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Anyone consider traveling solo???

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Lots of people have gone down there solo! Its very save and so easy, I went solo when I got my first fill there.

This is how my trip went in a nut shell for my surgery, Mind you my mom was with me but as you can see it was so easy that I could have done it on my own:

Got on Plane at home

Flew in the AM

OCC was at airport when I got off the plane to take me to the clinic, was there by noon, there isn't a boarder cross so to say, we just drove into the country

Had my suregery that day, a day early because they had room and i was there before noon

I could have spent the night at the clinic after surgery but I choose to go to the hotel with my mom

The OCC took us to the hotel

Stayed at Hotel for 2 days, Did some shopping at the mall, hotel called the cabs for us.

OCC took us across the boarder so easy, we got out of the van took all our luggage and walked to the line up to talk to customs, got back in the van on the other side of the boarder, and then off to the airport.

The only part that might be a bit intimadating was the when you cross the boarder back into the states you have to walk for about a block or so to a parking lot area where the OCC van will be, you most likely wont have to wait long for the van but it could be up to ten minutes, depends on how busy the boarder is that day. BUT IT IS SAVE. There will be a lot of people around and some might try to sell you or ask you if you need a ride but just say no and they are good about backing off. no big deal really.

When I went down for my fill, I was alone. The only difference is was only there for a day and one night and when I went to go home there was a gentleman getting his first fill and they took us to the airport together, which was nice cause we crossed the boarder together and we walked to the van together. So there could be someone with you when you cross.

I do suggest to pack very lightly, you dont need much. There are lots of list on this forum of great things to take with you. You will be there in the heat of the summer so take a swim suit the Hotel has a pool, that you can sun tan by, but not swim cause of the surgery.

As far as being in the hotel after surgery the night of or the day after, you will be fine, the staff at a lot of these hotels know about the surgerys and will wait on you hand and foot. Take pain meds. You will be fine. I suggest if you are alone to stay the night at the clinic, so they can pump you full of great drugs.

On the plane home I wore loose clothes so that nothing was rubbing and tugging against my tummy. The incisions are all high above the belly button so the seat belts shouldnt bother you.

Well thats my two bits for you,

All the best, book it sooner than later, why put it off,

Jenelle :P :lb9:

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for my surgery I didnt go alone - cuz Im a chicken....BUT I have been down to TJ 4 times now and the last time I went by myself and I am going by myself for my PS next month. Im not worried at all and honestly cant believe I worried about it before. Just pack light - which Im not good at doing. For this surgery I am taking the clothes I am wearing, a pair of PJ's and and will wear what I wore there to go home, my makeup and thats it. I am only going to take my carry on bag. (I am staying at my friends house while there....michelleintj who had the lapband surgery the same day as me).

you will be totally fine!

feel free to pm me any questions

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Hi, I flew down for my surgery alone and did stay at the hotel the first night. OCC did come and pick me up the next morning and took several of us to the clinic. I did stay at the clinic that night. I did not see any sense in going back to the Hotel since I was alone.

I also flew down for my 1st fill alone. I got on the airplane at 6:30am went to TJ and arrived back home at 8:00pm. (I was a bit crazy, I had a four hour drive to and from the airport.)

I understand the nervousness part, but once you get down there you will be totally relieved by how coordinated everything is and how it just all flows smoothly. Good Luck

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Okay - Thank you all!!!! I *think* I've found my happy medium which is 6 weeks. Not confirmed, but as of now, tentative - And with a traveling buddy. :lol: (But I'm getting nervous again!!!!) Thank you!

Good for you, Have you found out anything on the fills? And help me please, why would you think insurance would cover the fills? I just never even gave it a thought

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Okay - Scheduled for 6/3!!!! :D

As for whether insurance covers anything at all afterward, I'm thinking that perhaps they may cover any doctor visits. SO long as the correct code is used... Meaning, that the code submitted by the doctor's office should reflect a "health" visit rather than a visit associated with a procedure. If done correctly, then insurance may cover it. The actual "fill" on the other hand will definitely NOT be covered as it relates to a medical procedure that you were not covered for, so that will have to be paid out of pocket... That is, if the two are submitted as separate "codes." I know that when I visit a doctor, I have to pay a co-pay for the visit, and another one if any procedures/tests are done. So my thought is that they submit 2 separate codes...

I have contacted Dr. Ren's office who seems to take Mexico bandsters, but I don't have any hard-associated costs relating to any of the visits. I've called there twice, but it seems extremely busy. SO I guess I'll try again -

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Okay - Scheduled for 6/3!!!! :D

As for whether insurance covers anything at all afterward, I'm thinking that perhaps they may cover any doctor visits. SO long as the correct code is used... Meaning, that the code submitted by the doctor's office should reflect a "health" visit rather than a visit associated with a procedure. If done correctly, then insurance may cover it. The actual "fill" on the other hand will definitely NOT be covered as it relates to a medical procedure that you were not covered for, so that will have to be paid out of pocket... That is, if the two are submitted as separate "codes." I know that when I visit a doctor, I have to pay a co-pay for the visit, and another one if any procedures/tests are done. So my thought is that they submit 2 separate codes...

I have contacted Dr. Ren's office who seems to take Mexico bandsters, but I don't have any hard-associated costs relating to any of the visits. I've called there twice, but it seems extremely busy. SO I guess I'll try again -

I e-mailed them.

But I have a co-pay and pay nothing for procedures. at specailist.... I have two long island doctors I'm gonna try... later today

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For those who are going to travel alone, I think it would be more convenient to purchase an all-inclusive package from medical tourism companies. As you will be going to a different place, especially the one you're not familiar with, it will be helpful if you go for this package. Most of this medical tourism companies provide the patient his/her own personal assistant who will accompany them all throughout their stay in the place. Some packages may differ from one another so choose what is most helpful for you. :)

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I think that is a great idea, but for me the cost of doing something like that would be a bit much knowning what I know now. It is fool proof, so safe and well organized down there meaning the OCC, that not much can go wrong.

Thanks for the information though, I never would have thought of something like that! Great suggestion :P

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It sounds like you'll gave a travel buddy - yeah!!! I think it's just a better idea to have a travel buddy because you never know if you'll need emotional or physical support. Of course, I would bring a "travel" buddy with me even if I was just going to my local hospital for the surgery too. lol

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