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Posts posted by dreamhappy07

  1. Hey, Judy! Thanks so much for your reply! A few questions...it sounds like your banding was very recent? When did you get banded and how much have you lost, if any? How long have you been doing the liquid diet? I wish you much success and can only hope your health gets better with time. ;)

    I was banded this past Monday May 21st. I have been on the liquid diet since and as I mentioned earlier, I was able to drink the yogurt today and tomorrow can start the protein shakes and creamy soups. I absolutely hate the liquid diet. But it is temporary and I can move on to better things in time. I am so careful and almost scared to start drinking new things, but I feel out what my band wants and is ready to handle. Just start very small. I didn't have the problem of the annoying gas pains. I guess because I walked alot before and after surgery and took the gas x strips. On the flight back home, I had some big gas poots that really needed and wanted to let go, but couldn't until I got off the plane and walked through the airport. LOL

    I have lost four more pounds since surgery so, that would make a total so far of 27lbs lost hopefully for good.

    Thanks for the best wishes for my success. I too wish you much success with your band as well.

    Take care,


  2. Hi Mike,

    I weighed 375 before my pre-op diet. Dr. Miranda wanted me to lose as close to 36 lbs as possible before surgery. When I was weighed in her office this past Monday, the 21st, I weighed 352. She was so excited and proud of me to lose that much before surgery. I am 6' 1" and am big boned. I have no idea what my ideal weight is or how much I really need to lose or what my goal weight should be, but I am thinking probably about 195-210 should be good.

    I have to tell you though, there will be alot of benefits for me in losing the heaviness I have carried around all my life. I found out that Dr. Oritz had been studying lymphedema with Dr. Martinez for the 5 weeks prior to my surgery because I guess they never had a patient with that problem. He told me with the weight I would lose, so will the swelling from the lymphedema. That made me want this surgery more than ever. I would love to be able to wear good shoes again instead of birkenstocks, and socks too. I love to walk and always want to be more active but can't because of the pain it would cause me later.

    One more thing I need to tell you. The liquid diet SUCKS!!! But, it is only temporary. Tomorrow I can finally have creamed soups and protein shakes (which I miss alot). I had some liquid yogurt today and that helped alot, but it seems by afternoon I am starving. I know it is all temporary, so I am going to tough it out. ;)

    Hope this helps some.



  3. Hello all,

    I have been stalling to post this and decided I probably should post it. I have been doing pretty good since surgery. Felt like crap and starving yesterday, but feel so much better today. Since this morning, I have been dealing with diarrhea. I started drinking liquid yogurt this morning, but I think the problem must be because I forgot to dilute the apple juice I drank yesterday afternoon and last night. Well, the juice I drank last night I did dilute, but it probably was too late for that.

    How long will this last? Should I stay away from the yogurt and have a steak? LOL Just kidding. I finally am going to drink some powerade to hopefully help and staying way clear from the apple juice for now. Is there anything else I should be doing as well? My bottom is sore...lol



  4. Hello banding friends, good to hear from you. I am doing fine. I started the liquid yogurt on Thursday. At least that's what Dr. Martini's told me. I was feeling so hungry and had such an empty feeling. Almost making me sick because I was so hungry. The yogurt has really helped. I had 3 on Thursday. Felt good all day. I went back to work a little on Thursday afternoon.

    How did you know, that you had a bigger band put on. I was so out of it before and after the surgery. Maybe he told my husband. I'll will have to ask him tonight.

    We had such a hard time getting home. Our flight was suppose to leave at 6pm on Wed. It was delay because of a bad thunder storm in Minneapolis. We didn't get home until 6 AM on Thursday. Bummer....but made it ok.

    I am planning on flying down to TJ for my first fill. Anyone else interested. Would like to share the taxi ride down. Don't know if I want to stay a day or fly back the same day. Am open to either.


    :-h Hi Beth,

    Great to hear from you and seeing you finally joined the forum. :) Also, that you are doing well. So sorry though about your flight home problems. Elizabeth wrote me and said they didn't get home until 3am Thursday morning because they missed their connecting flight in Dallas because the flight attendant told them the wrong gate.

    You can find out about your size band if you look on the back of the paper card you were given with the plastic card. It has the size band, and other numbers on it. Kinda like a sticker with all the info about the band in you.

    I would love to go back to TJ for my first fill, but don't know when and how finances will be. But I will keep in touch. You still have my email addy right? I was starving yesterday and I wasn't sure about the liquid yogurt, so I just drank more other stuff like juice and a popsicle. bleah!

    Today I am drinking a yogurt smoothie. I hope that's ok. If I see or taste any chunks of fruit in my mouth, then I will spit them out. Don't want any problems ever.

    Well take care now.



  5. Jeri,

    I just got back from TJ and my husband was the same way before we got there and he did alot of his own research - we are from Oregon and my BIL is doing a term in a local bariatric clinic while in Medical School so he did alot of research on his end - know what? All the local Dr.'s knew Dr. Ortiz and had nothing but good things to say. You have an advantage in that you are so close and can do physical research by taking a trip over the border and touring the facility and meeting with Dr. Ortiz (you could probably make all the arrangements through Lori or Carolyn) I felt like I was in Beverly Hills when I was there, the clinic is so nice, they have alot of staff per each patient served (more than any place i've been before) and really cater to your needs. I am 6 days post-op and typing this from work. I was up the next day and went shopping at a place called the revoluccion ?? anyway I have had no complications and because I was a self pay I am very happy with the results and the PRICE!!!



    Hi Trina,

    I am in Portland also. My surgery was 4 days ago on the 21st. Everything you said was perfect and exact. It was an awesome experience! I went shopping also on Revolution ave. and I got a few things, but couldn't stand the pressure from the shop people. The taxi let us out on the most aggressive part.

    Take care,


  6. :-h Hello

    How is everyone doing? I found my experience to be Great!!!! I am doing fine, even the soreness is disappearing very fast. Not Hungry at all.

    I was told I had to get the bigger band due to the size of my stomach. So I was curious if any of you had the same and did you think you would need a fill faster because of it?



    :-h Hi Nicole,

    Thanks for starting this post! I am doing well. Glad to hear you are too. I am still very sore. Especially around the port incision. I got the VG band also, and from what I have read, it is the best to get, especially if you are larger in the tummy area. I am still very surprised about where the port was placed. It seems so high. I hope that won't be a big problem later for fills.

    So, you say you aren't hungry huh? What are you doing differently my band sis? I seem to be feeling starved and maybe because of just being allowed the liquids, my mind is thinking that. I believe by tomorrow or saturday, we can start having the liquid yogurt. I am so looking forward to something more filling. Don't get me wrong. I am definitely knowing when I need to stop drinking or eating the popsicles. I start to burp, but in no way the PB kind. whew! That would suck! I am very much in tune with my band so far and being very careful.

    Hey, if you ever want to email me to stay in touch, please feel free to email me at happycats2@comcast.net.

    Take care,


  7. Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you! Hope your surgery went well, I'm sure it was great! Hope you are having a BLAST. Make sure you do lot's of SHOPPING, and try to walk a lot. Really helps alleviate the gas pains!

    Talk to you soon!


    Thanks so much Donna! My experience was awesome and definitely will stay a great memory forever. Dr. Ortiz is ummm...let's just say hubba hubba...lol His mom is a sweetie too. I did do alot of shopping and going to Revolution ave...well, make sure you ask the taxi driver to let you out at the less aggressive part. I couldn't handle it...my mom was escorted to one of the shops after she bought some gold and the shopkeeper was forced to pay her back all the money she paid for the FAKE gold. yipes! This was when I was in the clinic having surgery. lol It was fun though. Did alot of walking the day of release. Walked alot...I never had alot of gas...whew! I guess I knew to walk it out. ;)



  8. Thank you so much for all the detailed information! I am ready now and feeling more at ease about knowing what to expect when we get there.

    I love this forum and all the people that are there for me and everyone else who are getting started on their planning for surgery or are almost to their date of surgery like me and a few others.

    I am feeling sooooooooo much better now. I just wanted to make sure that my mom is ok alone.

    Thanks again!


  9. Hey all,

    I am arriving this sunday the 20th. Could someone pelase clarify about things offered at the Lucerna, like do they have coffee and pots in the room and what, if anything is available for breakfast for my Mom and other loved ones waiting there for us to get our stuff done at OCC?

    Just alot going through my mind now that it is so close to happening and making sure everything will be ok with my mom and others.

    Thank you for any replies in advance.



  10. Hi, I hope someone can help me!! My banding date is 5/23 in TJ. A friend asked me last night if I had to purchase 2 seats on the airline for the trip, she said at my size I might have to do that. Does anyone know the size restriction to fly?? I looked on AA website but it was real general and didn't give a specific weight or size.......Helpppppppp I don't want to get to the airport and no be able to get on my plane.

    Hi Rob,

    I was afraid of the same thing. I know that Southwest is one of the only airlines that make you buy a second seat if you are a really large person. I know for a fact that I will have to ask for a seatbelt extender, but that's ok. I am flying Alaska because I know they are a good airline and have a bit more roomier than most others.

    Hope this helps. :)


  11. Hi all,

    I just wanted to ask two questions at once because they have been on my mind alot lately since I am so close to surgery day. :)

    What did you ladies wear after surgery? I am rather modest and have a saggy chest without a bra, but did you wear one or not? I never wear underwire, but was curious about wearing any type since I have read that one of the incisions is kinda under you left breast. Could get a bit sore I would think...lol

    ALSO, How much money in cash did everyone bring? I know this topic has been covered a couple months or so ago, but I just wanted some input from more recent banders to see if anything has changed much.

    Thanks everyone for your replies! :)



  12. :(( I am so freaked out that I am having trouble quitting smoking completely. I have cut way back and really never smoked much anyways. I live with two smokers so it's double hard. It's too late to get meds to quit, but I am trying really hard and will definitely quit asap! I am sure I won't be smoking at all by this weekend and work is very stressful this week, but I am afraid if I don't smoke, I will want to eat more, and make excuses for both. I have already lost 20+ lbs and don't want to gain any back.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...thanks!


    P.S. Not to make any more excuses, but I have had much more serious surgeries like brain tumors and quit smoking for a time, but the second one not and I did great. I can do this! I hope. ;)

  13. Lots of reading material, lol :) I read in the OCC, the hotel and the airport (they tend to get you there early). Also take some of the packets that go into water and liquid medications if you need them. And don't forget to take all the phone numbers of the OCC with you.

    Best of luck :)

    Thanks FurEllie, that really helps to know we need reading material. What about like ipods or video games? Are they allowed? Also, do you have any idea of how much you are allowed to carry on the airline? My mom and I don't want to check any baggage even though we have to meet our driver there. One less thing to worry about too. ;)

    Thanks bunches!


  14. Hey all,

    I am writing again about my sinus infection or cold. I finished a round of antibiotics and still congested, but the antibiotics I took are supposed to keep working for almost a couple weeks. I am still struggling with nose congestion and quitting smoking has helped, but now cough here and there. I am of course, stressing and I know that doesn't help, but hoping I feel as close to 100% as soon as possible.



  15. Judy, I am so sorry I didn't see this post until now!!! I've been so busy! I WISH I WAS GOING BACK TO TJ FOR MY FILL!! I think that is the BEST choice. Unfortunately at this time I won't be able to do so.

    My daughter is in Kindergarten, and this is a VERY busy time of the year, since they go on a LOT of field trips, and I go too!

    Plus, I don't have anyone to keep them while I'm away. My hubby has been working so many hours! So, I found a local fill doctor, and will be getting my first fill May 25th. Wish I could've been there to meet you! You will LOVE your experience there. I had a BALL. I'm SO glad I did it there instead of here in the US. You will be too, once you see how great the care is there! It's FABULOUS.

    You will meet lot's of people there though. Your band buddies will be with you a lot. My band sisters were in the hotel rooms next to, and across from my room! Of course I didn't know that until just before we went home! DUH! But we had a BLAST in the clinic, the day of surgery, and day after! Plus, the morning after surgery, when you come out, there will be a whole new gang in the lobby waiting, and all nervous about their surgery, and you will be telling them it's NO BIG DEAL. You'll do fine!

    It was funny, while we were waiting all the post surgery patients were coming out, and telling us how great it was. One girl even showed me her incisions! The next morning all of us were doing the same thing! So you get to be on both sides of the fence! LOL

    Still, would have loved to have met you! Keep in touch, and let me know how it went.

    Good Luck,


    Hi Donna,

    No problem about not getting back to me before now...no worries at all there. I know people have lives and things get busy. I totally understand your situation. :)

    I know I will have a great experience. I would be a little more excited if I was getting closer too 100% better from a sinus infection. I am trying so hard to get rid of it. Now I am quitting smoking and developing a cough from both. ugh! What a bummer. I am afraid to call Dr. Jimenez because I am worried about what he will say. I should be ok by this weekend.

    Maybe some day we will meet. I am looking forward to the mini vacation as well as the great people and staff I will meet there. ;)

    Take care and good luck with that first fill!

    Peace and hugs,


  16. Across from the Lucerna is a pharmacy called 'Farmacia Especiales' or similar. Dr. Martinez vouched for the reputation of this business to me. Their prices are good, a discount given for cash, and the meds are authentic and real.

    Be warned, purchasing controlled substances (addictive meds) in Mexico is illegal without a script. However, Toradol, which is a totally acceptible and effective non-narcotic pain reliever is available. I also like to purchase antibiotics (Bactrim, Cipro, Amox, Azithromycin, etc.) in Mexico. I have crossed the border many times with these meds. I have heard also that crossing with 50 or less doses of a controlled substance is allowed by Customs. Some states have laws against this, but Border Agents are Federal officers, and do not enforce state law.

    I have read that some pharmacies have an 'affiliated' doc on the premises that will give you a script for controlled drugs for a small fee. I have no idea which pharmacies may have this arrangement.

    Hope this helps.

    Thanks Greg for the info. It was very informative. A couple more questions though about what exactly are you given from Dr. Ortiz in regards to pain medication? Are you given only a few sublingual pain pills and another script for a liquid, or are you given a liquid in the beginning? Can you fill or refill a script before you leave Mexico? I don't believe to be in alot or much pain, but just in case, I would like to be prepared.

    Thanks again Greg.


  17. Judy

    When is your surgery? I came down wih a cold 5 days before my surgery. I called Dr Jimenez and talked to him. I was starting to feel a little better by the day of surgery. I didn't have to cancel my surgery. He told me to take vitiman c and drink lots of liquids. I really rested and tried to fight it off.I would give him a call and tell him your symptoms. Good luck!


    Hi marshaj

    Thanks for the suggestion. My surgery is in 10 days, May 21st. I am taking some antibiotics now and hope they are the right ones to kill this infection or whatever. I will keep you all posted as to how I am doing. I was so pumped over this surgery and now am rather bummed.



  18. Michele,

    I haven't had it out yet but I"m getting it removed this month. I've been banded since nov. 05 and it hasn't worked for me. It was my last resort in the weight loss battle and I have nothing else left to try. I won't be spending any more money on surgery although my dieting lifestyle will continue for life. But without the worries of the band - since it has done nothing for me losing weight - i lost 16lbs in almost two years - I've gotten about as much help as OCC can offer a U.S. patient - they did a great job on the surgery but for folks like me who can't get it to work -- their services are limited. As Ortiz told another old poster (chelley) here - you can do surgery on 1000 people and you can get 1000 results - there's no telling why some don't succeed. I've eaten between 600-1500 calories a day for almost two years - i try everything for a month or two and then try to shake it up - I'm getting this out because I don't want to wake up in two years and be eroded for nothing - It is a proactive decision based on why have this implant when it doesn't work?

    Believe me all you people out there that are losing weight YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE WHAT A FAILURE GOES THRU WITH THE BAND. And yes, I've done everything right.

    So, I say - get it out - don't wait - what you are experiencing now will only get worse. Good luck

    Wow! dietingqueen...I am so sorry that you weren't able to make it work. Do you have any idea why? Is there something in your body chemistry that won't let go of the excess weight like thyroid problems or something like that? Did you have a band that was too big or too small? I have read there are different kinds and sizes. Even after having fills and such, it didn't help you at all?

    It is rather discouraging that you didn't make the band work for you. I totally believe you did everything right and eating such low calories, but I don't understand why it wouldn't work on anyone. I am having surgery 10 days and I really hope that it will work for me.

    Good luck and take care,


  19. Someone please help me feel better with knowing that my surgery won't be cancelled or postponed. I started sneezing ALOT since a couple days ago and don't know what it could be. I have not had a fever so far, so maybe that's a good thing? Allergies(which I have never had in my life), or a sinus infection/cold. I was feeling good and ready about my surgery and all, but now am so stressed because my nose and head decided to get congested and runny. grrrr!

    Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated. :)



  20. Dr. Miranda told me on the day of surgery that I was to drink clear liquids for at least 3 days, but could check my tolerance to other liquids on the 4th day. I did not have any problems with them at all. On the day after surgery I had the tortilla soup at the hotel, which it sounds like alot of the other patients have done the same. Soup seems to fill me up and if you buy some meat base, it has quite a bit of protein in it. I just water it down so it's liquid. I drink a cup of it at a time, and i wondered if it was to much, so I emailed dr. Ortiz and Dr. Miranda and they both said that was fine. Liquids don't hurt the band.

    Wow! For some reason I thought that I read you are to have clear liquids 2-3 weeks after surgery. That really sounded rough...lol Now I know. ;)



    Surgery May 21st! woohoo!

  21. :-? Hey all,

    I was wondering where you can buy pain meds in Mexico that are over the counter and what kinds are available? Also, is it ok to bring them back safely into the US? How much are they and so on?

    The reason I am asking is I have been reading that you are only given a few pain pills after surgery and a couple months ago, I read that someone was given a liquid pain med that, unfortunately, spilled into her luggage because the cap came open. So, I am not sure how things are now, but I usually take vicodin at home and was thinking about maybe getting some liquid pain meds over the counter if they exist. My doc won't give me anything else because I am on a contract with those, so I am on my own.

    Thanks for all replies. ;)


  22. Hi all!! New to the forum though I've been a lurker for awhile.......I'm being banded May 23rd and am scared and excited all at the same time....I really hope to make some support buddies on here, you all really seem to encourage and help each other........ :blink:

    Hi Rob,

    Welcome and congrats on your surgery date! I will be leaving the day you arrive...Sorry we will miss each other, but I am sure you will have others with you that are having surgery the same day.

    Glad you came to this forum and I am sure you will make some buddies here and have all the support you can handle. ;)



  23. I don't know if this would be advice. But I can tell you I thought I was going to have a melt down during my preop diet. My body was craving caffeine... I love coffee and drink about a pot a day! I quit smoking a long time ago but with the caffeine cravings came some nicotine cravings that i hadn't had in a very long time then on top of it I was starving for food!! I had a caffeine headache, hunger pains and I wanted a cigarette. The thing is, I go tomorrow!! FINALLY!! But I haven't lost all my preop weight. (8 pounds) I hope I don't get in trouble. I cut back on everything good in my life!! It is hard. I can't wait to be done with this pre-op diet and just be banded. Anyway, just wanted to let you know you're not alone....and I needed to vent! Thanks for listening. You can do it.

    Hiya Queen,

    No problem...vent anytime you want. I am a good listener. I know I can quit smoking, but worried about the hunger and gaining weight back before surgery. On my pre-op diet, I WOULD NOT give up coffee. I had non-fat, SF coffee/mochas. I wasn't cheating, but satisfying my caffeine need without feeling guilty. I was never told to give up coffee anyways. I know alot of things will change after surgery, but for now, I will enjoy what I can as lot as isn't hurting my weight loss success!

    Good luck with your surgery...I wish mine was as close as yours. I am so ready! ;) Congrats!!



  24. =D> Great , I am arriving at 9:40 am with my husband. I'm so excited I can hardly wait. How is the pro-op diet going for you? I am coming from Dallas/Fort Worth area. :D

    Hi there,

    The pre-op diet has been tough at times, but I am down 20lbs since starting it. I am supposed to come as close as possible to 36lbs, but c'mon, that isn't going to happen. My body isn't giving up the fat without a fight...lol It will be close though because I will be stricter with myself next week and then having to stop smoking as well now, ugh! not a good combination.

    What airline are you taking? We(my mom and me), are coming in on Alaska. I am so excited! I wish it were this weekend instead of next. ;) Oh well, it will be worth the wait soon. :)

    Take care and hope to see you at the airport.


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