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Anyone getting fills in Orange County or San Diego

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My name is Heidi and I'm thinking of getting a lap band by Dr Ortiz. I am wondering if anyone is getting fills by another doctor in San Diego or

Orange County? I don't know if I want to keep going over the boarder to get this done.



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Hi Ashley,

What part of SD do you live in? You look amazing. I had a friend who was banded by Dr Ortiz about four years ago. I was going to use a surgeon in SD.

I am just kind of on the fence about Mexico in case I have any problems. Did you have any complications aferward? I have two kids under four and it

would be hard from me to go back and forth to TJ if I had a problem. What kind of hours does the OCC keep?


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Hi Ashley,

What part of SD do you live in? You look amazing. I had a friend who was banded by Dr Ortiz about four years ago. I was going to use a surgeon in SD.

I am just kind of on the fence about Mexico in case I have any problems. Did you have any complications aferward? I have two kids under four and it

would be hard from me to go back and forth to TJ if I had a problem. What kind of hours does the OCC keep?



Thanks for the compliment girl. I am coming on up my year anniversary in a few days. It has sure gone by fast! My good friend was banded a year before me. I started being around her a lot and just knew I had to get banded too. It is definitely worth it. I feel so much better now. I am in Mira Mesa in San Diego. What part of San Diego are you in? I know it is hard going back and forth to the OCC, but if you have someone to go with you it makes things so much easier. I am not sure of their weekly hours, but I usually go in for a fill on a Saturday. I had no complications afterward, just a little gas. In fact, I came home to San Diego the same day of surgery and really felt like I had not had surgery. It was a piece of cake. I am very fortunate though because some people take longer to heal. Honestly, I am so happy and I would recommend Dr. Ortiz to anyone. Please email me if you have any questions sweetie.


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I think the minimal hassle of going in and out of TJ is worth going to Dr. Ortiz to get it under fluoro. For some amount extra you can have a driver pick you up and take you to your car at Border Station Parking.

If you are going to stay in San Diego or OC for fills, just make sure they have fluoro. Many people do have success with blind fills though.

I also suggest making an appointment with Dr. Ortiz for a consult since you live so close. You'll be put at ease when you see the facility and he was very thorough in answering my questions. Didn't rush me at all.

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Thanks everyone for the information. I probably would just go back to the OCC for my fills. I have a BMI of 30 and would love to lose 50 to 60 pounds.

I am 41, 5'8 and 205. I have a friend who was banded by Dr Ortiz about four years ago. She was very happy with him. So far are you all happy you did this and happy with the OCC? You can't beat the price. I am a little scared of going into Mexico to have this done, but I haven't seen anyone say they had a bad experience. My mother HATES Mexico and would have a fit if she knew I went down there to do this. She sends me newspaper clippings on the violence in Mexico all the time, since my husband goes down there to surf.

My husband is a firefighter in the South Bay about 12 miles from the boarder. I was thinking I could meet him when he gets off work at 7:30am and have him go with me for fills. Do you feel safe going to the office by yourself?

Also, I have two kids under 3 1/2. How much recovery time would I need?


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Hi Heidi,

I live in San Diego and go to the OCC each time I need anything. It is simple and you really have no worries. I am actually going to Mexico this weekend for a PS consult and also the following weekend to the OCC for a fill.

WOW you look amazing girl. Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I was thinking I could meet him when he gets off work at 7:30am and have him go with me for fills. Do you feel safe going to the office by yourself?

Also, I have two kids under 3 1/2. How much recovery time would I need?


I highly recommend going in beforehand for a consult. It will allay so many of your fears, including your mother's. My husband was afraid and against having surgery in Mexico but when we went for a consult he became their biggest cheerleader. After seeing their facility I started comparing every other medical facility I went to to it. We took our son to a specialist and I pointed out to the doctor how dirty his floors were. I'm sure he really appreciated that. :P

Some women have gone alone. It is easy to cross the border, go to the McDonald's and take the cab they recommend (I forgot what color they are) and go to the office. Then they arrange a taxi ride back. However, I'm a chicken and don't even walk alone in certain areas here in the US and am always checking out who is around me when I'm in the parking lot. Also, your husband may enjoy watching your fill. Well, maybe not "enjoy". Also, sometimes the wait to walk across the border into the US can be looooong but you can hire a driver to take you across. It cost us $15. They're hanging out next to the line.

As far as recovery, I know someone who had surgery the same day as I and was playing tennis in less than 3 weeks. I was having a difficult time bending until just recently. But I think my pain was due to the cold I caught and all the sneezing and coughing I had done. My incisions weren't able to just chill for almost 2 weeks after surgery. I'd have to sit down and curl up if I felt a sneeze or cough come on. I've had worse pain though. And NO heavy lifting for some time. So, you'll have to sit down first to hold the babies. I've seen what happens when someone lifts while having an incision. Trust me, you don't want to spend weeks packing gauze into a surgery hole. Barf.

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WOW you look amazing girl. Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks girl. It has been hard work. You are the one who looks amazing!!! I have such faith in you that you will lose all of your weight without a fill. That is so awesome! I would never be able to do that. My Bandiversary is in 7 days and Lord knows I still struggle with my eating habits. I have only had 2 fills and believe its time for a third one and am going next weekend. I am hoping to do some PS (lipo) within the month!!

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