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Feel like I've lost two years

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I got banded in September of 2007 at 307 lbs... currently I'm waffling around 300 lbs. I was down near 260 for a while, and then I found out my band too tight, and had to be completely unfilled... and gained 30+ lbs. now I have a fill again, and I lost a few lbs, and then gained them back, and now I'm so frustrated and mad at myself.

I was so hopeful when I got the band that I would be down in the 100s by now. Even the upper 100s would have made me a happy little camper! Now I feel like I've spent the last two years doing NOTHING, which I know is not true, but the result is the same.

I know the band is a tool and not a magic want. The problem is, I feel like I've completely forgotten how to wield it properly. I may or may not have proper restriction right now, as I'm honestly a bit scared to get too tight again. I know that more than another fill, I need to learn how to control myself. Portion control, calorie counting, cutting out certain foods, exercising, I know in theory how to work the band properly. The problem is putting all of the rules into practice. I could join Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Slim 4 Life, or any other program out there, but I KNOW THE RULES. My problem is following them!

I think that a part of my problem is simply that I cannot eat all of the foods that are low in calorie and/or good for you. I suffer from IBS, and even though it is 99% under control right now, it's under control because I don't eat things like raw veggies, popcorn, and other gut-destroying foods like raisin bran and other whole wheat products. I can't eat fruits high in citric acid, which cuts out a lot of yummy options. I don't cook, and I'm bored with frozen foods.

So many people on this list are SO SUCCESSFUL and I have to admit - I'm jealous. If I asked how you did it, you'd probably respond "I ate the right things, exercised, and worked hard."

I think I need a kick in my plus-sized pants. My mom isn't losing any weight either, and I think she's doing the same things. Neither of us are working out at the moment (though I was losing weight when I was working out on the Wii...) and we eat the same foods.

I'm turning 30 in 2 weeks, and though I'm very happy with myself (ignoring the whole part where I lost my job and had to move in with my MOTHER at 28!) for the most part, I'm frustrated that I went through all the trouble to have surgery and I'm not working the band like I should.

Do I regret having the band? Heck no. I'd probably be 400 lbs by now if i hadn't. At the very least, it keeps my weight stable. Now I need to work on getting it DOWN.

I could use a motivational speech, a success story, a plan, an idea, or just someone to tell me to get off my butt and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

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sad.gif I'm so sorry to hear that. It does seem like you're being truthful with yourself about what you're doing wrong. You say you don't cook and don't like frozen foods. Does that mean drive-thru? You said you and your mom eat the same foods. I think you need only to look and see that she's doing the same things as you without success to have the confirmation you need. It's not going to be easy to do something different than your mom because she's probably supportive (even if silently) of what you're doing wrong. Kind of like a couple I know. Two chain smokers and one decided to quit. While the husband didn't put her down when she quit he did console her when she'd sneak a cigarette and sympathize with her and pretty much helped ease her right back into smoking. You and your mom may kinda be doing that for each other.

In the few days I've been on solids I can tell that having something ..ermm.. more firm(?) helps. Last night I ate steamed broccoli and that seemed to do the trick. I'm having some fruit with breakfast and some meat. I'm going to buy some lunchmeat so I can eat a slice with my oatmeal. For lunch I had some edamame with my tomato pie. I know you have IBS but maybe there's somethng you can do. I finely chopped some kale and put it into my tomato pie.

Looks like you are going to have to extricate yourself from this cozy trap you've fallen into with your mom and get to work. You may find that you motivate her too. You say you're bored with frozen foods and don't cook, well start cooking because you've left yourself very few options. Find a few easy recipes that are tasty (tomato pie) and do it. I only know of one person who didn't cook but didn't eat frozen food and lost weight. Not sure how you feel about having Subway sandwiches for the rest of your life though.

I'm beginning to realize that if my band is going to work, I'm going to have to work it. I could totally get around this band. It's gonna take work roo and I know that the extra weight makes some of us soooo tired but you have to do it. That weight is going to be an anchor as you get older and cause you so much pain.

I really need to blog about my friend who's been in the hospital and docs aren't sure if she's coming out. Why is she there? Something to do with weighing nearly 400 lbs. She said she's given up and tired of fighting. It's not her first time in the hospital either. So, she's chosen death over diet and exercise. And she thinks I'm nuts for getting banded.

You wanted honesty. I hope that's not too much. sad.gif I'm just so desperate for all of us to succeed and see for myself how easy it is to fail. But also see the successes and know they didn't come by it without some sacrifice. I guess that's it. What are we willing to sacrifice? The money and surgery were easy. That wasn't sacrificing that much of ourselves. But getting off our butts and denying ourselves goodies?! Hmm.

Anway, Blessings to you and your mom and I'll say a prayer for your success.

Also, if you see me backsliding and making excuses.. please kick my arse. HARD!

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Actually, I almost NEVER eat fast food, and when I do, it's grilled chicken / baked potato type stuff. I never ever eat anything fried (IBS + fried food = OUCHY) or super high in fat.

I have two major problems.

1) I snack at work to keep myself going. I have yet to find a good low-fat snack that I can eat over an afternoon. I bag of popcorn would do it if I could eat popcorn, but I can't... I am currently using wheat thins as my snack of choice.

2) I suck at portion control. While eating good solid foods helps a lot, I don't always eat good solid foods. For dinner, I love cottage cheese with sliced peaches. But I go way over the cup I'm supposed to be eating.

For breakfast, I usually have cup of purple grapes & cheese cubes.

At work, I buy lunch. It's usually fairly healthy, and my portions are usually pretty good. It's the afternoon snacking that kills me (see #1 above). My work can be incredibly dull, and I feel like if I'm not shoving something into my mouth, I will take an involuntary nap.

At home, I have cottage cheese, fruit cups in light syrup, low fat / sugar free pudding, lunchables (turkey or chicken), or sometimes a frozen meal. If I had any one of these, I'd be fine. it's the grazing throughout the night that kills me. I just always seem either hungry or munchy. I TRY to realize when I'm really thirsty and drink water instead, but it doesn't always work.

I think if I'd get back into a workout routine, it would help a lot. After I ranted at myself earlier, I went downstairs and put in "Sweatin' to the Oldies 1." A serious flashback, but at least I don't die while doing the workout!

Mom and I rarely eat together, so even though we have the same bad behaviors, I don't think it should be too hard to break out of that mold if I make myself do it. Maybe I need a food schedule... like 1 cup of veggies at 3 pm, 1 cup of fruit at 6 pm... something like that. I don't know.


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2) I suck at portion control. While eating good solid foods helps a lot, I don't always eat good solid foods. For dinner, I love cottage cheese with sliced peaches. But I go way over the cup I'm supposed to be eating.

This seems to be a no brainer. If you are not eating solid foods, and solid foods help your portion control, then it is time to start eating solid foods and skip the mushies. The band works with solid foods, so it's time to start eating solid foods instead of mushies. :)

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Totally agree on the solid foods - with the cottage cheese and peaches you are not utilizing your band and are eating slider foods. For me, I stay full longest when I do protein - tuna and cubed ham are the best for me. I also utilize the fiber choice tablets in the afternoon when I get hungry.

I know you and your mom aren't around each other a lot, but you can still keep each other accountable and keep up on each other. I have a friend that is an hour from me and we email each other each week and talk about what workouts we did and how we did each week. Also, journaling each day on this board also helps to keep me accountable.

The only other thing I can say is just to go back and try to act like you are on your first day of solids. Get back to basics and start all over. That really helps me get motivated.

Like my doctor told me, the band does 30% of the work and the rest is up to us. It's tough, but you can do it!!! Keep your chin up!!!

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I agree you must eat solids and good for you food.

The truth here is you know exactly what to do - you've been with us a long time, and have been on the boards since you began, and a member of our family.

Here's what I recomend. First of all go into the bathroom, shut the door - (and this is what I did) strip down and take a good look at yourself and have true conversion. Ask yourself if this is what you want to be for the rest of your life? Is this what I deserve? You're still young, you are at a new beginning. You need to make a commitement and stay true to it.

I know to maintain and lose weight how many calories you have consume, I know how many you have to eat to gain. Do you really understand what you are eating? If you don't start tracking your food and be honest and true in regards to what you put down.

Eat your food, you don't need snacks, the only thing they are doing for you is making you obese and unhealthy. At this time, I would recomend eating three healty meals a day, portion controled - theres so much information in regads to what to eat you just have to search if you want to do it. (Portion control is a 1/4 measuring cup - use it, you can't say you suck at picking up a plastic cup - you can say you are defeatiing yourself if you don't). Drink water - add in lemon if you can.

If you can get a personal trainer - even for a short time to show how to exercise for your body. It will be one of the best investments you'll ever make.

You do need your butte' kicked, but the only one who can kick it is you. Start over, stop talking and start moving and eating right and you will succeed. If not, you will be that obese woman who can't move, can't enjoy life to the fullest and you will most likely be unhappy and unhealthy, thats not a fun life to live so get out of it and start working. It is a second job, its hard work but worth it. And most importantly you deserve it.

You can do it, good luck,


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Its a 1/4 cup portions, pretty standard measuring for bandsters.

So you start with a 1/4 cup of protein (salmon is my fav) 1/4 chopped vegs, 1/4 cup chopped fruit and 1/4 cup carbs if you have room. I will subsitute dairy for my cards as well.

And here's what do for my arms, I am into weight lifting - but I start every day off with 30 push ups and 30 sit ups and I don't include that as my workout - its my morning wake up.

I also do yoga and palates, they really can build the arms - and I do free weights about 3 times a week.

I'll PM you as well - I do a pretty standard free weight program.

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Since you seem to have this down (and good for you!), I have a question. Would you consider ground turkey to be a good food for a bandster? I can't eat red meat at all, so last night when the family made hamburger and Pork & Beans (an old family favorite), I had turkey & Pork & Beans. Low in fat & high in protein, though obviously not the MOST healthy meal ever, lol. I'm trying to replenish the fridge with more solids as I run out of the semi-solid type foods. And when my mom asked me if I was getting any ice cream at Costco, I reminded her that there was a good reason that neither of us is losing weight, and didn't buy any for either of us.

One of the "easy" foods that I enjoy are Lunchables snack packs. Turkey chunks, mozzerella cheese, and itty bitty ritz crackers. The Protein is filling and good for me, and the ritz crackers clog up my band just enough that I don't dare keep eating, lol. I need to work to add in more fruits and veggies, but for now, I guess portion control is A number 1.

Its a 1/4 cup portions, pretty standard measuring for bandsters.

So you start with a 1/4 cup of protein (salmon is my fav) 1/4 chopped vegs, 1/4 cup chopped fruit and 1/4 cup carbs if you have room. I will subsitute dairy for my cards as well.

And here's what do for my arms, I am into weight lifting - but I start every day off with 30 push ups and 30 sit ups and I don't include that as my workout - its my morning wake up.

I also do yoga and palates, they really can build the arms - and I do free weights about 3 times a week.

I'll PM you as well - I do a pretty standard free weight program.

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Beth, be careful Hon with the Lunchables as they are loaded in calories and fat usually. The lowest one I could find was the Ham one at 200 calories and 9 grams of fat. Try sticking to foods that are less then 8 grams of fat per serving.

You can also look up nutritional information on just about any brand or product at www.thedailyplate.com - it is a free site and the searchable database is UNBELIEVABLE! I just typed in lunchables and it came up with the nutritional info for all of them (calories, fat, protein, sodium, sugar, carbs, etc.)

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Hugs to you. Let me congradulate you for keeping your weight stable for 2.5 years and for getting the band. That IS not a decision any of us took lightly. I was banded in late May of 2009. I work for one of the weight loss programs you mentioned. I was shocked when I found out that my consultant had been banded and even more shocked when I learned my band isn't a conflict of interest AND there were even people in my new hire class that had been banded as well.

You are not alone, not at all. What you are going though is completely normal. Different people need different tools and strategies. Hang in there.


I got banded in September of 2007 at 307 lbs... currently I'm waffling around 300 lbs. I was down near 260 for a while, and then I found out my band too tight, and had to be completely unfilled... and gained 30+ lbs. now I have a fill again, and I lost a few lbs, and then gained them back, and now I'm so frustrated and mad at myself.

I was so hopeful when I got the band that I would be down in the 100s by now. Even the upper 100s would have made me a happy little camper! Now I feel like I've spent the last two years doing NOTHING, which I know is not true, but the result is the same.

I know the band is a tool and not a magic want. The problem is, I feel like I've completely forgotten how to wield it properly. I may or may not have proper restriction right now, as I'm honestly a bit scared to get too tight again. I know that more than another fill, I need to learn how to control myself. Portion control, calorie counting, cutting out certain foods, exercising, I know in theory how to work the band properly. The problem is putting all of the rules into practice. I could join Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Slim 4 Life, or any other program out there, but I KNOW THE RULES. My problem is following them!

I think that a part of my problem is simply that I cannot eat all of the foods that are low in calorie and/or good for you. I suffer from IBS, and even though it is 99% under control right now, it's under control because I don't eat things like raw veggies, popcorn, and other gut-destroying foods like raisin bran and other whole wheat products. I can't eat fruits high in citric acid, which cuts out a lot of yummy options. I don't cook, and I'm bored with frozen foods.

So many people on this list are SO SUCCESSFUL and I have to admit - I'm jealous. If I asked how you did it, you'd probably respond "I ate the right things, exercised, and worked hard."

I think I need a kick in my plus-sized pants. My mom isn't losing any weight either, and I think she's doing the same things. Neither of us are working out at the moment (though I was losing weight when I was working out on the Wii...) and we eat the same foods.

I'm turning 30 in 2 weeks, and though I'm very happy with myself (ignoring the whole part where I lost my job and had to move in with my MOTHER at 28!) for the most part, I'm frustrated that I went through all the trouble to have surgery and I'm not working the band like I should.

Do I regret having the band? Heck no. I'd probably be 400 lbs by now if i hadn't. At the very least, it keeps my weight stable. Now I need to work on getting it DOWN.

I could use a motivational speech, a success story, a plan, an idea, or just someone to tell me to get off my butt and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

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Beth, be careful Hon with the Lunchables as they are loaded in calories and fat usually. The lowest one I could find was the Ham one at 200 calories and 9 grams of fat. Try sticking to foods that are less then 8 grams of fat per serving.

I was thinking the same thing. I stopped giving them to my son when I found the pizza one was almost 700 calories. I don't know what the others are though.

Good for you LittleRoo on saying "no" to ice cream. Also, I ate turkey sausage and it went down fine. Seems everything is going down. I had some popcorn today, a piece of bread a few days ago, and some rice. Granted it's all small quantities and I chew chew chew, but no problem yet.

I don't know if you watched Dr. Miranda's webinar but I finally got a chance today. It was great. When she put up how much we are to eat in a day I was thinking I wouldn't be able to eat that much. Anyway, very good info on eating healthy. For now I'm trying to cut out processed foods where I can. They're still sneaking in but I am eating much less of them.

You'll get through this. It seems like you are really trying. Take some of your family favorite recipes and see if you can tweak them. Google them and add the words "weight watchers" or "low calorie".

Good luck!

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I don't eat a lot of the lunchables because of the calorie count, but I looked up the snack packs and the turkey/mozzarella are only 130 calories each, so eating the two pack is still only 260 calories. High in sodium? Um, yeah, but I don't add salt to anything that I eat, and my health stats are perfect (except for the fact that I'm super fat, of course!), so I can handle it once in a while.

I did a little better today. Not great, but better. Had purple grapes and cheese for breakfast (about 1 cup total). I did get some trail mix at work (my weakness), but much less than I usually get, so it's a start. Lunch was leftover turkey and pork & beans with cottage cheese. Dinner was two lunchable snack packs. Evening snack = 2 single servings of sugar free jello pudding. Yup, I know that some of those foods go straight through the band, but I went for the sugar free jello instead of the chocolate ice cream in the freezer. baby steps!

A few minutes ago I went to the kitchen and stared into the fridge, closed the door, and got a huge glass of ice water, because I recognized that I was thirsty, not hungry.

When I went to the big store today (that's what we call Costco & Sam's club!) I bought a package of baby bell cheeses. They are awesome for snacks because they are tiny but really fill you up. And - SOLID, unlike the cottage cheese, lol!

Tonight, instead of sitting on the sofa all night watching TV and surfing the web, I pulled out boxes of stuff that I'd moved back home with (yes, I had to move back in with my mother at 28, sigh) and they have yet to be unpacked. I went through a bunch of them and either tossed or sorted the stuff in them. Not only did I find things I'd been looking for, but I kept busy so I didn't do boredom eating, which is about 85% of what goes into my mouth.

I also pulled out my loom knitting stuff so I can start making scarfs again and keep my fingers busy and away from the snacky food.

So... small steps in the right direction with a long road left to walk!

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So... small steps in the right direction with a long road left to walk!

Sounds like you're on the right track then. I'm taking baby steps too. Well, baby waddles.. 20 lbs down and they'll be steps again. :P

You have me thinking about my 30 boxes in the garage I have yet to unpack. :( Dang.. now next time I'm hungry Ima have to go open one.

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I don't eat a lot of the lunchables because of the calorie count, but I looked up the snack packs and the turkey/mozzarella are only 130 calories each, so eating the two pack is still only 260 calories. High in sodium? Um, yeah, but I don't add salt to anything that I eat, and my health stats are perfect (except for the fact that I'm super fat, of course!), so I can handle it once in a while.

I did a little better today. Not great, but better. Had purple grapes and cheese for breakfast (about 1 cup total). I did get some trail mix at work (my weakness), but much less than I usually get, so it's a start. Lunch was leftover turkey and pork & beans with cottage cheese. Dinner was two lunchable snack packs. Evening snack = 2 single servings of sugar free jello pudding. Yup, I know that some of those foods go straight through the band, but I went for the sugar free jello instead of the chocolate ice cream in the freezer. baby steps!

A few minutes ago I went to the kitchen and stared into the fridge, closed the door, and got a huge glass of ice water, because I recognized that I was thirsty, not hungry.

When I went to the big store today (that's what we call Costco & Sam's club!) I bought a package of baby bell cheeses. They are awesome for snacks because they are tiny but really fill you up. And - SOLID, unlike the cottage cheese, lol!

Tonight, instead of sitting on the sofa all night watching TV and surfing the web, I pulled out boxes of stuff that I'd moved back home with (yes, I had to move back in with my mother at 28, sigh) and they have yet to be unpacked. I went through a bunch of them and either tossed or sorted the stuff in them. Not only did I find things I'd been looking for, but I kept busy so I didn't do boredom eating, which is about 85% of what goes into my mouth.

I also pulled out my loom knitting stuff so I can start making scarfs again and keep my fingers busy and away from the snacky food.

So... small steps in the right direction with a long road left to walk!

I've been following this thread and I'm so proud of you! First for admitting you have a problem and second for writing everything you've eaten and being accountable for it. That's something I haven't been ready to do yet, but I admire you for doing it.

Baby steps are good. You're making an effort and I think it will pay off.

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Do I have this down, yah - the truth is I do. And what does that tell me - if I can do it - anyone can. I sucked at every diet out there - was obese so long that it was scary and I was close to 300. I had an opertunaty that allowed me to learn with one of the best Doctors out there. (Dr Andrew Weil) And I took classed to help me learn how to live healthier (I have 18 years on you - so its harder for us older gals)

I agree, the lunchables are loaded with chemicals, I stay away from things that are processed. Ground turkey is good, I would also soak things in broth. I would cook chicken (dark pieces) in chicken broth (leave the skin on to keep it moiste) throw in the herbs, spices and veggies and freeze sandwich bags of portions to take to work. I'd cook beef and soak it in broth. You can make meat soft and moist this way.

I don't eat any fat free food, I eat small portions and need the fat - good fat though. I cook in oil oil and always go slow and chew the dickens out of your food - stop when you feel that tight feeling and it may be fast - learn what your stopping points are by really listening to your body. Thats why you have to measure - I've taken many a lap band girl out to lunch and when we measure and really look at what we should be eating they are often surprised - you can force food in your pouch - but it defeats the purpose.

Fish is always good, steamed its moist and soft for us - with garlic and lemon, its a no brainer. Trador Joes if you have one should be your new best friend. They have great food thats good for you at good prices. (the frozed food section is awsome) Really cut your food up in small portions, think of chop salad, and small bites.

Smoked salmon, high protein and with red onions, cream cheese, lemon and little toasted rye breaks - you have a great lunch. Its hard to learn how to eat meat - but we need to do it, and its doable for most of us.

One cheap exercise tip - get one of those big balls and start by sitting on it - just sitting on the thing builds your core - I did it for 3 years. It really helped to slowly build your way to more exercise.

Its doable for you - give it a go!

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Do I have this down, yah - the truth is I do. And what does that tell me - if I can do it - anyone can. I sucked at every diet out there - was obese so long that it was scary and I was close to 300. I had an opertunaty that allowed me to learn with one of the best Doctors out there. (Dr Andrew Weil) And I took classed to help me learn how to live healthier (I have 18 years on you - so its harder for us older gals)

I agree, the lunchables are loaded with chemicals, I stay away from things that are processed. Ground turkey is good, I would also soak things in broth. I would cook chicken (dark pieces) in chicken broth (leave the skin on to keep it moiste) throw in the herbs, spices and veggies and freeze sandwich bags of portions to take to work. I'd cook beef and soak it in broth. You can make meat soft and moist this way.

I don't eat any fat free food, I eat small portions and need the fat - good fat though. I cook in oil oil and always go slow and chew the dickens out of your food - stop when you feel that tight feeling and it may be fast - learn what your stopping points are by really listening to your body. Thats why you have to measure - I've taken many a lap band girl out to lunch and when we measure and really look at what we should be eating they are often surprised - you can force food in your pouch - but it defeats the purpose.

Fish is always good, steamed its moist and soft for us - with garlic and lemon, its a no brainer. Trador Joes if you have one should be your new best friend. They have great food thats good for you at good prices. (the frozed food section is awsome) Really cut your food up in small portions, think of chop salad, and small bites.

Smoked salmon, high protein and with red onions, cream cheese, lemon and little toasted rye breaks - you have a great lunch. Its hard to learn how to eat meat - but we need to do it, and its doable for most of us.

One cheap exercise tip - get one of those big balls and start by sitting on it - just sitting on the thing builds your core - I did it for 3 years. It really helped to slowly build your way to more exercise.

Its doable for you - give it a go!

Lisa Thanks for these great tips. I have been at a plateu for 7 months and I now know that its on me to do something about it. The days that I have been doing my exercises I was ok and once I stopped It all started to gain up on me again. I have also need to start chewing better and portion control. Again thanks.

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