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Posts posted by dreamhappy07

  1. Well I finally did it!

    I got banded last Monday, March 26. So far doing good. Pain is not too bad except around the port area but it feels like a burning sensation, when does it go away???? Also, I feel as if I went to TJ to get pregnant :lol: because my belly is bigger, it is swollen.....I can't wait until it goes down. By the way...is that normal? I am tolerating clear liquids just fine a little hungry at times but otherwise doing good. Also having some gas pains, ouch those are painful, at times it feels as if I am having a heart attack. But I know it is temporary.

    Well please let me know when are all these symptoms going to go away because I can't wait!

    Best of luck to everyone out there who is going for surgery.


    Congrats IG on your banding! That is awesome! As scared as you were about the experience and you came through it all with ease.

    I have had many surgeries, so I am not afraid of another one, but going out of the country sometimes unnerves me. Especially when everyone you tell tries to scare you.

    So, how was your trip there and you trip home? How was it going over and back through the border? Did you only need your ID, or anything else?

    One big thing I would like to ask is how does it work with arriving on a Sunday and having surgery Monday? Do you just stay at the hotel Sunday night, then have tests and surgery on Monday? Would you have rather had all done the same day? Arriving in the morning, have tests, then surgery?

    Thanks in advance in you can answer any or all my questions. I am hoping to be able to have my surgery around mid or late April.

    Take care,


  2. Congrats to you all! I so want to have my surgery done then also, but was wondering how long the process takes in order to have a definite date for surgery.

    I am waiting on my 401k money to come through soon, I hope. I know those dates are only a few weeks away. How long does the process take? I know there is probably a pre-op diet involved, which I feel like I am doing already in a way because I just had two teeth pulled and have to eat mushy or very soft foods. Also, sending in the deposit. What's the time frame for that?

    Maybe I should wait and see when my 401k comes through and go from there...lol



  3. Hi all again,

    I have been reading Dr. Ortiz book Lap Band for Life and saw that other than pain meds, they give you antibiotics to make sure no infections surface after surgery. Well, I am concerned because I am prone to yeast infections and usually am able to ward them off by eating yogurt every day while taking them. Problem is, you have to consume only liquids after surgery for a couple weeks or so and so what am I gonna do in case a yeast infection comes to haunt me. I hate those buggers...lol

    Thanks for any input.


  4. Hi all,

    I am 6'1. weigh about 385. I believe that alot of that weight is alot of swelling from lymphedema in my legs and feet, starting at the waist, but mostly in my legs and feet.

    Has anyone had this condition that was dramatically changed due to being banded and dropping poundage over a somewhat short period of time?

    I would love it if it did. I know when I was diagnosed diabetic, alot of my swelling went down, but it is very finicky and went back to normal after I didn't stay with the better eating part, by leaving out sweets and high carbs.

    Thanks for any replies.



  5. Hi all,

    I have been thinking about when I would like to have surgery and how to schedule the best time and way possible for me and the Drs. I have read that some people have scheduled surgery for a Monday, and arrived Sunday, and some have arrived on a Monday early enough to have their tests done and surgery the same day. I think airfare would be reasonable either way, but was wondering what would be the best way to go. I plan on taking a week or so off from work so I am kinda flexible.

    Thanks in advance for any and all replies. ;)


  6. Hi all,

    I am kind of a long way from getting banded, but I got Dr. Ortiz book Lap-Band for Life and it says alot about pre-op and post-op diets. One of which is when they tell you, you can have anything suckable through a straw, that doesn't mean literally sucking through a straw because that can create gas and make you uncomfortable.

    Just thought I would mention that and also the book is awesome! Very informative about the whole process and troubleshooting problems too!



  7. I'm with you Judy. I posted on a different thread on how I feel guilty spending this much money. I know it's something I need to do and want to do for myself, and while DH supports me, I know he'd rather I not do this. He would never say so, but I see his face when we talk about it.

    So damn it, this better work! and I don't want to have to explain PBing to anyone, either. I have prepared DH for it, but I'm not telling anyone else but him, my niece about this and two of my friends.

    Right on Heather! I am not telling anyone either other than my family and one friend that already know I am going for it. So, yes, this better work and I hope to not ever PB or anything yucky like that. Now, all of a sudden I have a problem deciding on who will be going with me. My brother wants to go and I know my mom wants or rather would insist on going. sheesh!

    When is your surgery date. I am so hoping I can set mine up for mid-April, but might not be till May. Maybe June even. That would be a real bummer because of work and all.

    Take care and good luck!


  8. Hi all,

    I am getting close to having the chunk of money for this surgery and recently I have been thinking with all my debts and bad credit all around me, that having that big of an amount of money at one time in my hands and wondering, is this the right thing to do with that much money. I tell myself over and over again, that I need to do this and can only do this for myself, so I can continue to work to pay off my debts and won't have another bill due to having this surgery by being financed or borrowing from someone.

    Yet, that thought goes through my mind alot. I have really started to believe that because I don't have hardly any support to having this surgery, then I am being rebellious and going for it just to prove something. Nobody is going to be able to fathom that I can eat sooooo little and still be full. I hope and pray I never PB or vomit at any time, but we shall see. I work in an office and don't want to have to run to the restroom often to either throw up or get control of any problems.

    Just sharing my thoughts here.



  9. I have been thinking about possible problems with constipation that I tend to have alot. Probably because of all the different meds I take and having a sedentary job. I do try to eat as much fiber as possible, but still have problems at times.

    My doctor prescribed the syrup Enulose for me awhile back in case of constipation problems. Would it be ok to take when gassy or constipated after surgery? I know when I do take it, it really releases alot of gas that has built up before it lets me relief myself of the constipation.

    Thanks for any replies in advance. ;)


  10. I am a juvenile diabetic, insulin dependant, for 22 years, and being banded almost 3 weeks ago, has been such an improvement for me! I don't have the time with the band to give you an improved A1C yet, but my blood sugars are running on average around 100... Dr. Miranda will tell you that you should not overload on protein as a diabetic as this can cause kidney failure! She will give you some wonderful ideas and suggestions as far as eating healthy for you! During the liquid phase I have cut my insulin levels into less that half of what I was taking before LBS! I wear an insulin pump, and they even suggested that I may be able to go down to just one shot a day, and not having to wear a pump anymore either! Will see when that day comes... My advice to you is to contact Dr. Miranda because she will give you the best advice anyone can give you! Good luck to you...


    That is awesome Kristy! Congrats! Thanks so much for replying and making me feel so much more at ease about this issue. I am pretty much in denial about being diabetic. I eat whatever I want basically...never got real serious about my eating habits....big no no I know. I take growth hormone shots every night because I had two pituitary tumor sugeries and gamma knife radiosurgery that damaged my pit gland so it lowered my growth hormone alot to non-existent. My blood sugars aren't real bad, but not good either.

    Take care and best wishes on you band journey!


  11. I was weak and tired during the liquid post-op phase, but it was not that severe. An extra hour of night time sleep, and a one hour afternoon nap served my needs. But I think almost everyone experiences the liquid phase weakness; it had nothing to do with being diabetic.

    If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Not knowing whether you are IDDM or NIDDM, or your sugar level history, I can only offer my own experience.

    Thanks for the input on the weakness and tiredness. I sit at a desk all day at a computer and just really concerned that that will show through and I refuse to say why I am feeling that way and also why I am only eating liquids. This is about me and noone elses concern until it is my time to tell. ;)

    I am not insulin dependent, but was diagnosed as diabetic last fall when my bg spiked to almost 250 after a cortisone shot in my knee. Took awhile to get that down, but it did and I am still only on 500mg of Metformin right now. My cholesterol is 172 and everything else is good so far. My doctor wrote a letter to my employer stating I had hypertension, etc. in order to get access to my 401k for surgery. I didn't question it, but I don't have high BP and never have. I am 6'1 and weigh 385 which is down 10 pounds from a couple months ago. Not sure why, but may have something to do with the growth hormone shots I take every day. My appetite is a bit on the funky side lately.

    I will ask away when I think of more things. Thanks for being there and replying to my questions. :)


  12. Hi all,

    I am working on getting my 401k withdrawn for surgery and hoping I can make that life changing appt. for mid-April. One of my biggest concerns is I am diabetic and if I don't eat right or enough, depending on hunger and the right foods, I get very weak and tired. I am worried about getting enough protein and nourishment to keep me going.

    I don't have a big income to buy all the special meals and supplements to get me through alot of the liquid stages and so on, but am willing to get them when and if necessary. I read alot about protein, protein, protein to keep your body and your stomach running smoothly, but it sounds really complex to me. I may by thinking to hard on this, but would like some advice and suggestions anyway.

    Thanks so much in advance.


  13. Hi,

    I was wondering if anyone who had been banded by Dr. Ortiz from Oregon set up aftercare consult with Dr. Fitzpatrick in Portland? When I got the letter from my doctor for withdrawing my 401k, she recommended I have a consult with her before heading off to TJ to get the surgery. My family is also concerned about aftercare and also to have someone nearby that could help me with any problems that could arise after surgery and also getting fills which I would want to go to TJ for my first like so many of you do.



  14. Hey all,

    I had an appt. with my doctor to ask for a letter that stated I needed to withdraw my 401k due to medical and financial hardship to be able to have LBS. She typed it up right there and then and I thought she would type it up and send it to me. I was amazed at her wording of the letter. She was so professional and foward about eveything that needed to be said. She is also concerned about me going to Mexico to have this surgery and stressed that I should have a consult with the doctor here that I will be having fills at after surgery. I really would like have my first fill in TJ, but we shall see I guess. She was also concerned about my going alone and I assured her I would not be going alone for sure...LOL

    Wish me luck so I can get all my money to pay for surgery and can hopefully have it in April. May is out, so if not April, then June.



  15. Hi-

    Just wanted all to know that working with Dr. Ortiz was a freat experience. Everyone was very accommodating and kind. You mett all the staff from the drivers to the surgeon and everyone in between. They all made time to stop and talk and explain. It was great. The surgery itself went smoothly, my worst vomplaint is that I still feel a little nauseous-1 day post-op. Pain not bad, but they medicate you with Fentanyl and TRamadol.....the hardest is to walk, walk, walk. It helps gets the gas out. The other patients that arrived were supportive of eachother and looked out after one another. Good place to be!!

    I did it,


    Way to go Melissa! =D> Congrats! Thanks for sharing your experience. I wrote you before and never heard back about where you are in Oregon. I am in Portland. I would like to know about your whole experience from the flight there, the airport, going over the border and what day you got there, etc. When you are totally up to it of course. I hope to be where you are in the next couple months. :-)



  16. Does anyone know if Lori is on vacation? I emailed her over the weekend after reading a post about the surgery with Dr. Ortiz was on special or discounted for some reason. I haven't heard back yet. I didn't expect to hear from her on the weekend, but thought hopefully by today.

    Thanks for any feedback on this. ;)


  17. I would agree if you are travelling to Cancun or Alcapulco. However, in Tijuana, the dollar is king. I took about $200 in cash, plus my credit card. I only used my CC at the hotel. I probably only spent $120 or so of cash (including shopping).

    The reason a peso can 'go further' is because most people use a quick conversion of 10 pesos to the dollar. The true current conversion rate is 11 to one. However, unless you plan to spend several hundreds of dollars, you lose out because of the coins you get as change. A few unused 10 peso coins can hurt you, as US banks only exchange paper currency, not coins.

    My vote for use in border cities is dollars.


    What did you use your CC for at the hotel if I may ask, and also when you shopped, what did you buy and how much did you have to pay for duties when going back over the border to the US?

    I just want to get as much as possible figured out so I know what to expect and do while there. ;)



  18. Hi Cyndy,

    I am in Oregon also. Portland, that is. Where are you in Oregon. I am hoping to schedule banding with Dr. Ortiz by late April, mid-May. Still working on the financial part by trying to withdraw my 401k and then cover the rest and airfare. I have been determined to have this surgery with Dr. Ortiz for a couple months or so now. I exhausted my other options to finance this surgery, so I was told I could claim a medical hardship through a letter from my doctor to get what is in my 401k.

    I would love to hear about your journey from Oregon to TJ, getting there, and before and after surgery. I have a high BMI, so 5% of my weight would be around 15 or 20 pounds...yikes!

    Take care and best of luck on your journey to bandland.



  19. Hi all,

    I think people I talk about MX are trying to scare me even though they have no idea what my plans are and why I want to go there. I was wanting to know, really, how safe you all felt going from the airport, over the border, and into Tijuana to OCC? My feelings are totally good about it, but every once in awhile I seriously think of the whole journey and wonder. Of, course if I think too much, I get a bit freaked out...LOL Amazing what your mind can do to you.

    Thanks for any and all replies.



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