter be tight and have to go back for a unfill then have this I can eat anything and not be losing weight! Enjoy your oatmeal Lena
  8. Sorry but I too feel like you. Only I'm not counting cals.............. I'm not gaining but I'm not losing
  9. Hey Tray No weight loss at all maybe 4 oz....... But I just went out and bought some bike shorts and a new seat for my bike and plan on getting some bike riding in! maybe that will help... I have NO restriction whatso ever! I'm 183! haven't moved for weeks.... I could eat anything! I've only BP'ed 1 times and it really wasn't a full BP I slimed for about 2 minutes and it went down.. that was early on- the only thing I haven't ate was steak or drank soda(of cause I won't do that) I do eat less NO I still could eat a little bit a lot of times, cause I feel hungry Hope you're doing better then me
  10. I would say it gets better, But also everyone is different. I can sleep on my belly & have been for a few weeks - I was band on 5/20/09 I can sleep on my sides too. I have NO problem
  11. he he he cute way to name the thread.. And Good for you over 60 pounds!
  12. was it posted where Dr Nyte is located?
  13. OK So while I was down in TJ getting my first fill I made a few Plastic surgeon consultation. I’ve already been to Cosmed the last time I was there & needed to visit them this time too. I had my last session of Fraxel done & then I asked for my laugh lines to go. I feel very comfortable @ Cosmed and developed a relationship with both doctors However I just needed to Look around and see what else was out there. So I set up 2 appointments while I was there besides going back to Cosmed for the last Fraxel session.. Well the first appointment my cab driver took me to 4 different places & We never found it. Which kinda said a lot in it’s self The second appointment Doctor Gutierrez http://www.tijuana-cosmetic-surgery.com/ His clinic is under construction so everything will be new, Staff was warm & friendly. He seems like a wonderful doctor( I would still do research cause I haven’t fully checked him out). He offered Boobs & TT for 7,000 with a lift 7,400 Lipo in 2 sections 2,500 That’s 1- 2 nights at his clinic and and 50 bucks for blood work Cosmed offer was $3,500 - TT with Liposculpture of back & sides $2,500 - BL with implant $800 for Surgical fee’s $180 - Blood & pain meds Now add in my plane fare $250 & 4 days @ The Lucerna. Cosmed will send a nurse to my room to change all bandages for an extra 20 dollars a EACH DAY Goshhhhhhhhhhh It sure adds up fast. So what’s your thoughts? Please feel free So what do you think about these prices? All opinion are welcome. All advise is welcome And if anyone thinks I should get another consultation by another doctor please give me the infor I would need.... Thank You Lena
  14. it feels like a sunburn the first night then then you have some tightness - Like a sunburn and there is some swollen but nothing a ice packs can't handle But getting the fraxel it self does not hurt they numb you all up. 2 treatments were commended for me with this last one being more a in tense
  15. Oh Tracey - The Lucerna Was Wonderful staff was great! room service was cheap( in my eye cheap) If one is going to see other doctors I would stay there, All the doctors are with in 10 blocks of each other, Well the ones I went to see. I walked back from Cosmed to the Lucerna, Also on the corner of the Lucerna these this taco stand that is busy throughout the day - I walked there and had 2 of the best tacos I ever ate for $3.50 and then walked back
  16. Hey Toots - How are you- So I had Dr.Q(cosmed) finish my Fraxel sessions and I'm seeing a Good difference in my complexion and smoothness plus I had my laugh lines filled so the face looks nice.
  17. GREAT!!!! it all went great, I got 1.8 cc I'm already down .5 pound since Monday. I don't feel restriction, I have NO food issuse, everything I try to eat I can, I Eat about half maybe a bit less then half of what I use to eat AND it last forever! I really was ready for this next level of Lap Band Life How ya doing
  18. Good for you - You're gonna love it! It's not as hard as it seems... You're ready for change - it like when someone hounds you to lose weight! you hate it! and fight it... But this time YOU Are ready!!!! And want it Tired of living the way you;ve been.... And that's what I think makes it easier.......... Well I am a much happier person and I'm feeling better about myself with each passing day- Congrats & good luck shiney
  19. Hey Peeps All is well -- I got 1.8 cc(?) if that's what they are called cc... 2cc were a bit tight but the 1.8 looked perfect. I'm so happy Dr. Marco.... Yes I call him by his frist name. He's such a cutie pie...... Was real cool and I didn't feel a thing, So it was a breeze And NO Angie That long A$$ needle had no effect on me But then again I never looked at it until after it was taken out and back on the tray.....I barely took a breath cause I didn't like the idea of it just hanging there and I did NOT want to make it giggle.. So thank God Doc Marco was fast.....LOL Big chicken $hit I am.... But I'm chillin @ the Lucerna And the service is wonderful everyone is helpful - The place is VERY clean And I would stay here again! OK Peeps Peace Out
  20. It’s a shame! I knew he pulled an Elvis. I don’t know anyone that didn’t like MJ. I’ve been to so many concerts in my life & I’ve never saw him! I wish I did... As for the pedophile thing - He was never convicted- but it’s a all around shame. If He was guilty then that kids life was messed up - Other wise even though he was found innocent MJ’s life was screwed up after that, ( not like it was all that normal BUT) he never recovered form the accusations & it messed him up even more So either way it’s just a shame He was also sued over everything. Everyone wanted a piece of him....
  21. That's awesome! Good for you! You have to feel so wonderful about yourself-
  22. yeah there's a thread on it. what area ya looking for? pm me http://www.lapbandforum.com/index.php?showtopic=9242
  23. Good luck, And You're gonna be so happy! You must have posted but I forgot, What Dr. Ya going to. i have a few consultations set up when I go for my fill on the 29th
  24. The Fill Center by me Doesn't even offer Fluoro... And the Long Island Bariatric Center closest to me charges 300 so that brings it to 675 for the first visit. I'm spending less then that much for my first fill @ OCC, which is 279 +(AIRFARE) 300= 579. I'm simply not spending over $1200 for 2 fills, I have other needs too.. And I don't plan on waiting longer in between fills, I don't see the logic to that, I will be very watchful of how I treat my band( Baby the Band) I guess 2 each is own.... I'll be back & forth to OCC My first fill will be @ OCC my second won't hence NO fluoro, But I plan on going back to OCC again for the end of Aug .... I understand and thank everyone for posting on this thread, It's great to hear how everyone thinks......... Some things are easier for other and some just what different..... And some don't have much of a choice ....... it's all Good =D>
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