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Husband started to call 911

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I was banded on Feb 6th 2009 and had my first fill on March 26th.. I have 2 cc in my band but do not feel that I have " restriction " per say as for amount of food I am eating. I do however have restirction that I can not eat steak, turkey and pork. I can however eat hamburger and bread. Tonight I was eating some hamburger while doing other things so I was not paying attention to my small bites and chewing.. Well a peice of hamburger got stuck for almost a hour.. Now it was not an uncomfortable feeling it was a PAINFULL feeling.. I had tears running down my face, I could not PB and moving around did not help. At points I felt like I could not take a breath and had a hard time talking. I had to keep telling myself that I would be ok. My husband was rubbing my back but nothing helped. I could not burp or hicup and moving around even jumping was not helping. My chest would spasm and my mouth and throut would almost be locked open if that makes sense. He was ready to call 911 as he thought I was going to pass out.. This is the 2nd time it happened and this time it lasted longer.

Has anyone else have this happen? If so what did you do to make it pass? Have you ever had to call 911?

When it finally passed I felt so much better but it did take some time and I felt tired like I had just did a huge workout.

Would love to hear from others..


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Welcome to the band world! You've experienced a major PB. (At least that's what I called them). Being banded takes a little adjustment. Smaller bites helps a ton. Try using a knife and fork for a while on solids, and get accustomed to cutting them in small pieces. I did exactly what you did with pizza.. I loved to 'scarf' pizza... NOT ANYMORE!!

For help in a situation like that... don't drink... the fluids wash the particle deeper into the stuck position. Try walking around. That's the first thing I try. Someone in here, evette I believe it was, had a similar issue early in her banding. I suggest you search for the thread where she discussed it, and many people gave her excellent ideas.

Be careful with 'ripped' foods - I call them that - foods that you hold with your hands and your teeth rip bites off. HBs, sub sandwiches, etc... because we "big" people tend to rip LARGE quantities in each bite (out of habit).

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Yup, major pb episode. They suck don't they? And yes very scary and painful. Just try to remember to eat smaller bites and slower. Unfortunately, it will probably happen again. And Will is right, don't drink while you are having an episode. Also, it would be best to go back on liquids for a few days now to let your pouch settle down. You are probably very swollen right now. Feel better soon!

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Yes I remember Evette had this with beef and I had my worst with a wrap. Unfortunately, this may be the first but probably won't be the last time it will happen. Walking never helps me, but if I bend all the way over and touch my toes for a while, the food seems to come up (with a bunch of saliva) so make sure you do this over the toilet. Also, I cut my food to the size of a pencil eraser now and it doesn't seem to be happening anymore. Knock on wood!


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Here is one additional thought: I've told all my immediate family to NOT begin the Heimlich manuever, or allow anyone else in the vicinity to initiate it should I begin an episode. I don't want pressure from my lower pouch pushing upwards against the band restriction causing a "pop goes the weasel" scenario.

I don't know the medical accuracy of my thoughts, but... I don't want the Heimlich in case of a PB.

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That is amazing...Drake Saskatchewan has 911 service! lol

I know that feeling and can only assure you it will go away. If you do end up in Emergency, they will likely remove the band completely as there is limited knowledge on what to do with it.

i've been pbing more with my fill in March. I've got to watch the chewing and avoid starchy foods, bread, rice and today we will test if I can each mashed potatoes.


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Even with most of my fluid removed if I'm not careful it can still happen to me - for some reason sometimes I'm so tight its like I'm at full fill and it sneaks up on me.

There's pretty much nothing you can do, but for me walking helps - more to keep my mind off worrying which can make your band even tighter.

Part of life with the band - gotta think about it at all times (I have a problem with that...)

Take care and I also agree - liquids for a few days is good. (Shoot - its Easter)!



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Happy Easter Everyone!!

Thank you all for the advice, I will definetly go and see if I can find her thread..

And well Drake, SK does not have a ambulance but Lanigan does which is 10km away.. Knowing him he would call and tell them that we were on our way.. When I had a heart attack he had me to the hospital before the ambulance personal were even there to get in the ambulance.

I know I am definetly going to be off meat for awhile.. Definetly scared shy..

I will do liquids for a few days to give my pouch a chance to settle as I am sure it is not happy and I do not want to risk a slip..

Hope everyone is having a great day and for letting me know I am not the only one.. Not that I am happy other people have had to experience a major PB but that I am not alone in my pain and that is normal :)

Happy Easter Everyone!!

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what a terrible feeling.

i had a bad episode of getting 'clogged' (like i call it!) a few days ago, and i ended up sticking my head in the toilet, and sticking my finger down my throat.

i couldn't walk it off, and the pain was making my ears tear up, too ...

i too, am really scared to go back to eating the specific food i was eating when it happened.

i'm glad you're feeling okay. xo

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I have discovered when this happens that it is best to go ahead and position myself in front of a trash can or toilet and get ready to lose it. I used to fight it, but the pain just isn't worth it. Once I am in position the thought of what is going to happen next is usually enough to make it happen. When I get the flu I do abosolutely everything in my power not to get sick, but this is different than the flu and I will wave the white flag of surrender in record time.

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When it happend to me, I felt like I was having a heart attack. My chest hurt and I was in so much pain. Then the pouring of spit came as if I had a river running in my mouth (slimeing) Oh the joy, I was at work and was trying to throw up in my garbage can, but no luck. I ended up going home and going to bed and laying there for about an hour and then it passed. Horrible. It has happened to me a couple of times but nothing that bad since. They are right about the tear off foods. That is the problem, if you are not using a fork or spoon, you have no idea how big it is. And Bread is dangerious too. I get my third fill next month and I am very nervous about being too tight. Right now, I know I am eating too much but do not get things stuck too often but after my third fill, I better watch out. Hopefully, you and I both will be able to remember, chew chew chew... Hey lisa, did I hear you say you have all your fill out?? Can I ask why?? What happened? Did I already know that??

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OMG! after reading this & the Leak thread that recommend doing a search, I got knots in my stomach, I'm about to sign my papers & schedule for May 20th......... :blink:

Shiney42.... Don't let this scare you.. Use it as a learning tool. My friend Carol was here when I was going thru it, she asked me after if knowing what I had just gone thru would I still have the surgery.. My answer was YES!! You learn by these episodes.. And the small bad thing so does not compare to all the good things. I looks at it as, was it painfull yes.. Did it pass.. Yes.. Was it better then not loosing the weight and having a heart attack.. Of course..

I hope everything goes good for you! Let us know how it goes for you.


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I cannot exactly relate to you at this point as I was just banded 2 1/2 weeks ago. But, my mother-n-law is on her third year with it and she was just telling me last night that she wished she would've known this in the beginning. She said she would sometimes get food stuck and it would be very painful until she was told that if she tried to cough it up it would feel much better. So, after hearing about your pain...and listening to her maybe trying to do that might help!! :)

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Any time I have felt something get "stuck" I have taken a very small sip of liquid and then walked around and even rocked side to side....and it will usually go right down...once a feel a little burp or hiccup, then I'm fine. I have pb'd a couple of times, but all early in the morning....it is scary!!

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I had one PB episode and that was enough for me to pay attention from here on out. It all goes to being prepared...real simple. Once you've been banded, you need to remember to do 'your' part of the process as the band does his. You've got to remember always to take the 'extra' care that others don't have to worry about. You've paid good hard earning money for this surgery, so make the best of it.

Here's a few simple guideline to help:

~ cut your foods into smaller pieces, almost a dime-size

~ take smaller bites from those 'hand held' foods such as a hamburger, hot dog, sub sandwiches, granola bars, chips, etc

~ CHEW, CHEW CHEW very well before swallowing

~ eat slowly and enjoy it...don't be in a rush or be distracted

~ STOP when you start to feel full and put away what you cannot eat for later

Any of these guidelines can cause a PB or sliming episode. Just be mindful at all times...

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I cannot exactly relate to you at this point as I was just banded 2 1/2 weeks ago. But, my mother-n-law is on her third year with it and she was just telling me last night that she wished she would've known this in the beginning. She said she would sometimes get food stuck and it would be very painful until she was told that if she tried to cough it up it would feel much better. So, after hearing about your pain...and listening to her maybe trying to do that might help!! :)

That's goot to know

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Shiney42.... Don't let this scare you.. Use it as a learning tool. My friend Carol was here when I was going thru it, she asked me after if knowing what I had just gone thru would I still have the surgery.. My answer was YES!! You learn by these episodes.. And the small bad thing so does not compare to all the good things. I looks at it as, was it painfull yes.. Did it pass.. Yes.. Was it better then not loosing the weight and having a heart attack.. Of course..

I hope everything goes good for you! Let us know how it goes for you.


My emotions were running high that night, But I’m so glad you started this thread & that I opened it. I am rather new here & am trying to learn all that I can - this does give me a much better understanding of what being stuck can be like & the Famous PB... LOL.

I think it’s wonderful how everyone here shares - their experience, So that we all live & learn

Thanks 76


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OMG! after reading this & the Leak thread that recommend doing a search, I got knots in my stomach, I'm about to sign my papers & schedule for May 20th......... :blink:

Don't be put off by other peoples experience. You just need to learn from them. This forum has been helpful in coaching me on what to expect pre & post op and how to anticipate problems that can crop up. Don't give up on yourself. ;)

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Don't be put off by other peoples experience. You just need to learn from them. This forum has been helpful in coaching me on what to expect pre & post op and how to anticipate problems that can crop up. Don't give up on yourself. ;)

I think this place of great! and the more threads I open the better understanding I have, I'm also booked for May 20th....... :D

I love the idea about coughing it up may unstick ya

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