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Everything posted by Kris_TX

  1. Greg, Are you familiar with how to host a photo offsite (photobucket is a good example)? That's your first step. If you would like specific instructions, PM me and I'll be glad to help. Kris
  2. This band is a fickle, fickle thing. Your situation isn't uncommon. I've been banded for 10 months and have found that the "tightness" of the band can change from day to day based on any number of reasons. For me, I know that congestion and stress can make my band tighter and what may have gone down fine yesterday, doesn't work today at all. The best thing to do is to pay attention...see if its the same foods or if you are congested or stressed or maybe something else... Again...not a medical opinion...just my own experience. Good Luck!
  3. I had port site pain for a couple of months after surgery (well, not pain...but VERY tender). Now, nearly a year after surgery, I still get sore if I over-do it on stomach related exercise.
  4. Check with your doctor, as getting banded is supposed to help with heartburn. I used to have it very frequently before surgery...but, since getting banded, I haven't had it, even once.
  5. This is key. I moved from TX to Cancun a couple of months ago and in all of my attempting to adjust to my new life here...well, I've been eating while drinking and everything else I shouldn't be doing...well, not everything (just a few bad habits came back). A couple of weeks ago, I realized how off track I was and decided it was high time I got my head back on straight. So, I am back to the basics! I didn't gain any weight in my first, very frazzled months here...but, did't lose any either! Now, I am back to eating properly and exercising at least 5 days a week. I only have another 35 lbs to lose to hit goal and am determined to be there by this summer. Thanks for the above listed tips! Kris (formerly of TX...now in Cancun)
  6. I'm the same. What works one day, may not work the next. I have found that if I eat before the afternoon (around 1pm or so), NOTHING works. I am one of those with lots of congestion early in the day (from allergies)--and so I have found protien shakes to be a good friend for the first half of the day. I've also found that my stress levels dictate what will go down and what won't! It really is a day by day thing and is different for each person. You will just have to see what works for you. Good Luck! Kris
  7. I traveled from TX to Mississippi one month after surgery to build a house for Habitat For Humanity. I stayed away from lifting anything too heavy, but did everything else that all the other workers did. Of course, I can't offer a medical opinion (as I'm not a doctor), but I'm guessing that if you feel up to it..you should be fine. Have fun... Kris
  8. Lori, Thanks for offering to put up a chat room. I haven't used AOL in sooooooo long...I'll have to go get a new ID. Will let you know when I have one. Thanks again, Kris
  9. Congratulations Clynn! I am stuck at 50 lbs (by my own doing) and have another 40 to go. 60 lbs is awesome! Keep up the great work! =D>
  10. I was banded in March and received both a neck/back massage and a foot massage. I was tickled pink! Too bad for those of you who didn't get one...you truly missed out!
  11. My Mother had gastric bypass 4 years ago and while she has lost all the weight, she has had sooooooooo many problems. Now she's thin, but so unhealthy. From day to day, she never knows what might make her sick that particular day--so now she is actually too thin. Her scars are horrible and she really wishes that she had gotten the lap band instead. I was banded on 3/22/06 and have had no problems. I've lost right at about 50 lbs and have another 40 to go. No pain after surgery, no problems, and minimal scars. Lap Band was the only route I was willing to go...GB was not an option for me. I am very happy with my decision and look forward to a full life of being thin and healthy! Good Luck... Kris
  12. Marc, The way it was explained to me before my first fill was this: The first fill is always a bit goofy. Air can get in with the fluid, and so while you may start with 2.0 cc (like I did), its not unusual for it to go down to 1.0 cc (which mine did) by the second fill. After that first fill, I haven't had any problems maintaining the fluid level in the band. I have the 4 cc band and have been at 2.5 cc for a couple of months. Keep your chin up...I think the first couple of months of this are the hardest... Good Luck, Kris
  13. It's been 6 months since my surgery, and I still can't even begin to fathom eating soup ever again!!
  14. Lori, I only had that the first week post-op...but haven't had anything like it since. I'm six months post-op now and haven't had any further problems. But, I don't have any of the problems you mentioned. Did you ask the Dr.'s?? Good Luck, Kris
  15. No worries...I had a similar experience with my first fill. It took me two fills to get to a good restriction and to where I began to lose weight again. Remember they said that sometimes the first fill is a bit goofy...air or something can get in on the first time and the fill might actually go down a bit? My first fill was 2.0 cc and when I went in for my second fill, I was told there was only 1.0 cc in there. It was put up to 2.5 cc, and viola...restriction and weight loss! Keep your chin up...you most definitely didn't throw your money down the drain! Good Luck!!
  16. Pre-surgery, I only shared with the person who went with me and my mother...didn't want anyone else's "opinions" on surgery in Mexico. Even, 6 months post surgery (down 43 lbs!!!), there are very few people I've told that I had it done in Mexico...they aren't interested in listening to the truth of what a great experience it was...they immediately jump to the "stereotypes" of what it must have been like and think you are crazy! Well, most people already know I'm crazy, but I had no qualms about having this done in TJ. I lived there in college and am actually moving to Cancun next month! I LOVE MEXICO!!!
  17. I was banded on March 22, and have had no problems taking any medicine in pill form. I've got good restriction and no issues with pills... Kris
  18. I know for me, my band gets tighter with stress...give it a few days to see if it fixes itself. Good Luck! Kris
  19. I shopped, shopped, and then shopped some more. You will want to go to Revolution Avenue for shopping...also, the day after surgery I went to Rosarito Beach (about 30 min taxi ride away) and walked and shopped for about 3 hours. Walking after surgery will help to keep you from getting gas pains in your shoulder...I never got the gas pains, but I started walking before I was even lucid after surgery! I was determined not to get them, so I walked tons! Good Luck!
  20. I was banded on 3/22/06 by Dr. Ortiz, with a starting BMI of 37. 3 months post op, and I'm down 30 lbs....just another 50 to go to be at goal weight. I hope to be there by the end of the year. I was very impressed by Dr. Ortiz, his staff, and facility...much nicer than anything in the US. I shared only with my mother that I was having this done in Mexico, and while she was a bit concerned, she also knew that I wouldn't do anything without researching the heck out of it...so she trusted and supported my decision. Best of luck to you! Kris
  21. Lanie, I was banded 3/22/06...After the first day of surgery, I didn't have any pain. I took the sublingual med they gave, but outside of just being a bit uncomfortable and sore...didn't have pain. I took a taxi to Rosarito Beach (a town that is about half an hour away) and walked (shopped) for 3 hours the very next day after my surgery, and I had no problems! I walked, walked, and walked some more...so I didn't have any gas pains either. Follow the instructions of Dr. Ortiz and his staff and you'll do fine! Good Luck! Kris 3 months post op...down 30 lbs! (only 50 more to go)
  22. You only have a lot of hunger in the time just before your first fill. I was banded on 3/22/06 and am completely thrilled with everything surrounding this. The surgery experience with Dr. Ortiz was fantastic and now 3 months later, I am steadily losing...down 30 lbs, with just 50 more to go to hit goal. I expect to be there by the end of the year. Good Luck... Kris
  23. Chelley, I live in Ft. Worth and have found a lap band surgeon here who does fills for Mexico patients. I went to him for my second fill. If you would like to PM me, I'll give you the information... Kris
  24. My surgery was March 22nd...my first fill was 6 weeks after surgery (May 3rd). My second fill was 3 weeks after the first. I am scheduled for my third fill at the end of July, but I am still losing at a decent rate and am plenty tight. Unless that changes, I will postpone my third fill...
  25. Fills are different for everyone, but something that has made a big difference for me lately... Stop thinking about how much you can eat and get away with it. You are going to cause your pouch to stretch and ultimately risk slippage of the band. Instead try to see how LITTLE you can eat and be satisfied. Its a total change in mindset, but it makes a big difference...and it is how we are supposed to be living with this band. I got my second fill 3 weeks after my first. It made a big difference. Hope that helps...
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