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Melanie AKA Skymoon1982 from Youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/skymoon1982#p/u/2/eqBaO_RGv2I mentioned that a plastic surgeon recommended products from this web site to aid in the healing of scars:


I am going to order some stuff from here myself since she really liked here consultation with him at the Las Vegas WLS meet & greet.

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Good Morning Believe09,

So, what I have used in all the surgeries I have had is Vitamin E oil. I have so many scars and they all seem to be very minimal compared to what they could be.

I have a scar on my neck from my Thyroidectomy in Nov 06 and most people don't even see it or notice because it is so faint. Even 6 months after it, they didn't notice and I have to have all my stitches be the removable kind since I am allergic to dis-solvable stitches.

I fully believe in Vitamin E oil. :)



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I tend to keloid and for now am trying Mederma and bio-oil. Dr. So recommended Conractubex but that's only available in Canada and Mexico. I guess it's like Mederma but with Heparin in it. I'm going to try to get some when I get my fill.

I'm pretty amazed at how good the incisions look. Nice and clean.

I hope Kristi doesn't mind me saying this, but she showed me her incisions yesterday and I couldn't see them.

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Of course I don't mind. I can see my scars, but like I said I used and love my Vitamin E oil.

Maderma didn't do anything for me when I tried it in 2004 so I have stuck to the E oil.



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Of course I don't mind. I can see my scars, but like I said I used and love my Vitamin E oil.

Maderma didn't do anything for me when I tried it in 2004 so I have stuck to the E oil.



What time frame are we talking about? How long did it take you to reduce the scarring with Vitamin E oil? How long did you use Merderma? How long should you try something before you know it is working or not?

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From what I can tell you are to apply Mederma 3x a day for a few months on new scars. I threw away the box so I can't be sure.

Also, bio-oil is available at wal-mart. I bought some yesterday.

"as a side note, those with a darker completion have a higher tendency to have a more obvious scar, and it doesn't fade nearly as quickly as us fair skinned people."

Yah, rub it in Lindsay.. but we look tanned in the summer! ;)

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bio oil.

no doubt!

as a side note, those with a darker completion have a higher tendency to have a more obvious scar, and it doesn't fade nearly as quickly as us fair skinned people.

Add that to the (short) list of reasons it is great to be completely white with no tan whatsoever! lol. :lol:

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too funny!

i always wished I had naturally olive skin, like my best friend who's Portuguese, and always looks dark next to me, and my dutch skin!

I haven't put anything on my scars, and they're barely noticeable.

And it's been a year (on the 10th!)

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