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Posts posted by dreamhappy07

  1. 17 lbs in 9 days is great! I am curious as to why your recommended weight loss is so high. 36 lbs is 5% of 720 lbs. I was told that 18-20 lbs was my goal, which was 5% of my weight. Do you know why you were given such a large goal?

    Hi Greg,

    No, I don't know why. I thought that was rather high myself and it's alot. Right now, I am keeping the weight off, but it is getting harder to stick to that diet because of working at a computer all day and always wanting to snack on something. Man, I wish I had the band already because that would be nice not to be hungry and want to snack in between meals...lol I am snacking on fruit and veggies, but already sick of certain veggies and finding out one of my fave fruits is cantaloupe which started to make me feel bloated and retain water. My body is so strange.

    Anyways, I know I probably will not lose that much in the next few weeks, but should come close enough to it.

    Thanks for the reply,


  2. Hello all,

    I just wanted to write to just say I am feeling so bummed. I have been so good on the pre-op diet and have lost 17lbs so far after just a couple days past a week(9days). I am supposed to lose as close to 36lbs as possible by my surgery date on May 21st. This sucks! To be blunt. I know, I know...it will be worth it in the end, but it is so rough at times. I am sick of eating stuff like certain fruits and veggies that I normally don't like or eat anyway. The lean cuisines are good, but I want more variety.

    To make matters worse, my brother called and invited to Chinese food on him. One of my favorite foods, of course. :D

    Is it normal to be so bummed about dieting? Don't get me wrong. I am really happy and proud about the weight loss. I enjoy the protein shakes I am drinking and the meals. I have given up pop and drink alot more water. Yay for me! I guess I feel it is unfair for me to have to lose so much in so long before my surgery.

    Thanks for letting me vent and tell my sob story. :((



  3. Hi, Judy !

    I arrived late in the afternoon on Sunday - and I was worried about that - but you know what?

    They do this 7 days a week and I believe are used to crazy flight schedules -- just make sure they have your schedule - Rene is great. Your hotel room may not be ready - but you should be able to drop your bags at the desk and walk around - -or sit out by the pool - its great ! I will def. bring a swimsuit for my fill! The pool is beautiful!!

    Actually - there was this looooong line at the border -- Francisco just drove up in a lane no one was using - we got out, walked thru a side door - showed a border agent our passports (they gave them a passing glance) - then we put our bags on an xray machine conveyer belt, picked them up, walked out the door on the US side, Francisco met us and we walked to where he had parked the van. Don't think you're going to be too sore or too invalid to walk - you'll feel fine. When you read on these boards to WALK WALK WALK! do it -- they cannot remove all of the gas they pump into you during surgery (its necessary because it physically separates your innards - while you are lying flat on your back, your liver, stomach, etc lays down, too! - they need to see around all that, so the gas makes everything visible to them). anyway - that gas has to come out! walking is the best thing to do -- and you will be surprised, - you'll feel like it ! I'm not kidding - I've had sinus infections that have put me down for a week - this was nothing compared to that! I'm 15 days post op and I feel completely fine and normal. I'm trying to walk 15-30 minutes a day.

    GREAT LUCK TO YOU!!! Please keep us posted!


    Thanks Lisa! That does help alot, but you aren't required to have a passport right? You only need US id's and/or birth certificates? My mom has a passport and I have my oregon drivers license and birth cert.

    I will surely keep you posted and post my experience as well. Not sure why more haven't.

    Take care Lisa,


  4. i hope by this time next week you are down this far too...and im not sure about the whole granola and cheerios thing...i know cheerios is supposed to be good for you and help lower cholesterol. i know how hard it is not to have a support team while trying to lose weight so thats why i try to be there for those who need the support.

    Yeah, I hear that. It has been tough with little support on my end, but I have actually gotten used to the diet now. I am so happy to have the uplifting support from you. :) It helps alot and keeps me in going.

    Well, I am happy to let you know that after weighing myself this morning 3 times(don't trust my scale), I have lost 15 lbs. Woohoo! I gave up on the granola because it does have sugar in it, but have munched on dry cheerios here and there. The weekend was a bit rough, but I survived as long as I snacked on fruit or drank alot of water. My brother had me taste a chicken eggroll and after just one nasty bite, it wasn't too long after that I ended up in the bathroom...lol My tummy was shocked at that nasty, greasy food.

    Thanks again my friend ;)


  5. Thanks! I loved it, and of COURSE I will keep you posted! I'll keep EVERYBODY posted! LOL

    Gonna shout it to the WORLD!


    Hi Donna,

    I am so excited for my experience that I will of course share also. Reading yours was a total inspiration of everything I have read on this forum.

    I was wondering if you are going to have your first fill around the time I have my surgery. It would be great to meet you and maybe go shopping also. :) My surgery is scheduled for May 21st, but arriving on May 20th.

    Best of luck with continued success with your band.



  6. Hi all,

    I was wondering if anyone here has arrived in San Diego early on a Sunday morning and scheduled to have their pre-op tests and surgery on Monday?

    That is my concern right now. I am scheduled to arrive on Sunday, May 20th and have pre-ops and surgery on Monday May 21st. My flight will arrive in San Diego at around 9:30am on Sunday. Is that too early? What will I do with the day? Will I need to spend some extra time at the airport to be picked up? Has anyone else arrived really early before or are going to in the near future?

    Thanks for all replies.


  7. Thank you so much Lisa for you play by play or step by step journey to being banded. =D>

    I am also arriving on a Sunday and having pre-op tests and surgery on Monday. I am concerned though that my DM and I are arriving rather early on Sunday morning. The only flights available from Portland, OR to San Diego were either early in the morning or late in the evening unless you wanted to pay much more for mid-day flights.

    What time did you arrive on Sunday? I know you were coming from the east coast, but was curious. Will they pick you up and check you into the hotel that early, or should my DM and I browse around the airport for awhile? LOL

    My surgery is scheduled for May 21st, but arriving on May 20th.

    So you had to walk across the border even after you just had surgery? That is different from what I have read from others.

    Thanks for any help you can offer. ;)


  8. omg girl thats awesome....way to go see i told ya you could do it....7lbs gone for good. gotta love that feeling when you see the big old number on the scales not there anymore...best rush ever...well i think lol. im down 13lbs now. starting to slow and only losing a lb a day bc my body has gotten used to not having the soda and other stuff i think but thats ok ill take a lb a day its still comin off and not going back on so thats all that matters to me. :D im so proud of ya judy keep up the good work.

    Thanks Kim. It's so nice to know that I have uplifting support. ;) I have been having serious hunger problems the last couple days and starting to make myself thing, "if it's not sugar or soda, it's ok to have a little". Last night I did that and had three frito scoops dipped in nacho cheese. :( I am drinking alot more water though and trying to be good. I know I am good but not eating sugar or pop anymore. I got more fruits and veggies, but I also got some organic healthy granola to snack on. Also, some dry cheerios. That's not a good thing right? I shouldn't think it's healthy just because it says so, right? The granola has flax seed and omega 3 and 6 oils in it, but I think it is still a bad food for me to eat. It is very low in sugar and has pumpkin seeds in it. I should just hunker down and get some metamucil capsules or the chromium picolinate capsules to satisfy my hunger pangs like the paperwork said. Dr. Miranda never mentioned that I could take those for the extra hunger.

    Congrats on your weight loss too! That is so great! I hope by this time next week, I will be there too.

  9. nope ive not been doing protein shakes. just doing exactly what ive told ya drinking lots of water, no carbs, no sugars, lol basically no nothing except for some meats, veggies and fruits and im now down 11 lbs. and yes WE can do this just keep your head held high and you can do it....be like the lil train that could and say ....i know i can i know i can i know i can istead of i think i can. we all got the will power we just gotta dig it out of the back of the closet.

    =D> Yay for me! I weighed myself out of curiosity yesterday and lost 7lbs.! woohoo! This is working so far. ;) No sugars, no soda, protein shakes, lean cuisine, veggies and fruit, and of course, lots of water and juice.

  10. I would bring it "just in case" but just don't offer it, unless they specifically ASK for it. Which I'm SURE they won't. There were 3 surgery patients on the van heading to the airport, we each had a companion with us, so there were 6 in total. 3 of us (surgery patients) got to stay on the van, and 3 (companions) had to go through X-ray. My husband walked through, and they just glanced at his drivers liscense too, and he even had a passport. So, really, don't worry about it. It's not that big of a deal! I know how you feel though....I worried about getting back across, and my DL, and birth certificate BOTH were from the US!

    So I can understand you being a little worried. It will be just fine though!

    You'll have LOT'S of fun, so get excited!

    Good Luck,


    Oh, and crossing over INTO MX is no problem at all. We stopped momentarily, they asked us to hit a button, on a post. Driver got out and hit it, and we drove on through. No problem at all.

    Whew! I am getting excited and nervous also. The pre-op diet I am on is a bit rough, but I am doing ok.

    I hope there will be others on the van along with my mom and I so my mom has someone to walk through with.

    Did you do any shopping in TJ? My mom and I are kinda looking forward to shopping. Can you pay with US money at the stands and such? Really would like to know all I can before we go even though it is over a month away...lol


  11. Don't worry about it! I took both my birth certificate, AND my drivers liscense. I handed both of them to the guy, and he never even opened my birth certificate. He just glanced at my drivers liscense, and away we went. I was there for surgery exactly 2 weeks ago, today! Dr. Ortiz's drivers have a border crossing "fast lane." I guess because they have so many American patients coming and going. We didn't even have to get out of the van. We opened the door, he asked who had just had surgery, we raised our hands, and he said, "stay in the van." The people who were with us had to walk through customs and run their suitcases through X-ray. He glanced at our drivers liscenses (surgery patients in the van) and told the driver to drive on through!

    I was surprised. Our driver told us, "that guy is one of the WORST ones." He said all the others just tell him to drive on through most of the time. We picked up the others on the other side of the fence, and went straight to the airport.

    Relax, it will be FINE! :)


    Thanks so much Donna. So do you think we shouldn't bother bringing our birth certificates? How was is going over the border before surgery? That is nice that they let you stay in the van on the way back if you had surgery. There must have been quite a few of you.


  12. Hey Judy,

    Until 2008 all you need is your drivers license and a copy of your birthcertificate. I just got back today as a matter of fact, after having my first fill yesterday and we only had to show our license and when asked what our nationality was we just answered, American, no problems and we had to walk through the border area and put our bags on the x-ray machine.As long as you are driving across the boarder and not flying, you will be just fine. After January you will need a passport to fly or drive to mexico. Katie

    Thanks Katie. That is what makes me nervous about needing both your US ID cards and a birth certificate. Even though my Mom and I were born in Germany, we are American citizens. How would that flow with the border guards? :-?

    I hope our US Id's is all we would need.



  13. watermelon .....always a good thing ....exactly that nothing but water...very good for you. i eat granny smith apples and i love my bananas. i just make sure i portion myself a banana here and a apple later in the day or something like that. reason i lost so much in a couple of days is bc i cut soda out and all other sugars, and all carbs. i didnt do it slow just jumped right in...i can lose weight very easily just cant keep it off ..once i eat a normal meal after losing i start going right back up. so im gonna lose as much as i can til i get the procedure done then i know my weight will stay off for good..thank god. im so looking forward to it. my biggest thing is i try different things and i weigh myself the next day. if i lose then i know im fine with it. if i dont lose or i gain i cut out what i ate the day b4. good luck to ya and keep your head up. we can do this

    You go girlfriend! LOL You are an inspiration. Are you drinking the protein shakes too? I was afraid of eating certain fruits because some of them turn to sugar in your body, but maybe it's the good kind? I know we or you for sure can do this. ;)



  14. Hello all,

    I am sorry about asking this again. I think I did once before or maybe it was on another board.

    Those of you that recently have been banded, did you cross the border with just your US ID's or did you take a passport? My Mom is going with me and she paid for our plane tickets today and we have outdated passports, but have valid US ID cards. I am a worry wart. I know that I have been told and also read up about passports not being needed unless you are flying into the country. But I just want to be sure because it's a bit late if we need a passport...lol

    I am concerned about having to bring my birth certificate too because I was born in Germany, but am a US citizen. My Mom also.

    Thanks for any replies in advance!



  15. hey Judy

    i know its not easy and its not gonna get easier as time goes on. I started tryin to lose some of this access baggage b4 i go see the dr and when i make dinner for my family all the yummy smells i wanna dive right into the pan lol. but thats not possible and certainly not what i wanna do. lol.. i have cut out all breads, rice, and pasta foods, all sugars except natural ones for example the ones in fruits, i do eat alot of fruit, and lots of veggies, i drink only water now i have completely cut out sodas and other drinks and so far i have lost 9 lbs in the last 2 days. i started on the 15th at a weight of 338 lbs and im now down to 329 lbs..just keep it in your mind that your doing this to better your life and its not gonna be easy but stick to it and youll do fine...i have confidence in ya. ill be prayin for ya Kim

    Hi Kim,

    Thanks for the boost! I really need it. I have cut out sugars and now am going to give up my diet coke w/lime. I will be able to do it if I just get some diet juices. Wow! 9 lbs in 2 days? How did you do that? I am not a big water drinker, but need to start. I started at 375, but won't weight myself until the weekend. Dr. Miranda wants me to lose as close to 36lbs as possible in the next 5 weeks. Not fair! What kind of fruits can I eat? Can I have SF vanilla ice cream with unsweetened strawberries? I can't handle the strawberries alone. The veggies so far that I have tried to snack on at work are cukes and carrots...yuck! The cukes I can probably handle here and there, and I love carrots, but not raw. I need to steam them or something. Not much to choose from since alot aren't in season and/or are very expensive still. I love cantaloupes and watermelon, but still pretty spendy.

    If you have any suggestions for me, please feel free to give them. :)

    Thanks Kim,


  16. :unsure: Well, today is the first day of my pre-op diet and my surgery is 5 weeks away...yikes! I hope I am doing this right. I am drinking a little coffee(gotta have my coffee, starbuck or other), with sugar free flavor, a muscle milk chocolate drink for breakfast, lean cuisine for lunch, and a muscle milk drink for dinner. Plus all the veggies I want. yummy...lol

    I wasn't told about fruit? Can I have strawberries-unsweetened? Bananas?

    Anyway, if anyone has some input, please give me some tips or advice on this. I am not craving any other food so far. I know my body needs to adjust to this. If I could just drop alot of water weight from my lymphedema swelling, I should be good to go!



  17. thanks Judy for the help ill def. try that and see if that helps at all.

    You are so very welcome! Good luck. I just got my Lean Cuisine meals with a coupon 6/$10 and they a really big variety. I didn't realize they were high in protein as well. :) I also got some Wishbone Italian Spritzer to spray on my veggies since I can't have dressing on a salad. I have cucumbers(peeled) and some baby carrots to snack on while at work since I work on a computer all day.

    You can do it. I am determined to do it too. ;)



  18. I'm going in for my consultation on the 16th of May for the procedure and i keep reading that drs want you to be at a 50 or less for your bmi. im currently a 66 for my bmi, i have muscular dystrophy and it makes it very hard to get around, and this added weight doesnt help. I would need to lose 75 lbs to get at a bmi of 50. If i could lose that much weight on my own id just diet the rest of it off but nothing seems to work for me. Any suggestions on how to do it without starving my muscles of the nutrients that they need to function the lil bit that they do? Thanks Kim

    Hi Kim,

    If they want you to lose that much weight to lower your bmi for surgery, then they should have had you see or talk to a nutritionist and for them to tell you how to lose the weight. The nutritionist at Dr. Ortiz office told me to lose as close to 36 lbs. as possible in the 5 weeks before my surgery, and she told me to start drinking a protein shake for breakfast(Glucerna), and dinner and a Lean Cuisine meal with meat for lunch. Also, I could have up to four pounds of veggies a day. I went to Costco and found Muscle Milk which is the same thing, but has lower sugar and higher protein in it. It is going to be hard, but I am sure I can do it. I hope. lol

    Good luck,


  19. :blink: Ok...so I went to Costco today hoping to find a good deal on the Glucerna shakes for my pre-op diet and the Lean cuisines for my lunches. No go on the Lean cuisines...they didn't have them. I got Muscle milk protein shakes instead because they have more than twice the protein, and 2 grams less sugar than the Glucerna. They were also $6.00 cheaper. There was less cans of them, but they were bigger than the Glucerna. I got some veggies to snack on too. ;)

    Is this ok for a pre-op diet? I'm am thinking I made it better. Has anyone had the muscle milk before? How is the taste? I haven't tried one yet. I got the chocolate of course...lol

    What about the South Beach diet meals instead of the Lean Cuisine? Are they allowed instead? Haven't priced those yet. :rolleyes:

    I hope I can lose what they want me to. It's gonna be tough, but I know it will be worth it.



  20. No I did not get a chance to shop. My husband and I just relaxed and walked to help the healing. As far as money goes I spent us dollars sometimes I got change in pesos but I got rid of it in time.It is a beautiful place. I can't wait to go back for my fill. Although it doesnt feel like I need anything else. But I did make an appt just in case I loose restriction later. :rolleyes:

    What do you mean you got rid of the pesos in time? Are you not supposed to take any to the US? I hope when I have surgery, then I can go shopping, but it depends on if someone is there with me like other bandsters. ;)

  21. I am great, I just got back home and the surgery was wonderful. I feel full, I feel I have a new lease on life and I am in total control of my weight in the future. Everyone there was so hospitable. It was like being at an oasis. I am not in much pain, only when I laugh really hard. I was everthing Dr. Ortiz said it would be no suprises. I highly recommend going to Dr. Ortiz if this is what anyone decides to do. I almost did not want to leave it was like a vacation.

    begining weight 194

    after pre op diet 185

    3 days post op 179 wow I love my band =D> :lol:

    Welcome back angelav! So happy you posted. How was your trip and experience? Did you shop? If so, did you use US money or pesos?

    Take care!


  22. Don't get the impression that you need to enjoy food now in excess because you won't ever be able to eat again. I enjoy a wide variety of foods but the band controls my portion! There isn't anything I avoid completely. I try to make good choices most of the time, but I still have an occassional piece of pizza, or eat out mexican, chinese, japanese - but I try to make better choices and even when I don't - like I said, the band helps to control my portions.

    Please don't think you need to eat up now because after surgery its over... that has certainly not been the case with me and my band :)

    Make sure you follow the pre-op diet recommendations given by Dr. Miranda - it is about YOUR health and safety during surgery!

    Thanks Lori! :) I promise I will follow the instructions to a T. I get very strict with myself when I start any diet. I know for a fact that just cutting out all sugars will help me lose pretty good. It has once before, but it took about 2 months to lose 22 lbs. Have to be alot more struct this time.

    That's great that that you can still eat other things once in awhile. But, for me, I would be terrified of getting one taste and boom, I overdo it...lol

    I look forward to talking with Dr. Miranda tomorrow morning. Could you please have her call me between 10:00 and 10:15am? I will be on break then and can talk. Otherwise, I will be really busy and won't be able to.

    Thanks again,


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