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Let it pass or stick the finger down the throat?

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I am getting stuck on things like chicken and noodles without any fill quite frequently. I need to take smaller bites and chew better. When that dreaded tear jerking, nose watering, hiccuping event occurs what is the best method to clear? Someone wrote that their doctor told them to stick their finger down their throat if it doesn't clear after a few minutes and other people say to walk around until it clears. What is the best thing to do for your band. I don't want it to slip

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..well, i've found very specific foods to do this to me.

and now, i just stay away from them.

try chewing your food a lot more, and taking much smaller bites.

that will help with the chicken getting stuck.

but i have also found that drinking helps clear the way ... as does walking around.

both of those things usually work it down a lot quicker than sitting with my face stuffed in a pillow so my boyfriend can't see the tears streaming down my face!! ;)

purging should really be done only as a very very last resort.

that's a lot of pressure for your lapband to be under, so remember that - it can cause slippage of your band.

but in a nutshell, cut up your food smaller. chew a bazillion times. and try drinking liquid.

this all prevents a 'blockage', as i call it!

hope this helps :)

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I was told not to pour liquid on top when you are stuck, so I don't. I try to wait it out but if the pain is off the charts, I simply bend over and the gravity usually brings up food that's above the band. I wouldn't stick my finger down my throat because that would actually make me throw up (bringing up what is below band) and that is NOT good for the band! YOu'll find lots of conflicting advice here so it's always best to ask the doctor.


..well, i've found very specific foods to do this to me.

and now, i just stay away from them.

try chewing your food a lot more, and taking much smaller bites.

that will help with the chicken getting stuck.

but i have also found that drinking helps clear the way ... as does walking around.

both of those things usually work it down a lot quicker than sitting with my face stuffed in a pillow so my boyfriend can't see the tears streaming down my face!! ;)

purging should really be done only as a very very last resort.

that's a lot of pressure for your lapband to be under, so remember that - it can cause slippage of your band.

but in a nutshell, cut up your food smaller. chew a bazillion times. and try drinking liquid.

this all prevents a 'blockage', as i call it!

hope this helps :)

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I also drink liquid when my food gets stuck. I have found that throwing up is now difficult, sometimes it's just nothing but dry heaves. Honestly, do what works for, I also have heard not to drink liquids when food is stuck, but I also know how panicked I get when it's stuck..

Good luck, hope you find the answers you are looking for ;)

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I could drink liquid with a bite of food if I "had" to up until my 2nd fill. I tried it once after that and I thought my chest was going to explode. The tighter you get, you can't do that anymore. If I had something that sticks, I just go burp it up - its usually still in the top of my chest and has never went down to my stomach so its no issue at all to just burp and it comes up easily. I have found that its certain foods that do this to me too, specifically potatoes of any kind! chips, fries, even mashed if it doesnt have gravy on it. Weird but I dont need to eat them anyway so now I just dont.

good luck!

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I think you are on the right track with taking smaller bites and chewing your food better. I have never heard of a doctor recommending we stick our fingers down our throats although I know it is tempting just to get a little bit of relief. I also do not recommend putting liquid on top of the food. To me, that is like trying to pour water through a clogged drain. It is just going to back up and add even more pressure on top of an already uncomfortable situation and it clearly by passes the "don't drink and eat at the same time" rule. I, like Christy26, cannot eat and drink at the same time anyway, my restriction does not allow it.

Along with taking smaller bites and chewing better, try to learn your body's unique signal (we all them) for letting you know when to stop eating. It is hard to stop or not just try to take that one extra bite but that will be the bite that comes back up or causes you problems. This has been a struggle for me and I still struggle with wanting to try "just a few more bites" when my body is telling me I have had enough.

There used to be a really good post about soft and hard stop signals like a single burp or a runny nose, even watery eyes or a deeper than usual breath, tightness in your chest. Everyone can have a different signal. I get the tightness most of the time but occasionally, I will get the runny nose. Weird.

Good luck with your band. I wish you much success.


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okay - I have to comment on this topic. I CAN NOT drink if something gets stuck. I have done it twice and felt like I was going to die - not kidding. I choked and could barely breath for what felt like forever - I honestly thought I was going to die...Im sure it was only a few seconds but wow it was excrutiating (sp?). I either walk around which helps it come up, or bend over - with the head down it seems to help. I cant eat bread at all, sometimes noodles but rarely, chicken only if its battered - weird I know and a lot of fruit is hard for me. I have to eat sooooooooooo slow and chew A LOT - now, I only get things stuck if I wait too long to eat and try to eat too quickly.

Good luck!


I think you are on the right track with taking smaller bites and chewing your food better. I have never heard of a doctor recommending we stick our fingers down our throats although I know it is tempting just to get a little bit of relief. I also do not recommend putting liquid on top of the food. To me, that is like trying to pour water through a clogged drain. It is just going to back up and add even more pressure on top of an already uncomfortable situation and it clearly by passes the "don't drink and eat at the same time" rule. I, like Christy26, cannot eat and drink at the same time anyway, my restriction does not allow it.

Along with taking smaller bites and chewing better, try to learn your body's unique signal (we all them) for letting you know when to stop eating. It is hard to stop or not just try to take that one extra bite but that will be the bite that comes back up or causes you problems. This has been a struggle for me and I still struggle with wanting to try "just a few more bites" when my body is telling me I have had enough.

There used to be a really good post about soft and hard stop signals like a single burp or a runny nose, even watery eyes or a deeper than usual breath, tightness in your chest. Everyone can have a different signal. I get the tightness most of the time but occasionally, I will get the runny nose. Weird.

Good luck with your band. I wish you much success.


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I CAN NOT drink if something gets stuck. I have done it twice and felt like I was going to die - not kidding. I choked and could barely breath for what felt like forever - I honestly thought I was going to die...Im sure it was only a few seconds but wow it was excrutiating (sp?).

I am with you on this one as death would have been more enjoyable in that moment, and then when it came back up the liquid was still cold - ewww!

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Both my Mexican Dr. and my fill dr. here in Kansas have said to take a big swig of a carbonated beverage. Works like a charm every time. You can suddenly feel the clog pass right through, like a roto-rooter treatment. I can identify with the pain. You are totally stopped dead in your tracks, unable to do anything until it passes.


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I am getting stuck on things like chicken and noodles without any fill quite frequently. I need to take smaller bites and chew better. When that dreaded tear jerking, nose watering, hiccuping event occurs what is the best method to clear? Someone wrote that their doctor told them to stick their finger down their throat if it doesn't clear after a few minutes and other people say to walk around until it clears. What is the best thing to do for your band. I don't want it to slip

Walk, baby, walk. Walking it out will either let you burp (because you swallow a lot more air than you realize and getting some of it out of the way can help the food go down) or will show your body that it doesn't want to go down and you will have a PB (Productive Burp) and that "overfill" will come back up.

Chew, chew, chew!! I have a hard time remembering this one, too BellCurve! I have to tell myself that mantra all the time.

Best wishes!

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