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Excited, Excited, Excited!!!

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Hi Everyone!

I had my Plastic Surgery Consult yesterday and I am booking on MONDAY!!! I am having my surgery March 9th local! I am having an Ext TT and Breast Lift with Implants. The staff and the Doc was WONDERFUL!! I am VERY scared about it, I guess because it is SO close!!!! The Doc said he wants his patients 20lbs from Goal, I am 27, so I am going to work really hard to get those 7 off before March!


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Cool! I am scared about a TT and kind of hoping I can just shrink my skin up since I am still kind of young... :huh: I would be a little scard to get something like that done!! I am so excited for you , though, I bet you are going to notice a big difference!!

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You go girl!!! It really isn't that bad. My incision didn't hurt because I was numb all around the incision, and still am to a degree. You will do great and will be ready to shop shop shop for that spring wardrobe. Just be aware that what you wear this summer will probably be too big by next summer b/c of the swelling - I keep telling myself that it is a wonderful problem to have.

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AWESOME! I can't wait to get to the place where this will be an issue for me!

Good luck and I'm sure you'll get the weight off--you're going to be super motivated, that's for sure!

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Way to go Carrie that is awesome. Who is doing your surgery? Are you having the Extended tummy tuck and breasts done a the same time? Did the doctor say how long the surgery would take?

I need to know everything you can tell me. I am hoping to have surgery at the beginning of July. My goal weight is 175 and I have only 42 pounds more to go. I am really excited about having surgery so am soaking up any information I can get about it. Please tell me all that you learned :)


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Ditto to Debbie's comment. I now have most of the money saved but I'm freaking out about actually booking it and need to know ALL the details.............doctor, price, time under, etc. etc. When I had my consult with Dr.Campos he thought we should do two separate surgeries for the extended tt and breast lift. Are y ou doing both at once?


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Thanks Ladies! Everyone is so great and supporative and I could not do it without YAll!!!

I have been researching Doc for a while now and I just could not get the courage to go back to Mexico and have to stay there by myself for that long. I chose a Doctor local, his name is Dr. Wittpen. During my consult he explain EVERYTHING to me and really listened to what I had to say and what I wanted. I remember Lisa telling me to ask questions and express what I wanted, like keeping some curves and not being straight. The one thing that I did learn was that I was unclear about a EXT TT....I knew that they cut you more around but they also (my doc anyway) also cuts you up. This allows him to get my "first roll" flat and not leave it kind puchie like it would by just having the reg TT. I have too much of a roll from side to side above my belly button tonot have the EXT TT. I am so getting the Breast lift with Implants and yes all at the same tine. I want it done and over a. Kinda scary to me to go back. The price is really not as bad ass I thought it was going to be. I am going to pay 11,5010.00 for everything, and this include a 4 day pain pump. The word pain pump scares me to death! Anyway Ohh and I also learned that i where I live not sure about anywhere else, they have stopped using drain tubes...I ask ALOT of questions about that one. He said that it has loweed the infection rate.......

Anyway ThThanks again everyone and I will keep yall poswted!..

One more thing....He showed me if I was to just get the lift, my girls would be a B size. I am a D right now but ALL of my roundness is underneath, no roundness on top. This will put them back in place and put the roundness back on top. I still will be a good D, but all the way round D...HUGE difference!!!Thanks Again Everyone

Does ANYONE know how to fix my screen, I have a section where I can not see what I am typing as you can see the "bad as" and the price is 11, 500.00 is misspelled and I cant see to correct it..Driving me CRAZY!!

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That is so awesome. I want to do the same thing, just need to come up with the money. I also got a quote from a local doctor and for the tt alone, not the extended tt, it is about $8,000 so I think your price seems good. Keep us all posted and I wish I were in your shoes, hopefully soon I will be.

Just think how amazing your body will be when you are done and healed.

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I had a tummy tuck 6 years ago and I am one who can tolerate pain. I had no pain what so ever after being banded. Carrie, you are so smart to do it close to home so you can have help. You will not be able to walk standing straight up for a week. This means you will need help getting in and out of bed and showering. Two weeks would be perfect. It took exactly a week for me to be able to walk right without anyone's help. Good luck sweetie!!

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One more thing I forgot to answer for Sabrina and Debbie....My Doc said it is going to be around a 6 hour surgery and that he has had patients go back to work with a week to week and half, NO THANK YOU.lol...Im taking 2 weeks off!

I am with you. No 2 weeks for me, I will be taking the whole summer off with vacation and medical leave. Just want to relax and enjoy the summer :) Everyone will be so shocked when I got back to work.

So Carrie you realize you will have to give me a blow by blow of everything pre-op and post right :)

So the 6 hours included the extended TT and Breast lift right?


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Hi Debbie!

I would LOVE to take the entire summer but my boss would kill me...lol I was SHOCKED that he agreed to let me take two weeks in a row! He has been really supportive with all of this, pretty lucky about that. He is one of those who thinks, get you butt out and run if you wanna loose weight...lol Hes been GREAT! The 6 hours does include both procedures. I will have to go a week before and make my final decision about my ladies..lol. I will keep you posted at all times Miss Debbie! I dont mind at all....

Thanks for all of the support everyone has shown!

Love you guys


Debbie I made your Pie last night!!!! Cant wait to sink my teethies into this morning!!!

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Hi Carrie. I hope you like the pie as much as I do. Also thanks for the information. I am so excited for you and to hear all about it.

P.S Fantastic picture of you and your hubby! He must be very proud of you I know that I am :)


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  • 3 weeks later...

ok Miss Debbie! UPDATE!

I did get a unfill today, was very tight. I am going to go back on March 4th for a complete unfill for surgery on the 9th. My fill Doc wants me to talk to my Surgeon on the 2nd about moving my port. My port is trying to go under my ribs right now and it is getting really hard for him to find it, he kind has to push it down. I can feel it at time when I am laying down, it will pop in and out from under my ribs, WEIRD feeling! He is wanting him to move it a little left of the middle of my tummy. I was just wondering if any one who has had a Tummy Tuck, did you have to have your port moved?


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ok Miss Debbie! UPDATE!

I did get a unfill today, was very tight. I am going to go back on March 4th for a complete unfill for surgery on the 9th. My fill Doc wants me to talk to my Surgeon on the 2nd about moving my port. My port is trying to go under my ribs right now and it is getting really hard for him to find it, he kind has to push it down. I can feel it at time when I am laying down, it will pop in and out from under my ribs, WEIRD feeling! He is wanting him to move it a little left of the middle of my tummy. I was just wondering if any one who has had a Tummy Tuck, did you have to have your port moved?




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Thanks Pammie!

I would have like to had about 15 more pounds off before doing this, but if I dont do it now, I would have to wait until October to take the two weeks off from work and I just dont want to wait! I have an apron and it is really hard to do exercise. I had a C-section 14 years ago and I have ALWAYS been a big YOYO dieter, so nothing has tightend up, no matter how hard I work with the exercise! This should allow me to really kick butt and get me to my goal!

Thanks again Pammie!


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I didnt read all the posts (sick today and no attention span). I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS! You have no idea how great this is going to be for you! It is amazing. Honestly, how good you think youare going to look and feel about yourself - it will actually be 100 times better ;) take it from someone whos had it all done lol

I am so excited for you - this is fantastic news!

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Sooo very jealous I can't wait to hear how it goes! I really want to get some lipo and possibly a tummy tuck but I just can't afford it now. Not sure exactly what I need. I don't have that "apron" of skin, but I have this wierd spare tire looking thing that is above my belly button. Looks like I always have a muffin top even when i'm not wearing anything tight. :angry: Not sure what procedure i'll need for that.

Can't wait to hear all about it that will be here quick! But that is good - that way you don't have a lot of time to stew about it. Good luck!!

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